Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1493: abandon ship

There are four sets of spare launchers in Yuzhou's inventory, but the time is too short. The soldiers only took out one set and rushed into battle. As a result, they were destroyed by the servants without a few deep shots, and the giant shrimp attacked the aircraft again. library.

At the critical moment, there was no hesitation, no hesitation, and no rhetoric. Several soldiers found another set of transmitters at the fastest speed, put on the electric car and drove to the lift.

There was a look of unbearableness in the eyes of the gunmaster, but he could only watch these young soldiers embark on their journey.

If there is enough time, he can completely change the depth bomb launcher to remote control to ensure the safety of personnel to the greatest extent, but now the most lack is time, and can only be filled with human life.

Everyone knew what the fate of this group of people was waiting for, and they didn't have time to think about the sadness. The other two groups rushed into the depths of the warehouse, found the remaining two launchers, and were ready to rush to the deck at any time.

There are several groups of people who are also ready to fight, but their weapons are not firearms, but various wrench screwdrivers... If all four launchers are destroyed, they will rush to the edge of the deck and put the deep hole fixed on the battle position. The bomb launcher was removed and continued to bombard the water.

Although the aircraft carrier relies on carrier-based aircraft to fight, the warship itself is also equipped with some weapons, but the concept of modern warfare emphasizes fighting outside the line of sight, so no weapon can deal with the swarms that are close at hand.

Otherwise, you can just use the deep bomb launcher fixed on the battleship directly.

The elevator went up to the flight deck, and the deep bomb team drove the electric car straight to the port side. At the same time, seven or eight people rushed to the deck from another exit with a general-purpose machine gun, and quickly set up the machine gun on the port side.

A group of sailors have already fallen on the deck, and there has been a lesson from the past. Naturally, the second group cannot be allowed to follow the same path as the first group. Therefore, Yun Bo received the news that the second group of deep bombs was about to board the deck, and immediately ordered the deployment of four. A machine gun group, and air defense positions are arranged on the upper deck.

There is no shortage of anti-aircraft weapons on the warship, even if it has a dozen or 20 aircraft, it is hard to say if it is close to the body of the aircraft carrier.

But the servants rushed out of the water, and the distance was too close, so the close-range artillery could start to work, and other weapons had to stand and watch, regardless of whether they were air-defense or not.

After thinking about it, only the machine gun can play a role, Yun Bo can only pull out the tall one, and send a few machine gun groups to the deck - the general-purpose machine gun is also called the light and heavy dual-purpose machine gun. How to deal with the servants, at least it can play a role in restraining, even if it buys a little time for the artillery team to escape!

The second group of deep bombs was in place, and the deep bombs were thrown into the sky one after another. The four machine gun groups and the close-in defense artillery were all ready to fire. As long as the servants appeared, they would immediately be attacked by the Yuzhou.

However, the Yuzhou is ready for battle, and the aliens are not idiots. This time the servants did not appear from the port side, but floated up from the starboard side. Although the close-up guns on the starboard side opened fire for the first time, there were still a few mercers. Sweeping through the second group of deep bombs, a soldier could not escape, and his legs were swept away by silk light.

The dense shells immediately swept to starboard, and the shells hit the servants in the air, blowing them into pieces in the air, and some of the shells got into the water, blasting rows of rushing water.

One of the shells hit the alien submarine just above the surface, and a faint flame burst out.

The flames are small and weak, but strong enough to ignite heavy fuel. Only a muffled sound was heard, and the fuel attached to the enemy ship ignited instantly, and then the flames quickly spread around. There is fire rising.

The fire burned directly to the Yuzhou, and the entire starboard side was surging with heat waves. The high temperature almost roasted the soldiers on the deck to death, forcing Yunbo to abandon the deck and withdraw all the soldiers on the deck into the battleship.

The deck is still like this, not to mention the giant shrimp gathered under the starboard side. The flames burned all the way to the giant shrimp along the oil film, instantly turning the giant shrimp into grilled shrimp.

However, heavy oil is really not suitable for barbecue. The cooked giant shrimp are mottled with black and red, and it seems that they can't raise their appetite at all.

Having said that, at this time, no matter how big the heart is, it is impossible for the foodie to think of this one.

The high temperature not only cooked the giant shrimp, but also burned the starboard side. First, the deep bomb launcher above the starboard side exploded under the high temperature roasting, and then the two close-up guns also became victims of the high temperature barbecue. Not a single weapon was left, and the starboard side entered the era of undefended.

Not only the weapons and equipment loaded with live ammunition, but also the equipment not attached to the weapons expanded and deformed in the high temperature, and even the paint surface of the battleship curled and peeled off in the high temperature.

The soaring flames stunned the troops on the shore, as well as Yun Bo and others in the bridge.

Yun Bo's heart suddenly rose to his throat, and he almost shouted for help.

I can't help shouting, the fuel is leaking from the oil depot. Once the fire burns into the oil depot, the consequences are completely conceivable.

But the flames spread so fast that Yun Bo didn't even have a chance to call to abandon the ship, and the fire burned into the Yuzhou.

Yun Bo sat down on the ground with his legs soft, and there were only two words left in his heart: It's over!

When the oil depot explodes, the best result is that the Yuzhou is severely damaged. Even if the battleship has already sunk and cannot be submerged by the sea, the explosion will blow up the damaged side of the ship. At that time, the swarm will flood into the battleship, which is not much different from the direct sinking of the battleship. .

At this moment, Yun Bo didn't know that a group of giant shrimps had already flooded into the battleship, groping forward in the dark cabin.

But after waiting for a while in depression, the expected explosion did not happen, and Yun Bo, who was almost desperate, suddenly came to life again, and shouted hoarsely: "Abandon the ship, abandon the ship immediately, Command, our ship is in critical condition and cannot continue to fight. , request fire cover!"

"The command understands!" Liu Huaidong replied in and immediately ordered after putting down the radio, "Contact Qionghe immediately, ask Qionghe for fire cover, order artillery, and surround Yuzhou with mines. !"

After the order was conveyed, the corresponding combat units were activated immediately. A batch of rockets flew over the Xidan Port and flew to the sky above the Yuzhou before they suddenly dispersed. The mines contained in the rockets were thrown into the water, and the rockets were surrounded by the Yuzhou. Forms a loose ring of defense.

Many mines smashed directly on the burning water, but the speed of the mines was very fast, and they fell into the water before being heated by the flames. .

However, after the mine was submerged, the flame on the mine was quickly suffocated and extinguished.

One of the mines landed just above the alien submarine and exploded as soon as it fell into the water.


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