Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1494: I order you to execute the order

The explosion set off not only the water column, but also a lot of burning heavy oil. The heavy oil was attached to the inside and outside of the water column. Even if it jumped into the sky, it still burned continuously, and then fell from the sky with the fall of the water column. On the flight deck, it burned silently and silently.

Yun Bo couldn't help but be frightened.

Fortunately, the order to abandon ship has just been issued; fortunately, the starboard side is burning, and the soldiers must be evacuated from the port side; fortunately, the lifeboats are all under the flight deck...

Fortunately, many of them were added together, and finally did not cause many casualties, but Yunbo also faced many problems.

The first is the issue of life-saving equipment. According to regulations, the life-saving equipment equipped on each warship must be twice as large as the number of people it carries. That is, if there are 2,000 people, there must be 4,000 life-saving positions, and they are placed on the left and right sides. In this way, even if one side is completely destroyed, the crew of the ship can leave from the other side.

The current situation of Yuzhou is like this. The starboard side is completely finished, and it must leave from the port side.

The problem is that there are all giant shrimps under the port side, each of which is waving the oversized shrimp tongs that are constantly opening and closing, looking up at the deck, eyeing the tiger, looking like a **** waiting for you to jump down and start a meal, whoever Seeing this scene, my heart is full of emptiness, and my legs are straddling the railing, but I just don't have the courage to jump off.

Let's start playing, there are so many mouths waiting, do you dare to jump down?

A soldier let go of the fixed equipment of the lifeboat, and the heavy lifeboat fell quickly with the sound of the rolling pulley, smashing **** the heads of several giant shrimps, and then there was no more. There came a three-five-five-two, and the lifeboat was just torn down with a slap in the face.

The soldiers saw eyeballs cramping, it was FRP, not a piece of broken wood that was soaked in sea water!

The lifeboats can't survive the shearing of giant shrimps, not to mention other inflatable life-saving valves, lifebuoys and life jackets. Whoever dares to wear those things will end up being buried in the belly of a shrimp.

You can even find a daring tailor to fight for the splintering of eight pieces and five horses. This is not even a chance to fight, okay? Even if all the giant shrimps were killed afterwards, all that should be digested were digested, and they couldn't be found.

Soldiers all know what's going on on the battlefield, and also know that the possibility of leaving a whole corpse is extremely small. To be honest, there are not many people who care about this, but they don't care about returning, let the shells smash and let the giant shrimp shred. Eating in the stomach is definitely two different things, okay?

When Yun Bo hurried to the port side, what he saw was such an embarrassing situation, Yun Bo couldn't help stunned, flustered and lost his opinion.

He never dreamed that one day he would encounter such a situation where he could not advance or retreat, but Yun Bo perfectly concealed his emotions-the soldiers were very excited, and there were already signs of confusion. He, the chief officer, has lost his position, and loss of control and chaos will be inevitable.

The most urgent task is to find a way out of danger. Only hope can calm people's hearts!

Thinking of this, a flash of lightning flashed across Yun Bo's mind. He immediately raised his arm and waved it hard at the soldiers: "Quiet, everyone, be quiet!"

The captain Yunbo still has some prestige. The nearby soldiers heard his shouts, gradually became quiet, and passed Yunbo's meaning to the comrades around him. The soldiers crowded together like dominoes, quickly calm down.

Yun Bo quietly breathed a sigh of relief, waved his arms and shouted: "Brothers, don't be discouraged, the hangar is still in our hands, we still have four helicopters, and we still have hope!"

The soldiers banged and almost didn't blow up the pot on the spot, and many people remembered the plane in the hangar.

Yun Bo strikes while the iron is hot: "Deputy captain, you can arrange it immediately, the ground crew will immediately send the plane to the deck, and then send someone to find the pilot, the sooner the better!"

The deputy captain agreed to send the order, Yun Bo changed his tone, and said: "Brothers, there are only four planes, even if they are dead, they can take a hundred people at a time, so I suggest evacuating first. The order of the female soldiers and the wounded, the evacuation order of the others is decided by lot, I will not participate in the lottery, as long as there is one person who does not leave, I will be nailed here!"

Yun Bo understands this very well, so even if he is reluctant and wants to leave immediately, he still makes the last promise to evacuate the battleship.

After saying this, all the tension disappeared, Yun Bo suddenly felt that his spirit seemed to have been sublimated, and even death became less terrifying.

He remembered reading a sentence on the Internet when he was young: Do you want to be a coward for a lifetime, or you want to be a hero, even if only for a minute.

Yun Bo feels that these words are a true reflection of his mood. In his more than 40 years of life, he has never been as calm as today, nor has he been as calm as now.

A thought suddenly appeared in his heart: Could this be the legend of seeing death as home?

Thinking about those careful thoughts before, Yun Bo suddenly felt that he was so ridiculous, didn't he just die? What's so scary?

At this moment, all the sailors who can see Yun Bo are all staring at the figure that is not stalwart, with admiration and respect in their eyes.

Soldiers are the courage of the generals and the soul of the soldiers. The two complement each other and are indispensable. Because of Yunbo's promise, the soldiers quickly calmed down, and the almost collapsed order miraculously recovered.

The other officers on the ship couldn't help looking at each other for a while when they heard Yun Bo's words.

The deputy captain was the first to make a statement: "Captain, we won't leave if you don't leave, and we will wait until the end to withdraw!"

If you ask the deputy captain what he really thinks in his heart, he will definitely say that the sooner he leaves, the better, but he just thinks about it in his heart, if the captain Yunbo doesn't withdraw, how can their subordinates withdraw? If you go first, won't people poke the spine for a lifetime?

Everyone is a professional soldier, and even if they don't reach the level of taking honor as their life, no one can stand that grievance.

No one didn't understand this truth, and after hearing the words, they all agreed, and all of them cursed and vowed to express their determination, rushing to advance and retreat with Yun Bo.

Unexpectedly, Yun Bo shook his head very resolutely: "I said Everyone except me cast lots, this is an order!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was silent, and many people were secretly happy. Although the lot may not be able to leave early, it is safer than waiting until the end, right?

The deputy captain's face changed a few times, gritted his teeth and said, "Captain, I give up the power to cast lots and leave with you."

Yun Bo showed a relaxed smile: "No need, I will take care of you, but you are an only child... Let's organize a lottery."


Yun Bo's face sank: "I order you, execute the order!"


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