Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1510: at any cost

Only later did Liu Huaidong know that the experience of the equatorial base was not an exception. From the eastern hemisphere to the western hemisphere, many tropical islands were attacked by aliens during this period. After the attack, there are very few hard bones like the equatorial base, and those that can withstand the attack are all important military bases of great powers.

At this time, the unimportant military bases have long been abandoned, and only those military bases with great strategic significance are retained, and they are retained in a strengthened manner.

After this battle, most of the islands in the tropics fell into the hands of aliens, and there were only a few human military bases in this area.

Losing a few islands is nothing. The large-scale compression of strategic space is the most important issue for all countries. The aliens have created such a big attack wave at this juncture. It must be in order to cooperate with the arrival of the foreign fleet. Find trouble with humans and reduce the difficulty of attacking foreign fleets.

The main energy of all countries has always been in outer space. Even if the foreign fleet does not come, the countries will not turn their attention back to the ground. At the critical moment when the foreign fleet is approaching, it is even more impossible for countries to abandon their roots.

If the ground can block it, block it, and if you can’t stop it, you can withdraw. At most, you can exchange space for time. In the future, if you find the field, it will be over. .

Perhaps the response of humans was too negative, or it could be that the aliens had inflated their confidence after winning in other directions. After the first attack of the worm swarm on the equatorial base failed, only one day later, the worm swarm was organized to launch a second attack.

This time the swarm is bigger, the front is longer, and the Qionghe has just left!

Liu Huaidong knew that aliens must have a way to monitor the situation in outer space, otherwise it would be impossible to choose to attack at this time.

Without the cover of the Qionghe, the pressure on the defenders would increase by at least 30%!

Liu Huaidong really wanted to call the Qionghe back, but the space battleship was not able to move. The reason why the Qionghe left was that it had stayed above the base for too long and had to return to the moon to replenish fuel. It also takes time to decelerate and accelerate, so it is better to apply for a new battleship with the superior.

It takes time to apply, and it also takes time for the battleships to arrive. Before the battleships arrive, the defenders must rely on their own strength to defend the base.

There are a lot of giant insects, and the swarm's offensive is very strong, but Liu Huaidong has no doubts about the combat effectiveness of the soldiers, and there is absolutely no problem in defending the base!

But he still underestimated the scale of the attack. In addition to landing along the Sidan port, the swarms also landed on both sides of the port. The landing range was from south to north. The seven-kilometer coastline was full of giant insects that set foot on the coast. .

Obviously, the large-scale landing of the swarm was intended to detour from the flanks, so as to surround Sidan Port from the side and rear, and take down the nail in the way in one fell swoop.

I have to say that this is indeed a practical and effective combat plan. The swarms landed smoothly without any resistance... The defenders were busy dealing with the swarms that landed at the port, and they couldn't care about the left and right flanks at all.

In the eyes of aliens, this loophole is really not small, and groups of giant insects rushed to the beach and then rushed to the shore.

Then there was nothing, and the dense swarm strode into the minefield.

It was not the first time that the aliens encountered a minefield, so they were well prepared. After the swarm landed, they did not rush forward in a swarm, but a few leading soldiers were in front, and most of them kept a distance and followed behind.

Not only that, I probably know that the cannons on the base are powerful, and the density of the swarms is not as high as that in the direction of the port. Instead, they are farther apart, and they are a bit scattered... Well, the meaning of scattered insect threads.

Liu Huaidong felt that this move was not necessarily the idea of ​​the aliens themselves, but was probably the suggestion of the worm.

The giant insect running at the front strode into the minefield. The giant insect was very fast. It ran away from the insect's legs and went deep into the minefield for more than 30 meters. Miraculously, it didn't step on any of them. mines!

This is a minefield specially designed to deal with giant insects. Every landmine buried here is specially designed for the arthropods of giant insects. After stepping on it, it is impossible to have nothing. The only explanation is that this giant insect is very lucky.

But its good luck is only more than 30 meters. When it is about to step into 40 meters, its moving limbs step on a landmine.


With a loud noise, the giant insect that stepped on the thunder was blown away by the explosion, and the broken body drew an arc in the air and smashed into the depths of the minefield dozens of meters away.

The body of the worm hit the mine again. This time it was not a loud noise, but a series of loud noises. In addition to the falling corpse being completely blown up by the mine, the swarm of worms behind also suffered, and a series of explosions exploded in the swarm. Countless giant insects were killed and injured in the explosion, and the rest were also disgraced and embarrassed in the explosion.

It's not that the base has done any special measures, it's just that the explosion caused the commotion of the insect swarm, so it's no wonder that the landmines didn't explode when so many insects stepped on them indiscriminately.

The swarm in the other direction is not much better, because the landing speed is a little slower, and the time to enter the minefield is also a little late, but the aliens will not withdraw the swarm because of the failure of the attack, but intensify and strictly order. The swarm moved on.

There is nothing to say, giant insects have always been fierce and not afraid of death, and this time was no exception. After receiving the order, they rushed into the minefield without hesitation, and the explosions were heard one after another, which was more lively than the port.

The swarm's swarms of mines, regardless of losses, caught Liu Huaidong's attention. With the size and speed of the swarms, it was only a matter of time before they stepped through the minefields on both sides of the port.

And the swarms in the port direction just maintain a certain intensity of obviously want to delay time.

Liu Huaidong's idea is to take the plan and let them drag the aliens if they like to delay. Anyway, the port is not dangerous.

But just in case, Liu Huaidong drew a line on the minefield and ordered the artillery.

This line is on the inner third of the minefield, which means that the artillery will fire when the swarm has leveled two thirds of the minefield.

The remaining one-third will definitely not be able to stop the swarm, but there is no problem in dragging the swarm. There will be artillery fire in front of the minefield and then the swarm will not be able to please the landed swarm.

It would be even better if the warships coordinated by the superiors could arrive before the swarms crossed the line. At that time, the swarms could be directly covered with lasers, which would save valuable artillery shells, which would be economical and affordable.

The garrison is also equipped with a number of laser weapons, but these expensive equipment are all arranged in the base, not in the port of Sidan.

Forty-seven minutes after the start of the battle, the swarm stepped over two-thirds of the minefield, and the battleship coordinated by the superior had not arrived yet. The artillery of the base really opened fire, and the shells instantly covered the swarm.

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