Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1508: highest standard (2)

The construction standard of the equatorial base is definitely the highest level - this is a vast area with a radius of five kilometers and an area of ​​nearly 80 square kilometers. Smaller cities in China do not have such a large area.

That is to say, the northern capital has this confidence. In any western country, the only response to such a huge amount of work is scalp tingling.

The infrastructure madman is not for nothing. Although domestic industrial production has been affected by the war and has almost stagnated, all military-related matters have been taken care of by Beidu. Not only did they not stop work, but supply was in short supply. Workers had to work overtime to complete production tasks.

In order to mobilize the enthusiasm of the workers, Beidu even adjusted the rationing treatment of some types of work.

If the country had not adopted a series of practical and effective policy measures, such as underground cities, underground bases, and urban defense systems, they would all be on paper, and there would be no way to put them into place... If there was no raw material support from all over the country, then Whether the northern line of defense can be built is unknown.

Behind the countless soldiers fighting on the front line are countless engineers and builders working around the clock!

However, if the uninformed came, they would not be able to see how high the construction standard of the base was, and they would only think that this was an inconspicuous temporary base.

This impression comes from the base parapet.

According to the construction standard of the permanent fortification, the base wall should be high and thick. There are automatic weapons and fortresses everywhere under the wall, and there is no other way to destroy the wall other than throwing nuclear bombs.

But actually? Regardless of the base itself or the port of Sidan, the retaining wall is made of armor plates. At first glance, it is similar to the temporary baffle used in the construction site. Temporary, this thing can be dismantled as soon as it is dismantled, and it can be dismantled completely in a few hours at most.

This is because the main projects of the base are all located underground, and the buildings on the ground are just for errands, and only the base that fixes the ground end is of high quality and quantity.

In other words, in case the situation has a sharp turn or something, one of the entire equatorial base is counted as one, and both people and equipment can be withdrawn into the ground.

At that time, the soldiers don't even need to continue fighting, but throw a few nuclear bombs directly on the base, and all the bugs can be eliminated - this is the real reason for building the base to the highest standard.

Not only the equatorial base, but many underground cities in China also adopt the same construction standards.

As for foreign countries... Hehe, they really want to do this, but there are not many sincere people with this ability. Many countries have found Beidu, hoping that Beidu will help build a batch of underground bunkers or something, but they have been rejected by Beidu.

Just kidding, I can't take care of myself, who has time to take care of outsiders?

Of course, it's not that they don't really care, but there are very few promises, and after paying a huge price, Beidu has to reluctantly.

No way, it's a seller's market now.

Now, when the original decision came to fruition, countless giant insects continued to flood the coast. The landing operation lasted for more than half an hour, but none of the giant insects landed on the wall, and all the giant insects fell on the charge. On the way, the entire coast was almost covered with corpses.

In order to prevent the corpses from blocking his sight, Liu Huaidong ordered the artillery to cover it every once in a while to ensure that the accumulated corpses were blasted away.

At the same time as the fierce battle, Liu Huaidong also arranged for the non-military personnel stranded at the base to evacuate underground!

They should have taken the sky train to leave, but now the rail elevator has to evacuate, and the passengers who should be evacuated today will naturally not be able to leave.

The stranded personnel are mainly military family members, and there are also technical personnel and a small number of officials.

Liu Huaidong was not polite at all. He gathered all the officials and appointed them as temporary managers of the stranded people. After assigning the areas each person was responsible for, he asked these temporary workers to bring the stranded people underground.

The equatorial base is isolated overseas. In order to prevent accidents and leave a nail in Kalidan, a small dungeon is built under the base, which is only large enough to house the base garrison.

The garrison will not have to withdraw into the underground for a while, and the underground city is just used to accommodate the stranded personnel.

As for the garrison, it is easy to handle. In addition to the underground city, there are underground bunkers all over the absolute control area, so there is no need to worry about space problems.

It’s really not possible, and some people can be injected with hibernin. All in all, there are more ways than difficulties. How can a living person suffocate their urine to death?

When the rail elevator was evacuating, the stranded people were indeed a little flustered. After hearing that they could evacuate underground, everyone calmed down, obeyed the instructions of the military personnel, and evacuated into the underground in an orderly manner. It only took about ten minutes. Enter the dungeon with nothing left.

At this time, the battle in Xidan Port was tight, and many people's gun barrels were red, and the swarm was still reckless. Many soldiers had a question in their hearts: Where do aliens come from so many insects?

How do they know that the aliens are also at the end of the shot, and there are not many bugs left in their hands.

Although the aliens paid a huge price, they didn't mean to stop the attack at all. The soldiers suddenly discovered that there were several particularly conspicuous insects emerging from the attacking insect swarm.

Insect man is the body of a giant insect plus the upper body of a human, which is a bit taller than ordinary giant insects, so it looks particularly conspicuous.

Even if the upper body is lowered, the skin color completely different from the giant insect will betray them.

He Xiangdong immediately ordered the troops to give priority to attacking the bugmen, but only gave the order to the squad leader level.

This is because they are worried that the soldiers will all go to deal with the insects after receiving the order. Anyway, there are not many insects, and it is conveyed to the squad leader level, which is enough to deal with these insects.

Liu Huaidong saw this scene through satellite and battlefield monitoring equipment, and a sneer appeared on his face immediately.

The giant insect, the insect and the servant are known as the three knives of the aliens. Among them, the giant insect is an out-and-out cannon fodder.

This is not a but a fact that is well known to all parties. Generally speaking, only the battle of giant insects is no big deal. It is definitely not an important action. Generally can handle it.

If there are insects, it will be different, because this is likely to be an important action of aliens, and it is necessary to mobilize troops immediately to support and attack. In short, it is best not to let the enemy succeed.

Needless to say, the appearance of servants is definitely a big action by aliens, and it is often an action at the strategic level. Once the aliens succeed, the consequences will be disastrous. Even if they are bombed with nuclear bombs, they must smash the enemy's actions.

When the aliens attacked the Yuzhou, the servants had already lit up. Maybe after a while, the servants who have been hiding will also join the battle... Liu Huaidong suddenly had a thought: Do the aliens attach so much importance to the equatorial base?


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