Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1502: what do you want to do

The alien submarine was over, and all the helicopters flew back, surrounded by the No. 7 plane that fell into the sea, and they could join the rescue at any time.

On the dock, several speedboats fell into the water and were heading in this direction.

Yun Bo's eyes suddenly turned red: "What are you doing here? They all go back to unload people for me, and come back when the plane is empty... What is that?"

No matter which direction their eyes are looking at, when they hear this sentence, they all turn their eyes to the sea, only to see waterlines visible to the naked eye rushing straight to the direction of the plane crashing into the sea. In front of each waterline, there is a hidden waterline. The shadows below, they are so fast that they look like many torpedoes rushing towards the same target.

Xu Zhongxi shouted loudly: "Giant shrimp, it's a giant shrimp!"

Everyone's heart sank at the same time.

Giant shrimp are amphibious creatures. The combat power of this thing is very strong after it is out of the water, but its agility and agility are somewhat inferior. I didn't expect them to be so fast underwater.

"Intercept, intercept quickly--" Yun Bo was hoarse, and his broken voice spread throughout the base with radio waves.

The transport helicopter was equipped with very limited weapons, only the door machine gun, but Yun Bo couldn't care about that much.

The gun jumped joyfully, the shells jumped out of the barrel of the gun, and the dense rain of bullets fell on the water, causing countless small splashes.

Soldiers on other planes followed suit, and the sea was like a heavy rain, with splashes everywhere.

However, the planes are equipped with ordinary machine guns, and the bullets are also ordinary machine gun bullets. After entering the water, the power drops sharply, and the giant shrimp underwater cannot be injured at all.

Under the water, the soldiers who fell into the water were swimming towards the surface. Unexpectedly, a giant shrimp swept past. One of the soldiers didn't understand what happened, and was hit by the giant shrimp on the waist, and was immediately pinched by the giant shrimp. Undiminished, pushing the soldier to swim rapidly, the soldier was crushed by the current on the giant shrimp, unable to move at all.

Everyone else panicked when they saw this scene, some struggling to swim to the surface, and some simply swimming back to the plane.

No matter how fast a person is in the water, it can’t be faster than a real aquatic creature. The giant shrimp pounces on it again and again. The warriors can’t escape, they can’t hide, and none of them have successfully reached the surface of the water. robbed.

The few people who hid back to the wreckage of the plane were even worse. Their heads were full of giant shrimp. They did not dare to leave the wreckage of the plane and had no oxygen.

As a result, it goes without saying that no one can escape the killing of giant shrimp in the water.

Only a burst of tumbling flowers could be seen on the surface of the water, and it didn't take long for the water surface to return to calm, no comrades who fell into the water, and no giant shrimp swimming.

Yun Bo's face was ashen, and his eyes were bloodshot.

Many years later, Xu Zhongxi recalled this scene still fresh in his memory. He said that he had never seen such a terrible Yunbo, and it was from this moment that he had a deeper understanding of Yunbo.

The water wave subsided, and everyone knew that the underwater warriors were finished. Yun Bo smashed his fist on the hard bulkhead, cracking his phalanx, but he didn't feel much pain: "Go!"

The soldiers who fell into the water had no hope, and the fleet could not continue to stay.

Fang Xiaoqiang suddenly seized the channel: "Captain, there are two of my team members below, they are wearing armor!"

Yun Bo's heart immediately gave birth to a bit of hope: "Can I get in touch?"

"I can't get in touch, the water is too deep!"

Yun Bo gritted his teeth: "Go, after going back, the plane is ready, and it will take off as soon as there is news!"

The order was issued, and the aircraft group flew to the port of Xidan. Everyone was looking forward to the survival of the two special forces.

They didn't know yet that the special forces members who fell into the water were long gone.

One of the special forces who fell into the water was named Feng Jin, and the other was called Sun Mo. Because there were not so many people last time, there was extra space on the plane, and all the special forces carried their weapons, and the two of them were no exception.

After discovering the giant shrimp, the first reaction of the two was to draw guns.

Both of them knew that guns had limited effects underwater, but their body instincts made the most correct response before they realized it. When the giant shrimp rushed over, Feng Jin took out his pistol, and Sun Mo picked up his rifle.

Then the giant shrimp slammed into the two of them, pushing them to swim away quickly.

Despite the armor protection, the two of them were still hit by the giant shrimp, and they almost fainted. Even the armor sounded an alarm, reminding them that the armor had been damaged in the impact, and the armor seams on the waist and abdomen were flooding. .

The special forces are equipped with naval armor. The most prominent feature is that they can move underwater for a long time, which is equivalent to a heavy diving suit.

But the collision of the giant shrimp actually damaged the seal of the armor!

But it doesn’t matter. Although the armor is leaking, it can last for ten or twenty minutes without any problem. Moreover, the naval-type power armor is specially designed. There is an emergency mask in the helmet, which can provide oxygen to the soldiers in an emergency. It can last for at least two Hours.

It took a while for the two warriors to recover, and their responses were surprisingly consistent. They both immediately put their guns on the giant shrimp's skull and pulled the trigger.

The power of bullets underwater is limited, but shooting directly on the head of a giant shrimp is a completely different matter. The bullet penetrates the carapace without question, and then messes up the poor brain of the giant shrimp. , the swimming speed slowed down immediately, and soon stopped.

Both of them breathed a sigh of relief, but when they looked around, they couldn't see the figure of their companion. Just as they were about to surface, another giant shrimp rushed over like a relay, collided with them one after another, and continued to push them to play fast.

Feng Qiqi didn't shoot anywhere, and pulled the trigger on the head of the giant shrimp.

Sun Mo wasn't so excited, but he killed the giant shrimp in the shortest possible time.

The giant shrimp died again. This time, the two of them were prepared. As expected, just a few seconds later, the two were hit by the giant shrimp again.

The two of them didn't know what the giant shrimp wanted to do, but the principle on the battlefield was to destroy whatever the enemy wanted to, so when a giant shrimp came, two people killed one, but there were too many giant shrimps. , It didn't take long for Feng Jin to run out of bullets in the gun.

He was using a pistol with a much smaller magazine capacity than a rifle.

Feng Jin had no shortage of spare magazines, but the last bullet seemed to be missed, and the giant shrimp that clamped him was still alive and kicking, and continued to swim against him.

His left arm was just clamped by the giant shrimp, and he couldn't take out the magazine at all, so he could only be pushed forward by the giant shrimp.

Feng Jin soon found out that the situation was wrong. With the power of the giant shrimp, it should not be difficult to break the armor, but the giant shrimp rushed up one by one and just didn't kill the killer.

Not for eating or drinking, what does the giant shrimp want to do?


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