Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1501: Misfortunes never come singly

The bug people were frightened and dared not to command the giant shrimp to spray water, and could only wait patiently for the passage to cool down naturally.

However, it didn't take long for the insects and giant shrimps in the passage to experience chest tightness and shortness of breath, then weakness in their limbs, and after a while, their consciousness began to blur, and finally they completely lost consciousness.

The cloud bomb not only left a high temperature, but also consumed the oxygen in the cabin. Although those insects and giant shrimps that were not within the explosive power range were not cooked by the high temperature, they stayed in an oxygen-deficient environment for too long. time.

This is still amphibious giant shrimp, and its respiratory system is more developed than that of terrestrial insects, otherwise it will last for a shorter time.

Moreover, it is not only hypoxia that threatens insects and giant shrimp. There are many pipelines in the aircraft carrier, and electronic equipment is everywhere. These things are usually safe, but after being burned at high temperature, a large amount of toxic gases are released, and these gases are everywhere in the cabin. , poisoned more bugs than humans killed.

Various factors were mixed together to block the worms in the cabin, unable to move. Until the last wave of helicopters arrived, the swarm was still stagnant.

The soldiers quickly boarded the plane under the leadership of Yun Bo and evacuated the Yuzhou at the fastest speed.

Yun Bo fulfilled his promise. He was the last to board the plane and sat beside the cabin door, looking down at the distant giant ship below.

At this time, the Yuzhou was dilapidated, and there were various exits on the left and right sides and under the deck, and thick smoke was billowing everywhere.

Yun Bo's eyes were complicated, and he couldn't tell what was in his heart.

Xu Zhongxi found that Yun Bo's expression was wrong, turned Yun Bo with his elbow, and said in a deliberately relaxed tone, "What are you thinking? Reluctant?"

Yun Bo sighed: "Are you willing to leave you?"

"Of course I can't bear it!" Xu Zhongxi smiled, "But we are still alive, this is the biggest victory."

The navy of John Bull and Benzi has a tradition of captains being killed, but Beidu has never had this bad habit - battleships are easy to build, but experienced officers and sailors are not so easy to train. Is it a double loss to take it in?

The same situation is also suitable for pilots. The resources spent by the country to train a pilot are replaced by gold that exceeds the weight of the pilot. How important is the aircraft or the pilot?

Yun Bo lowered his eyes when he heard the words: "My captain is at the end of the day."

Xu Zhongxi advised: "Don't be so pessimistic, this is a crime that is not a war..."

Halfway through the conversation, the starboard side of the Yuzhou suddenly burst open, and the burning fire rushed out from the broken hull, and the rising flames were more than ten meters high.

When Yun Bo saw the explosion, his mind paused for a moment like pressing the pause button, and when he realized what happened, the low explosion sounded into his ears.

Looking at the location of the explosion, he knew that it was an explosion of an aviation fuel tank.

Originally, he thought that Yuzhou would take the initiative to sink the ship to save the battleship, but he did not expect such a result in the end.

The tail sound of the explosion still reverberated in Yun Bo's ears, and another larger and more powerful explosion occurred on the Yuzhou. This time, not only did the side of the ship explode, but even the flight deck was opened by the explosion. What was even more terrifying was the muffled thunder-like explosion from below the deck.

Depending on the location, it was the aviation arsenal that exploded, where a large number of aviation bombs and various missiles were stored. Even an intact aircraft carrier could not withstand the blow of the explosion of the ammunition depot, not to mention the remnant ship Yuzhou.

If there was still some hope of salvage and repair just now, this explosion has wiped out the last hope.

A series of sacrificial explosions destroyed half the hull of Yuzhou, like firecrackers in a cardboard box accidentally ignited. Yuzhou looked as if it had been bitten by something, and it was shattered.

Not only that, the huge power of the bomb blast sent a batch of fragments into the sky, one of which flew past not far away and almost hit the propeller of the helicopter. Yun Bodeng burst into a cold sweat and yelled anxiously: "Go, let's go!"

"It's full speed!" said the pilot who received the order.

"Then pull it up, a little bit higher!"

"It's also full speed!"

Yun Bo was stunned: "Why so slow?"

Xu Zhongxi was speechless. The coastline was just ahead. If this was still slow, what speed would it be? Supersonic? Mach two, Mach three, or the first cosmic speed?

He really wanted to remind Yun Bo that this is just a helicopter, not a supersonic fighter jet, nor a launch vehicle that is going straight into the sky. This speed is not bad, right?

Seeing that the aircraft group was about to reach the coast, an alien submarine suddenly floated near the wreck of the Yuzhou—note that this time it was not just a corner, but the entire submarine surfaced.

The laser from the Qionghe immediately enveloped the submarine, and the submarine's hull gradually became red hot in the laser.

But the laser on the hard top of the submarine fired several thin beams of light towards the helicopter group that was about to get out of danger. Helicopter No. 7 was cut into the fuselage by the thin beam. The iron mound fell straight into the sea.

Other planes were also in peril, and were almost hit by a thin light.

Yun Bo almost went crazy, and yelled at the cockpit: "Come down, come down to save people—"

Xu Zhongxi glanced at Yun Bo in amazement. At this time, shouldn't it be better to fly farther, the sooner you fly to the safe airspace, the better? But Yunbo's first reaction was not to run quickly, but to order the plane to save people.

He suddenly felt that he used to look at people with tinted glasses. No matter what Yun Bo's background was, at least he was a good person and a person worthy of deep friendship.

But the thoughts in Xu Zhongxi's mind immediately came back. Could it be that this person is too acting and everything is pretending?

But he immediately denied his idea, or that sentence, what is the difference between a good person who has been pretending to be a good person all his life and a real good person?

Some people may say that if you know the person and the face but not the heart, who knows if a knife will be stabbed in the back at a critical moment.

But Yunbo should be He has already proved himself at the juncture of life and death, what is there to suspect?

Thinking of this, Xu Zhongxi couldn't help blushing. At this time, he kept doubting Yun Bo's motives, which was a little too kind.

At this time, the plane was descending at the risk of being hit by a thin light, preparing to rescue the soldiers who fell into the sea.

Several missiles from the equatorial base swept over the aircraft group, hit the floating submarine in the blink of an eye, and directly opened two huge holes on the submarine. abort.

The support from the base was too timely. The No. 4 aircraft in the distance was almost hit by a thin light. If it was a little later at night, the No. 4 aircraft would be finished.


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