Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1503: dead

Just thinking of this, Feng Jin suddenly found that the speed of the giant shrimp was slow. He was overjoyed. He thought that the giant shrimp had finally run out of oil and was dying. Was propelled into an underwater channel by the giant shrimp.

No, it's not a tunnel, it's an alien submarine!

Feng Jin immediately realized where this place was, and his heart suddenly burst.

What does it mean that the giant shrimp brought him here? Isn't the purpose of giant prawns to hunt?

At this time, another giant shrimp swam into the passage, and the shrimp was holding a limp man in his arms, whose life and death were unknown.

Seeing this scene, Feng Jin couldn't tell what it was like in his heart, worried and sad, but more of grief and powerlessness.

Kalidan has long become a no-man's land ravaged by giant insects, and there are only people near the base. Even if that person is not a companion who fell into the water together, he must be a comrade-in-arms stationed at the equatorial base.

It has been seven or eight minutes since he fell into the water. Without breathing equipment and no power armor, no matter how good the water is, it is impossible for him to last underwater for so long. Except for him and Sun Mo, everyone else is more fortunate than good.

Thinking of Sun Mo, Feng Jin felt a little bit of hope in his heart. I hope Sun Mo is lucky and escapes the claws of the giant shrimp.

Just thinking of this, the giant shrimp had already swam to the end of the passage, released the giant claws that clamped Feng Jin, and turned around and swam out of the passage.

Feng Jin immediately put on a new magazine, and was about to leave this ghost place when a huge suction force suddenly came from above his head. Feng Jin's eyes went black, and he didn't know where he was sucked into by the water current. Even if he exerts his strength to suckle, he can only move slightly.

He was still holding the pistol that had just been replaced, and it was a loaded pistol, and he did not hesitate to pull the trigger regardless of where the muzzle was pointing.

Anyway, the pistol can't penetrate the armor, just shoot.

He felt the recoil when shooting, but after firing one shot, the second shot couldn't be fired at all, and not only did the situation not improve after the shot, but the restraint force was a bit stronger.

Feng Jin knew that he couldn't get out, so he simply gave up resistance and let the suction take him away.

When evacuating Yuzhou, his armor's power consumption was more than half, and unnecessary struggles will only increase power consumption. Anyway, he can't escape without struggling. Why not stop a little and save the remaining power for a critical moment?

Judging from the current situation, there are almost ten dead waiting for him, but the ants are still stealing their lives, let alone a big living person?

At this point, the only hope is to wear this power armor.

After giving up the struggle, Feng Jin tried to relax as much as possible to avoid excessive oxygen consumption. At this time, he suddenly realized that it was not really dark in front of him, maybe his eyes had adapted to the darkness and could see a little light and shadow.

Feng Jin immediately turned on the headlight, and then, he saw the smooth pink and white in front of him, which made him immediately think of the intestines.

Could this place be the gut of an alien submarine? No, isn't the alien spaceship planted? Where did the intestines come from?

It was the Great Sage Monkey King who entered the belly of Princess Tie Fan, and he could make a fuss about it. He entered the belly of an alien spaceship, and even moving it was a luxury.

Feng Jin's mind was full of chaos, and all kinds of strange thoughts rolled around. Suddenly, his body lightened, and the force that restrained him suddenly disappeared. He fell directly from a height of three meters, head and feet, and he was stuck on the soft ground.

Feng Jin rolled over and jumped up. When he looked up, he saw two giant worms and a few worms. Those worms were carrying a naked man. The two legs are still in the hands of the bugman.

Feng Jin's blood surged upwards, raising his gun to shoot, but found a small piece of minced meat stuffed in the shell ejection window.

When the worms saw this, they immediately rushed to Feng Jin.

Feng Jin didn't have time to clear the barrel of the gun, so he simply threw the gun and pulled out the saber from his waist.

If Feng Jin chooses to defend, he will undoubtedly fall into the siege of the worms. Only by actively attacking and disrupting the rhythm of the worms can he win a chance.

Seeing that Feng Jin was about to collide with the bug man, the bug man had already opened his arms and seemed to want to hug Feng Jin. However, Feng Jin suddenly took a side step and passed under the bug-slaying man's arm. At the same time, the back-handed saber opened a bone-deep knife mark under the bug's rib.

This knife did not cut the ribs, but just cut between the two ribs. The blade cut open the Zergman's liver, and the blood poured out from the wound like a fountain.

It would be better to cut off one of his ten fingers than to cut off one of his fingers. Feng Jin's knife was not finished yet, he returned his hand and wiped the side of the Insect Man's neck.

The rest of the worms didn't flinch at all, and still rushed forward regardless of their lives.

Feng Jin took a stride to the side, jumped up and rushed towards the second worm.

The worm was very smart and knew that he was not Feng Jin's opponent, so he simply did not confront Feng Jin head-on, and raised two worm legs, intending to use the length advantage of the worm legs to resist.

Seeing that he had no chance, Feng Jin twisted his body and rushed to the right side, and stabbed the right side of the bug man's shoulder with a knife. Cut off the arm.

The worm subconsciously covered his shoulders, then fell to the ground in severe pain, screaming and kicking the worm's legs violently.

At this time, Feng Jin had already pounced on the third target. This time, the target was on the left. The knife in his right hand was inconvenient. Cover your neck.

In fact, this worm can't die. Although Feng Jin's punch broke the worm's Adam's apple, the part of the worm that belongs to the worm has an independent respiratory organ, which can completely provide oxygen to the whole body.

The reason why I could not afford to fall to the ground is because the severe trauma to the throat is so uncomfortable, the feeling of suffocation and suffocation is indescribable in words.

Feng Jin had already pounced on the fourth target. This time, he could not dodge the attack of the insect man. One person and one insect slammed into each other, and the insect man hugged Feng Jin tightly, with his shoulders under Feng Jin's arms.

Feng Jin's right arm couldn't be put down, and the saber in his hand couldn't fall, and his left arm was caught by the bug man's arm, so he couldn't catch the saber in his right hand.

When he was in a hurry, Feng Jin exerted all his strength and pressed his arm down so hard that the worm's bones cracked. open.

The brave worms bought time for their companions, and the rest of the worms rushed over together, pulling their arms and clasping their legs, and finally controlled Feng Jin.


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