Some book friends said that they finally reached the universe, and now they are back to earth, and the aircraft carrier has nothing to do with the overall situation, so it should be skipped quickly.

There is indeed some truth to this, but the meal has to be stuttered, and the road has to be taken step by step. If you continue to focus on the universe, then it will be an empty window for more than half a year. What happened during this time, and what is the situation?

War is not a matter of one person or a few people. I think some things should be explained, and by the way, take a break from writing too much space warfare.

To put it bluntly, when I wrote the five expeditions of Jupiter, I almost couldn’t keep going, because writing about space warfare is really too brain-intensive, and I’m not that kind of desperate writer. Where do I write, I am Physics scumbags have to think about whether they conform to the rules of physics, plus some housework, the whole person is exhausted physically and mentally.

Ground combat is relatively easy, and it keeps me recovering for a while, for whatever reason, I haven't moved the plot back to space lately.

Let's put it this way, there will be space battles in the future, but there are still ground battles. I'm sorry to the brothers who don't like the ground plot. Although there is not much content, if you really don't like it, just skip this volume.

When I plan to open a new volume in the future, I will briefly introduce the content of the new volume. Brothers who don't like it can skip it.

Finally, thanks to the brothers for their continuous support, there are still many pits left in this book, I think I should be able to persevere to the end.


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