Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1497: difficult evacuation

When the plane came to a stop, half of a soldier was hanging out of the elevator, and if he moved a little further, he would have to fall into the sea.

The soldier couldn't help but be afraid for a while... He had no idea when he dived under the reels of the plane, but he almost fell into the sea, which made him terrified.

The water is full of giant shrimp, and there is the home field of giant shrimp. If it falls, it is hard to say whether there is a chance to climb up.

Others also have lingering fears. Although they didn't see what happened on the starboard side, 80% of them were hit by an alien submarine. If the ground crew didn't strictly follow the regulations to fix the wheels of the helicopter, the plane would have to fall into the sea!

Soldiers withstood the aircraft, and finally pushed the helicopter onto the deck.

After working hard for so long, it was finally time for the first crew to evacuate, but the first batch of crew members were not wounded or female soldiers, but more than 100 great guys.

It's not that Yun Bo was fat, but he really didn't understand the underwater situation. After the helicopter left the ship, he was not sure what happened. It seemed that the first batch of people were evacuated, but the result was likely to be shot down by aliens. To be cautious, Only replaced by more than 100 sailors.

It is true that the situation of Yuzhou is very bad at the moment, but staying on the battleship for a while will not be dangerous, but if it is in the sky, it will be involuntarily.

As for the personal wishes of the soldiers, no one can take care of them. The highest efficiency and highest speed are all subject to military orders.

The helicopter finally started its engine, and the blades turned faster and faster, creating a huge downdraft, like a storm sweeping across the deck, causing the soldiers to stagger, and they had to tilt their bodies against the airflow in order to barely maintain their balance.

Even with so much trouble, the soldiers stood their ground and did not give the enemy any opportunity to take advantage.

The plane detached from the deck and raised its altitude while advancing along the deck, and the strong wind blew the fire in the direction of starboard.

By the time it left the flight deck, the helicopter had already achieved a moderate speed, drawing an arc in the air, bypassing the fire field on the sea, and flying directly to the equatorial base.

Everyone's heart tugged at their throats, vigilant eyes patrolling the sea restlessly, for fear of another alien warship appearing somewhere.

In order to prevent accidents, the helicopter deliberately lowered the flight height, and all the doors were not closed. The evacuated soldiers wore life jackets. If the situation was not right, they would immediately jump into the sea to escape.

In short, as long as all the methods that can be thought of have been used, if it is still impossible to safely withdraw to the base, everyone will accept their fate.

At this time, the helicopter from the equatorial base cut in from the rear of the Yuzhou and landed steadily on the deck, but the propeller did not stop, but kept spinning.

Although the four planes in front were still flying on the water, the arrow had to be fired. Yun Bo gave an order, and more than 100 female soldiers and all the wounded boarded the plane. There are still many places left - the plane sent by the base. There are far more than four. Although the number of passengers varies with different models, it is still no problem to pack a few more people and transport more than 200 people at a time.

I don't know if it was because all the alien submarines sank underwater, or for some other reason, but the two batches of helicopters returned to the equatorial base smoothly and successfully evacuated more than 300 people.

In order to save time, the plane landed directly in the port of Xidan, and the plane failed to stop. The soldiers in the cabin jumped off the plane like dumplings. When the plane hit the ground, the cabin was almost empty.

So the plane pulled up again and flew back to sea.

Before flying back to Yuzhou, I saw from a distance that the battleship was surrounded by giant shrimps again. I didn't know if the stunned giant shrimp had recovered, or if the aliens released another batch of giant shrimps. Any direction without flames , all piled up with layers of giant prawns.

The fighters on the deck were firing at full force, and the depth-bomb launchers kept firing.

The firepower of humans is very ferocious, but the giant shrimp does not fall into the wind. The water column rises from the bottom to the top. As long as it is hit by the water column, it will fall at least three or five meters away.

A fall is nothing, but the impact of the water column is too strong, almost equivalent to being hit head-on by a truck. Except for the special forces members covered in power armor, no one else can withstand the power of the water column. The ship was full of wounded, and the medical staff on the ship ran around and tried their best to treat the wounded.

Although they did their best, manpower was sometimes poor. The seriously injured either suffered rib fractures or suffered shocks to their internal organs. The most serious ones were all broken bones and pierced internal organs. It is unknown. The wounded are struggling in pain, but the military doctors are helpless and can only give priority to rescuing the more hopeful wounded.

The blood of soldiers is hot, but the battlefield is always so cruel.

There are too many giant shrimps, and the water column is one after another. I don't know how much sea water crossed the side of the ship and sprinkled on the deck.

The helicopter that had already flown to the vicinity of the Yuzhou was a little panicked. If the plane hit such a road, it would have to crash on the spot.

The longer the time dragged on, the more dangerous the Yuzhou was. At the critical moment, the No. 3 plane was the first to rush towards the sea of ​​fire, swept past the sea of ​​fire, and forced a passage out of the blazing flames, successfully landing in Yuzhou. on the continent.

The soldiers who saw this scene were stunned, and Yun Bo was no exception.

However, everyone was immediately awakened by the sound of gunfire, and the soldiers worked together to put the wounded on the plane.

A plane can squeeze dozens of people, but the wounded can only hold a dozen or so at most. We all know that it is not efficient to transport the wounded first, but it is necessary to do so no matter how inefficient.

The planes landed one by one, and the wounded were sent to the plane in batches, but until the last plane took off, there were still more than twenty lightly wounded lying on the deck.

Yun Bo's face sinks like water: "I can't carry it so hard anymore, order everyone to withdraw into the cabin!"

Xu Zhongxi almost thought there was something wrong with his ears: "Captain?"

"Withdraw, the sooner the better!"

Xu Zhongxi's whole body is not good: "It is easy to let the deck go out, but it is difficult to get it back."

" This is an order." Yun Bo slowed down, but there was an unquestionable tone in his words.

Xu Zhongxi gritted his teeth: "Yes!" He didn't understand what Yun Bo was thinking, he seemed to have some ideas.

The soldiers who received the order retreated into the cabin like a tidal wave. The more people evacuated, the weaker the firepower on the deck. The giant shrimp under the boat seemed to be bloodied and stacked up layer by layer.

After the special forces took the initiative to cushion, but the number of special forces was too small, a group of giant shrimp sprayed a special forces player, and the water column came one after another, even pressing down on the special forces, making the players unable to move.

Fortunately, the sailors were fast enough to see that nothing could be done. Fang Xiaoqiang gave an order, the special forces evacuated from the side of the ship, and the last group entered the cabin.


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