Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1500: tactical adventure

When the helicopter swarm flew away, the passage in the Yuzhou was almost blown up by the special forces. The blocked passage temporarily blocked the pace of the swarm, but everyone knew that the blasted passage could not stop the swarm for too long.

At this moment, there are not many areas still in the hands of humans, and a question involuntarily arises in everyone's mind: Can Yuzhou persist until the fleet returns?

No one knows the answer, but the situation is in front of us, and everyone doesn't say it, but they are very clear in their hearts.

Since the aircraft group left the ship, Yun Bo's heart was full of nervousness and anxiety. The sweat on his palms wiped away again and again, and finally he couldn't help picking up the communicator: "Fang Xiaoqiang, how is your situation there? Are you blocking the bugs?"

"It's temporarily blocked, the brothers are watching, they should be able to hold it for a while."

Yun Bo said solemnly: "Not only for a while, but it has to be dragged back to the plane, and there are two more trips, and two more trips can bring everyone back, do you understand?"

"Understood, Mr. Ge, captain, don't worry, the brothers fought against the bugs!"

"No, desperate is not the way, and reckless struggle is not the way, we must find a way to hold back the enemy!" Yun Bo immediately relieved Fang Xiaoqiang.

Taizu said it well, if people lose land, people and land will be saved; if people are saved, people will be lost. This is because Fang Xiaoqiang is impulsive and angry, and he will die with the worm, and the loss will be great.

Fang Xiaoqiang felt a burst of gratitude, and quickly agreed: "Yes, I will definitely find a way to hold back the enemy!"

The mouth promises happily, but what is the use of the method?

As soon as he rolled his eyes, he hit the explosives again - since he knew that the swarm would definitely be able to break through the passage, why didn't he do more tricks in the blasted passage?

As soon as he said it, Fang Xiaoqiang immediately ordered the troops to arrange explosives in the blocked passages. The requirements were also very simple.

Since you can't fight the swarm recklessly, let's be startling step by step, and explode one step at a time, and it can always be dragged back to the plane, right?

Fang Xiaoqiang thought so and did the same. Under his orders, all the places that could be decorated were stuffed with explosives, waiting for the swarm to drill into the cover.

The current situation is very unfavorable for the soldiers stranded on the ship. Everyone is struggling with the hope of evacuation, and only hopes to persist until the moment of evacuation.

It is because of this mood that everyone instinctively believes that the mentality of the alien side is joy, excitement and radicalism.

But actually? The situation of aliens is not much better than that of humans. Every step forward of the swarm has to pay the price of blood. Although aliens don’t care much about the life and death of insects, it is not possible for insects to grow so big in a day or two. It's not a small burden to recover.

Diligence and thrift are not only advocated by humans, aliens also understand this truth, but their eyes are always on resources, and they have never counted the swarm.

Next, humans and the swarm fought a tough confrontation in the limited space of the Yuzhou. Although the special forces team members did not fight head-on with the swarm, they were familiar with the road on the aircraft carrier, and the explosions continued one after another. A wave of bugs just passed by, and when the second wave of bugs came over, explosives had been placed in the passage again.

The elusive special operations team has made the aliens a lot of trouble, and they have to send swarms. Every cabin and every passage is left with enough giant shrimp to guard, and the space for human activities is gradually compressed by step-by-step methods.

This hand was like a punch to Fang Xiaoqiang's weakness, forcing him to retreat step by step, and the originally stalemate situation tilted towards the aliens again.

During this period, the helicopter finally flew back again and picked up more than 300 crew members. Just one more flight would be able to pick up all the rest.

However, according to the speed of the aliens, before the plane came back, the remaining 200 or so people had to let the aliens make dumplings.

At the critical moment, Fang Xiao was unequivocal at all, and ordered the soldiers to use individual cloud bombs.

The power of this thing in a confined space is astonishing, and I have never dared to use it before, because the space of the aircraft carrier is limited, using this thing is to kill one thousand enemies and lose eight hundred.

It's different now. There are only about 200 people left in the whole ship. Except for the more than 100 people who fought against the aliens, the rest are all on the island.

Fang Xiaoqiang gave an order, and all the sailors withdrew to the ship island. It was too late to enter all the upper decks of the ship island. In short, no one should stay in the battleship.

At the same time, the special forces dismantled the individual cloud bombs, placed the warheads in the most suitable positions and then quietly evacuated, and closed all the waterproof doors along the way, so as to limit the power of the cloud bombs to the battleship as much as possible. inside.

Fang Xiaoqiang had just brought the team to the deck, when there was a sudden violent vibration under his feet, a muffled sound like thunder entered everyone's eardrums, and then a fire dragon suddenly burst out from the starboard side.

After 20 minutes of burning, the fire on the sea has become much weaker, so this fire dragon is extremely conspicuous.

Fang Xiaoqiang's heart sank, and he quickly ordered the soldiers to withdraw to the island.

Although he ordered the soldiers to avoid the ammunition depot and the oil depot, the ghost knew whether the explosion would affect these important cabins. If the oil depot or the ammunition depot exploded, everyone would not have to wait for any planes, and went to see Marx as a group.

There was a second explosion on the road. This time the fire column rushed out from the port side. Looking at the direction, the explosion should be the hangar.

Fang Xiaoqiang complained secretly, his only thought was that these two explosions could hold back the enemy's footsteps.

When the cloud bomb explodes, it can generate a high temperature of thousands of degrees, and it can also consume oxygen in a confined space. It should be able to block the enemy for a period of time.

The swarm was indeed dragged down by the explosion, because the high temperature made the channel red, and the only result of drilling into the channel was to turn into dry-roasted prawns.

But the bugmen didn't let this difficulty stumped. They immediately directed the giant shrimp to spray water into the channel... This decision was very As soon as the water column was sprayed in, it was heated and boiled by the high temperature, and it became a flood that filled the channel. Rolling steam.

As we all know, the temperature of steam is higher than that of boiling water, and the channel is fixed but the steam is flowing.

At the beginning, I didn't feel much, but as time goes by, more and more bugs and bugs get burned. The luck is better if you stay far away. At most, it will hurt for a while. Those who bear the brunt are directly scalded by steam. Cooked carapace and skin, the skin of some bugs was so hot that it fell off the body, screaming and screaming in pain, which was terrible.

This is only a superficial injury. What’s more serious is that some giant shrimps and worms inhaled high-temperature steam into their bodies, and the high temperature burned their respiratory organs. The most direct consequence was difficulty in breathing, and finally died slowly in painful suffocation. .


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