Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1490: Block it first

In other words, the height difference between the exit of the hangar and the sea surface is only five meters. More importantly, in order to rush work, Yuzhou adopts an open hangar design. The hangar door is pitifully thin, which can be said to be the weakest ship. s position.

Although the flight deck of the hangar is much smaller, it is also a straight-through design. As long as the giant shrimp rushes into the hangar, it is equivalent to occupying half of the Yuzhou. At that time, the aliens can attack and retreat and defend, and it is only a matter of time before they completely occupy the Yuzhou.

In any case, the enemy cannot be allowed to occupy the hangar!

The elevator was on the starboard side. Fang Xiaoqiang saw the elevator parked on the flight deck before he could reach the place.

This discovery made him a little relieved. Since the elevator has not been put down, the hatch of the hangar should be closed. Although the thin layer of iron can't stop the giant shrimp, the layer of iron is more or less a cover. Before the aliens found the problem , and there is an opportunity to make amends.

Rushing to the edge of the deck, Fang Xiaoqiang immediately lay down on the deck and looked down with a probe. The hangar door was indeed closed, but the giant shrimp was slowly floating, less than a meter away from the hatch, and their giant claws kept moving. Knock on the hull, according to the floating speed of the giant shrimp, it won't take long to knock on the hatch.

At that time, the hatch will have to let these **** bugs smash out of the hole.

Fang Xiaoqiang's first reaction was that the horses and the soldiers rushed to the hangar, but the internal passages of the aircraft carrier are complicated, and it takes a minute or two to reach the hangar by taking the most convenient shortcut. , it is difficult to drive them out again.

At the critical moment, Fang Xiaoqiang became anxious and shouted on the radio almost frantically: "Put the elevator down, the horse will put the elevator down—"

Yun Bo almost died of anger: "Fang Xiaoqiang, you are confused, what lift is there at this time?"

"Captain, I don't have time to explain to you, listen to me, put the elevator down, don't go to the bottom, leave a meter!"

Yun Bo was angry: "Damn, you didn't say it earlier!" He is not mentally retarded, Fang Xiaoqiang said to stay one meter away, he immediately understood the meaning of the words.

With the size of the giant shrimp, it is difficult to get into the gap of one meter. After the elevator is lowered, the giant shrimp has to walk around from both sides, otherwise it will not be able to enter the hangar at all.

And the giant shrimp has no intelligence. If you are lucky, maybe the swarm will ignore the hatch and continue to climb!

Of course, Yun Bo also knew that this was impossible, but he couldn't help but think so.

After the order was issued, the two lifts immediately began to descend. Fang Xiaoqiang wanted to rush to the hangar with his troops, but he gave up the idea after thinking about it. He leaned on the edge of the deck and looked down, took off the grenade and pulled open the pull ring: "Throw Grenade—"

While shouting, he threw a grenade at the giant shrimp.

The soldiers woke up like a dream, and immediately took off the grenades and threw them down.

Immediately below deck came a series of explosions.

The soldiers threw not only high-explosive steel ball grenades, but also several specially-made incendiary grenades. The former hit a few holes in the body of the giant shrimp at most, and this damage was too strong for the giant shrimp.

But those burning grenades were different. The burning agent fell on the giant shrimp and burned violently. The temperature reached more than 1,000 degrees in an instant. The blue-grey shell of the giant shrimp quickly turned red under the action of high temperature, which means the seafood is cooked. Unique color!

I don't know if it was due to underdeveloped nerves or something else, but the giant shrimp dipped in flames didn't care about the burning flames, and continued to knock on the hull with all his heart.

Fang Xiaoqiang was in a hurry now, and he picked up the rifle in one go.

The 12.7mm warhead penetrated the target's carapace smoothly, but after several rounds of bullets, the giant shrimp was still like a bug.

At this time, a soldier took off the one-time individual rocket on his back with a backhand, and fired a high-explosive bomb. There was a loud explosion under the side of the ship. Fang Xiaoqiang stretched his head and looked again, almost touching the swarm of insects at the hangar door. That cannon blasted away, and a few weak giant shrimps were soaked in the water, waving their giant claws in vain, seeing that they could not survive.

Fang Xiaoqiang finally breathed a sigh of relief: "Leave the deck with the bazooka, others come with me!" After saying that, he took the lead and rushed into the nearby passage leading to the hangar.

Soon after, Fang Xiaoqiang led the soldiers to the hangar. Everyone was divided into two groups to guard the two cabin doors... There was a lift outside the cabin door. The giant shrimp attacked.

The second hatch was knocked open by the giant shrimp first, and half of the giant claws were directly embedded in the hatch. Fang Xiaoqiang, who came to hear the news, said nothing, aiming at the giant claws with a random gun, and the bullet immediately penetrated the shell of the giant claws... But it was of no use. The giant shrimp didn't know the pain at all. After pulling out the giant claws, it slammed the hatch on the hatch again.

Fang Xiaoqiang didn't take a breath, almost choked to death.

Having tasted the sweetness, the giant shrimp continued to knock on the cabin door, and quickly tore the cabin door to pieces, staring at the small black eyes looking into the hangar.

Fang Xiaoqiang seized the opportunity and shot the giant worm's forehead, instantly severing the giant shrimp's nerve center.

The giant shrimp that was still alive and kicking just now looked like an eggplant hit by frost. The worm legs and giant claws lost their support.

Fang Xiaoqiang put down his gun and stared at the dead giant shrimp for a while, feeling relieved.

I finally killed one, I knew where the weak point was, and the battle behind was easy to fight... At this time, another giant shrimp broke through the hatch, waving its giant claws, as if sending a gauntlet to everyone.

"Fire!" Fang Xiaoqiang roared, and took the lead to shoot at the giant shrimp, "Beat the head, and say hello to Lao Tzu!"

This thing is only similar to a lobster, and there are actually many differences. The real lobster on the head is much more conspicuous, or it takes a lot of work not only to aim.

The soldiers followed suit, and Ma Ding stopped the giant shrimp's brain and fired, and more than two dozen bullet beams passed through the hatch, forming a sparse fire.

There was a lively fight at the No. 2 door, and the No. 1 door was also breached by a giant shrimp. The soldiers blocked it with all their strength, and the deck also supported a few individual rockets from time to time. The two-pronged approach finally brought the problem under control near the elevator.

At this time, regardless of the safety of the elevator, rockets exploded one after another, and the shrapnel smashed the hull with a sound. The relatively fragile elevator, under the joint efforts of the enemy and ourselves, only persisted for a while and completely lay down. .

Fang Xiaoqiang almost lost his mind. Giant shrimps are not easy to deal with. If the hatches cannot be blocked, giant shrimps will continue to attack the hangar from here.

The problem was that Fang Xiaoqiang couldn't find anything that could block the hatch, so he took a step by step and blocked the swarm first.

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