Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1509: strategic significance

As a commander, Liu Huaidong is very aware of the strategic significance of the equatorial base. Although the base's primary task is to protect the orbital elevators, the base is not as simple as protecting the elevators.

To put it bluntly, the equatorial base is the tentacle for Beidu to control Kalidan. To put it more plainly, this base is equivalent to a stamp on the map of Kalidan by Beidu, telling other countries that this place is already occupied, you guys They all stopped a little, and those who wanted to reach out retracted their claws.

The military significance of the equatorial base is not very great. Although there are airports and planes here, the combat radius of aviation can cover the entire Kaledan Island, but it is only coverage, not effective control, so the symbolic significance of the base far exceeds the military significance.

What about aliens?

Liu Huaidong recalled carefully, it seems that the aliens never planned to do the orbital elevator from the very beginning!

The effective range of the thin light is very long. Even if it is weakened by the atmosphere, it is still no problem to shoot two or three hundred kilometers. If the goal of the aliens is to destroy the orbital elevator, they don't need to spend this effort at all, and arrange it directly on Buha Island. A group of light worms, just swiping towards the rail elevator, can cut the cable into ten sections and eight sections.

The cable is the absolute core of the rail elevator. This thing is woven from top to bottom. It is not only technically difficult to repair. Even if it is really connected, the strength must be reduced by a few grades. The overall quality of the train depends on the overall quality of the train. Otherwise, after the train is on the cable, the cable may be pulled off.

But the aliens don't want to destroy the cable, and they hurriedly attack the equatorial base. What exactly are they doing? Could it be that their purpose is to **** the orbital elevator?

Thinking of this, Liu Huaidong laughed himself. Even if the aliens really planned to do this, he would not be able to hand over the orbital elevator completely to the aliens! When it really comes to a critical moment, the rail elevator must be destroyed.

Well, another way of thinking, the idea of ​​aliens may not be so complicated. Is it because the aliens want to occupy the entire Kaledan, so it is particularly unpleasant to see the equatorial base?

This possibility is not impossible. Don’t look at the fact that aliens have never been in the foreground, but their desire for territory is no less than Lao Maozi. Africa, South America, Australia, southern Europe... So many places are occupied by aliens Now, do you need a reason to account for another Kalidan?

The North understands the strategic role of Kalidan, and the aliens must also understand the truth. Maybe the aliens are thinking about what they want. After they completely control Kalidan, they will use Kalidan as a springboard to move north, and then the entire southeast coast will be All have to face the fronts of aliens. In that case, the strategic situation facing Beidu will not be as easy as it is now.

The more Liu Huaidong thought about it, the more painful it became. The possibility of Beidu giving up on the equatorial base was very small. Most of him and the soldiers would be nailed here, even if the last person was left.

While thinking about it, a group of servants suddenly appeared on the screen returned by the battlefield monitoring system. They went ashore with the swarm, and hid behind the swarm and shot cold shots at the soldiers on the parapet.

The silk light swept across the protective wall, and the soldiers on the wall were defenseless. In a blink of an eye, a large area fell. The top of the wall was red with blood. The swarm of insects that had been suppressed by the defenders immediately approached the protective wall. The soldiers on the wall shot with all their strength. Can't stop the force of the swarm attack.

The original good situation was reversed in an instant.

Liu Huaidong stood up suddenly, and roared with a livid face: "Open the cannon and blast my mother!"

The artillery has already measured the firing data, and the gun barrels have been standing up for a long time. Now they are finally waiting for the order. The commander gave an order. Eighteen self-propelled howitzers; twenty-seven wheeled assault guns; More than 70 self-propelled mortar howitzers and more than 100 various types of artillery fired at the same time, and the shells fell to the coast like rain.

Cannons roared inside and outside the base, and the landing line was filled with gunpowder smoke. From the coast to the parapet, there were deafening explosions everywhere. Whether it was giant insects or insect people, even the servants were shelling the defenders regardless of loss. Heavy casualties.

The military's firepower coverage is no joke. It is a firepower attack that is as famous as the US air strike. If one wave fails, another wave will be used. Sooner or later, you will be killed with artillery shells.

A group of servants suddenly flew out of the water, soared high into the sky, and fired in the direction from which the cannonballs came, but the servants' counterattacks had no effect at all, and the cannonballs continued to fall, causing the swarm to collapse.

Just kidding, the standard of the equatorial base is so high, how can the artillery position be placed on the ground?

The distance between the position and the coast was only five kilometers. All the artillery pieces were hidden underground and shot at a high elevation angle through the shooting holes above the bunker. Unless the servants flew above the base, even the artillery carts could not be seen, let alone counterattack. .

But can the base allow the servants to approach casually? Obviously not, there are machine guns and machine guns anti-aircraft missiles under the parapet, and 1,800 servants are simply not enough to plug their teeth. If he comes at one time, 18,000... Well, then Liu Huaidong will definitely take everyone down to the ground. Then throw the nuke directly at the base!

The counterattack came and went quickly, and the servants in the air didn't hit a few mercers, so the laser of the Qionghe was slag, and there was no chance to leave a whole corpse.

The speed of the shelling was not slow, but after taking a breath, a few rounds of shelling were over. The coastline that was full of bugs could no longer see a living creature, and they all died. Even those who hid in the water and did not come ashore were also killed by the shells that fell into the water, and a large number of them floated to the surface.

The soldiers on the parapet quietly stuck their heads Seeing such a scene, they couldn't help but sigh.

If we fought like this from the beginning, those comrades who sacrificed might not have died.

Of course, the soldiers also know that the shells stored in the base are limited, and the port is now blocked by alien submarines, which means that the connection between the base and the country is cut off. There's really no need to shoot.

To blame can only blame the servants for appearing too quickly and suddenly... There are no undead in battle, and the soldiers have long been used to fighting with insects for so many years.

The swarms that landed were wiped out by artillery fire, but the soldiers on the parapet did not dare to relax at all.

Except for the floating corpse, there was no movement on the water, He Xiangdong couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief, it seemed that this round of attack was over.

The battle is over, but He Xiangdong's troubles are far more than the battle. Arranging vigilance, cleaning the battlefield, treating the wounded, collecting the remains, replenishing ammunition... A lot of things are waiting to be done. When He Xiangdong thinks of these, his head will be It became two big, and the headache was terrifying.

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