Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1489: key weakness

The Yuzhou was indeed sunk by an alien submarine, but the Yuzhou had a freeboard height of 34 meters, half of it was submerged underwater, and the other half was still on the surface, so it was completely unsinkable.

Moreover, the engine room is located at the rear, separated from the ruptured area by a watertight compartment, and the power system is not affected by water at all.

At the moment, the Yuzhou is not delayed except that it cannot move. If a few salvage boats come to lift the Yuzhou out of the water and repair the damage, it will be able to sail on its own power immediately.

However, the Yuzhou was not all wounded. The second impact of the alien submarine penetrated the bottom of the Yuzhou, and thick heavy oil poured out from the ruptured port side, polluting a large area of ​​the sea - Yuzhou Originally a super tanker, it was requisitioned by the military after the outbreak of the war and converted into an aircraft carrier.

Because Yuzhou was born improperly, it is just a conventional-powered aircraft carrier carrying a lot of fuel, not a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier that can run for 30 years with one refueling.

The damage to the Yuzhou was not serious, but it looked very serious. The friendly troops on the shore looked anxious, and the aliens underwater were even more excited.

Yun Bo doesn't know if aliens will be depressed if they know the truth, but it's definitely not happy.

Yuzhou finally stabilized, Yun Bo just got up from the ground when he saw an alien submarine floating on the sea not far away.

This scene was like pouring a basin of ice water on Yun Bo's head, so cold that he fought a cold war, almost instinctively roaring loudly: "Alien, aliens are coming! The gunner will immediately distribute weapons, all People are ready to fight!"

He didn't know if the aliens would attack Yuzhou, but it was definitely not a good thing for an enemy ship to float near Yuzhou, and he had to be prepared to deal with the attack.

"Yes!" The bridge officer also realized that the situation was serious, agreed in unison, and immediately conveyed the order.

The sailors in various positions on the ship quickly received orders. Although they didn't know what happened, except for the posts that they couldn't leave, everyone immediately rushed to the gun depot to receive their own weapons.

Warships are usually armed with small arms, in other words, one gun per person.

However, it is generally not necessary to carry weapons on a warship. Only captains, motorized infantrymen and guards in a few important areas carry guns with them. Others can only receive guns and ammunition in rare special circumstances.

Now, it's the special case of needing to pick up a firearm.

More than 2,000 people in the whole ship flocked to the gun storage, and only a dozen or so special forces rushed to the deck.

Since the start of the battle, the special forces members have put on power armor and are fully armed to prepare for battle. They don't have to collect guns and ammunition, but they have to rush to the battlefield as soon as possible.

When a soldier eats food, what he does is desperate work, even if there is a complaint, he has to hold it in his heart.

More than 30 special forces members went upstream and quickly rushed to the flight deck, but they were not together when they received the order, and the position of the upper deck was different.

Captain Fang Xiaoqiang saw the enemy ship on the sea at a glance, and his eyebrows twitched immediately.

Before, the aliens were hiding underwater and attacking, but now they have surfaced on the water... Could it be that the aliens want to fight with a clear sword?

Before he could figure out a clue, several firelights suddenly fell from the air, and the enemy ship that floated to the surface in the middle, seven or eight water columns rose into the sky, and the soldiers seemed to hear the crisp sound of the explosion in the sound of the sea.

The height of the water column fell again, and the shadow of the enemy ship was no longer visible on the water.

Fang Xiaoqiang let out a sigh of relief, and even suffered seven or eight electromagnetic artillery shells, no matter how powerful the alien battleship is, it should be finished. This wave of support is really timely!

If Dou Gaoyang knew what Fang Xiaoqiang was thinking, he would definitely say something: "Could it be late, I'll keep an eye on him as soon as he floats up, if it wasn't for the purpose of aiming more accurately, the shells would have shot up early in the morning, where would it be? Can you wait until this time?"

No matter what, the disappearance of the enemy ship made Yuzhou relieved. Who is willing to fight with the enemy if they don't work hard?

But Yuzhou was too happy. Qionghe had just sunk the enemy ship when the sonar found a large number of unknown echoes.

The sonar soldier couldn't hear what the echo was about, but the echo was represented on the monitor as a tiny blob of light.

He hurriedly reported the situation to Yunbo, but Yunbo didn't understand what the sonar had found. Could it be a group of big fish?

Thinking of this, Yun Bo suddenly woke up and shouted out of control: "Bug, it must be a worm, everyone is ready to fight—"

As soon as the words fell, the spot of light had already swam to the vicinity of the Yuzhou. A group of blue-gray giant insects with a length of nearly four meters, bodies as thick as a water tank, and shapes very similar to lobsters surfaced.

They beat the hull hard with their stout giant claws, like a group of primitive people beat drums, bang dong dong.

Fang Xiaoqiang's eyes straightened, but he couldn't help laughing very quickly: "Ri. You are the old man, I will see how you climb up!"

The soldiers couldn't help laughing.

They couldn't help laughing, these oversized lobsters obviously wanted to climb up, but the deck was still 16 or 7 meters above the sea, which was five or six stories high, and there was no place to rest on the hull, exhausting these clumsy lobsters. Big guy, don't even want to climb onto the boat.

Yun Bo in the bridge also breathed a sigh of relief. If the aliens only sent this lame worm over, it would not be a problem to defend the Yuzhou.

At this time, the first group of soldiers who received weapons rushed onto the deck and ran to the edge of the deck to look down, and they were all stunned by the scene below.

Yun Bo saw the sailors running on the deck, and immediately jumped in anger: "What are you doing on the deck? Let Lao Tzu withdraw to guard the exit!"

It's not worth the effort to fight the giant insects on the flight deck, and there is no need for it. It is only reasonable to withdraw people into the battleship and guard the passage.

As soon as the soldiers got on deck, they received a new order from the bridge and quickly withdrew.

Soldiers are not Of course, they know that guarding the exit is much safer than deck confrontation.

There were more and more giant insects gathered near the Yuzhou, and Fang Xiaoqiang suddenly found that the shrimp insects on the water seemed to be rising.

He couldn't believe his eyes, and when he looked closely, he was stunned to find that the shrimp worms gathered underwater were struggling to rise up, pushing the top companion out of the water.

Well, the idea is good, but what about sixteen or seventeen meters?

Just thinking about this, Yun Bo's anxious order suddenly came over the radio: "Special forces, go back to the anti-lift immediately!"

Fang Xiaoqiang's heart skipped a beat, and he ran to the lift. Others also heard the order, and all the special forces members rushed to the elevator for the first time.

The elevator connects the hangar and the flight deck. After the thing sinks, it is just flush with the hangar exit, and the vertical distance between the hangar exit and the deck is twelve meters. (https://) "Carapace Frenzy" only represents the author's view of Metal Crack. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position of https:// is only committed to providing healthy and green reading. platform. 【】,thank you all!

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