Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1498: Another way

Without the blocking of the sailors, the giant shrimp were even more unscrupulous. First they poured into the hangar in groups, and then the piled up giant shrimp climbed onto the deck, waving the huge shrimp claws that kept opening and closing, like a victorious general. Running around the deck.

Yun Bo, who was hiding in the ship's island, was helpless. He couldn't figure out why these prawn-like aquatic giants were so excited, and he couldn't figure out what orders the aliens gave them and how to board the deck. Then all the sheep were scattered?

Xu Zhongxi was even more helpless, staring at Yun Bo for a while: "Is this your plan?"

Yun Bo looked out the window and didn't speak, and Xu Zhongxi was even more angry: "The helicopters are back!"

Yun Bo sighed: "Call the Qionghe and let them cover the deck with lasers."

Xu Zhongxi's eyes almost didn't pop out: "Can you do it?"

Yun Bo said of course: "You will know if it works or not."

"I'm going!" Xu Zhongxi was even more speechless, "Then Kanjima can't stay there!"

"It's okay, tell Qionghe, they know how to adjust." Yun Bo said.

Xu Zhongxi stared at Yun Bo for a few seconds, seeing Yun Bo's heart pounding: "What are you doing? I won't mess with the foundation!"

Xu Zhongxi almost vomited blood: "I don't have that hobby either!" After saying that, he walked away angrily.

At this time, the giant shrimp finally found a hatch, and it immediately rushed up with its tongs, and the nearby giant shrimp also rushed forward as if receiving an order.

The sailors guarding the hatch opened fire immediately, and bullets flew out of the passage without money.

The giant shrimp didn't care about the cabin door at all, but rushed to both sides of the cabin door, waving its giant claws and slamming into the bulkhead, knocking non-stop, looking at the meaning, it seemed that he wanted to use the shrimp pliers to dismantle the ship island. .

When Yun Bo heard the news, his only thought was to laugh.

Although the Yuzhou is a refitted aircraft carrier, it was redesigned according to the military standard when it was refitted. Is your brain broken?

However, the situation once again exceeded everyone's imagination. The strength of the giant shrimp is amazingly strong, and the claws are much stronger than expected. They actually cut out depressions in the solid bulkhead. If they really let them go for a while. , maybe you can actually cut a few holes in the bulkhead.

But they had no chance, because Xu Zhongxi had already contacted the Qionghe, and several lasers fell from the sky, covering the entire Yuzhou under the laser beams.

The launch power of the laser cannon is only seventeen percent.

According to Dou Gaoyang's calculation, 17% is still a bit high, but after being weakened by the air, Yuzhou will not be hurt in a short time.

The laser fell on the giant shrimp, and the shell of the giant shrimp was roasted at high temperature, and a salty aroma unique to seafood immediately emerged. All the giant shrimp bathed under the laser beam struggled and trembled violently in the high temperature.

The temperature was too high, and after a while, the shrimp shells turned from cooked to burnt, and the burnt smell replaced the fragrance, making the soldiers cover their noses.

The red and black giant prawns fell one by one. Although their shells were burnt, the meat inside was still half-cooked. By human standards, they were all properly third-degree burns, and there was still a mouthful of gas left. Barely living for a while, you may take your last breath at any time.

Yun Bo let out a long sigh of relief and turned to look at Xu Zhongxi, with a triumphant smile on his face.

Xu Zhongxi shrugged: "You won."

The laser stopped, and the hovering helicopter approached the Yuzhou, looking for a place to stop among the corpses on the deck.

The soldiers cheered and rushed to the deck. Those who should not have been evacuated used the corpse as a bunker to build a defense line. They should have evacuated and boarded the helicopter as quickly as possible.

The plane was about to take off, and suddenly received a warning from the Qionghe: "Alert, alien submarines are gathering on the Yuzhou!"

Yun Bo almost fainted, why is it so difficult to abandon a ship? He shouted without hesitation: "Scramble, all planes make an scramble!"

Regardless of whether it was full or not, all the helicopters took off immediately, and the sailors on the deck quickly withdrew to the ship.

Meanwhile, the Qionghe continued to suppress the enemy ships, preventing them from surfacing.

Liu Huaidong, who has been paying attention to the Yuzhou, also added a kick and ordered the base to launch anti-submarine missiles to contribute to the evacuation.

With a two-pronged approach on the ground and in the air, the fleet finally returned safely, and the anti-submarine missiles also hit two alien submarines.

The aliens are not inactive. An alien submarine surfaced with suppressing firepower. It was about to release its servants to shoot down the helicopter. The laser from the Qionghe had already covered the submarine. A few meters, it was burned into coke by the laser, and the aliens had no choice but to watch the helicopter fly away.

Unwilling to fail like this, the aliens simply let all the submarines hit the Yuzhou at full speed.

It wasn't until the alien submarines collided with the Yuzhou one after another that Yun Bo realized that something was wrong. He didn't know what the aliens wanted to do, but such frequent collisions were definitely not a good thing.

As expected, just a few minutes later, Yunbo received a report from the damage management department. The alien submarine crashed through the left and right sides and sent a large number of giant insects into the Yuzhou. At present, the giant insects are spreading in the bottom cabin. The soldiers Although the watertight door was closed, it was hard to say how long it would last.

Yun Bo almost bit his rear molars. After hesitating for a while, he finally made up his mind and ordered the remaining sailors on the ship to gather in important compartments such as the power compartment and ammunition depot, and give up all other unimportant areas.

At this point in the battle, the fall of Yuzhou is inevitable, the only difference is how many people can be evacuated before it completely falls.

Yun Bo was also ruthless, ordering Fang Xiaoqiang to install explosives in the aviation fuel tank and arsenal, making all preparations.

The only good news is that the aliens are no longer attacking the flight deck!

Yun Bo felt that this was because the aliens had improved their memory and knew how many giant shrimps were sent to the flight deck to die, so he gave up the previous attack tactics and started underwater instead.

I have to say that this move really hit the soft underbelly of the Yuzhou, weakening the external support force to the maximum extent. The result is that Yunbo can only rely on the remaining sailors on the ship to fight against the But what's the matter? relationship? The flight deck is in our own hands. At the very least, we can evacuate some people before the aliens capture the Yuzhou.

The aliens didn't want to give Yuzhou a chance. When the helicopter swarm landed again, the swarm had already captured one-third of the cabin of the Yuzhou.

There are seven or eight hundred people on board, and the fleet will have to fly at least three times to pick up the rest of the crew.

The swarm must be stopped!

Yun Bo almost ordered the special forces to blow up the fuel depot and ignite the fuel to stop the swarm. But once the bottom compartment catches fire, the upper compartment will not be better. Not only will the swarm be over, but the soldiers stranded on the ship will not be much better. How could Yunbo give this order?


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