Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1511: at any cost (2)

The artillery used more than a hundred cannons of various calibers to fire Xu Jin's barrage, starting from the non-existent line on the map, and advancing step by step toward the coast.

The density of the shells is not high, but the power of the shells cannot be expected. The 120mm shell has a radius of 22 meters for killing insects. In order to ensure the killing effect, the distance between the landing points of the shells is about 30 meters.

The caliber of the wheeled assault gun is only in the early 100s, and it is not as good as the mortar howitzer. The power is the same - the advantage of this thing is that the barrel is long, the range is long, and it is really not as good as the mortar howitzer at close range of bugs.

The real main force is the 155mm self-propelled howitzer. The shells used in this thing are specially developed for giant insects, and their power is specially increased. The radius of killing insects is 67 meters. If one shot is fired, the power covers more than half of the football field. All the giant insects within this range can't escape, and even if they don't die, they will be seriously injured.

No matter how big the minefield is, it can't stand the cannon blast. A salvo of eighteen 155 howitzers can cover two minefields once.

If the artillery didn't know how to control the landing point, the cannonball would have to destroy all the minefields that the bugs had not stepped on.

Just half a minute of artillery bombardment destroyed the insect swarms on the two wings of Sidan Port. Just after the bombardment ended, the base launched several mine-laying rockets at the minefield. Countless mines fell from the sky and landed on the minefield full of insect corpses.

After the mines landed, they automatically turned over, and after the mines were propped up, they entered the working state.

Some immortal giant insects twitched their legs unconsciously, but they happened to be within the detection range of the mines, and these small movements immediately detonated the mines.

The number of mine-laying rockets is limited, and the new mines are not as dense as they used to be, but it's better than nothing.

But the aliens had no intention of giving up, and new swarms rushed to the shore.

Liu Huaidong's whole body is not well, and the thunder and shelling have caused the aliens to lose not only 10,000 but also 8,000 giant insects. How can there be so many insects?

No matter how strong the biotechnology of aliens is, bugs can't just pop up out of nowhere, right?

I can't figure it out, I can't figure it out, since the bugs have landed, they must bombard his mother.

This time, Liu Huaidong didn't draw any demarcation lines, and directly ordered the artillerymen to find their own opportunities. The originally dense artillery sound suddenly became sparse, but every time the artillery was fired, a large number of giant insects would be killed or injured.

In this way, the defenders and the insect swarm have been fighting for more than two hours, but the insect swarm has never been able to attack Xidan Port, which makes Liu Huaidong very satisfied.

Two hours later, the space battleship arrived, and a salvo of laser cannons killed more than half of the landed swarms, completely smashing the aliens' plan, and the aliens had to die and stop the attack.

With the cover of battleships, the aliens did not move for the next two days. Until the third night, the situation over the base suddenly changed. Dark clouds covered the sky. An all-round attack of swarms, bugmen and servants.

Although the defenders have been strengthening their defenses, they still did not expect the aliens to be so determined. As soon as they made a move, they would be hordes of servants, which caught the defenders by surprise.

The defenders on the parapet immediately fired back, but the enemy's offensive was far superior to the past. In just over ten seconds, the swarm broke through the parapet under the leadership of the servants and set the fire to the West Dan port.

For the flying servants, more than ten seconds is enough time for them to fly over the parapet.

When the soldiers who were waiting for the day rushed out of the barracks, several sections of the protective wall had been breached by the insect swarms, and the areas still in the hands of the defenders were also in danger. At the critical moment, He Xiangdong made a decisive decision and ordered the troops to withdraw to the ground, relying on solid bunkers to continue fighting.

He really wanted to remove the soldiers on the wall, but time did not allow and the enemy could not give him this chance.

The servants who entered the port destroyed the giant ship that was in the port for the first time, and then launched a strong attack inside the port against the firepower of the defenders. The exchange of fire between the two sides was extremely fierce. They are the corpses of both the enemy and ours, and the ground is red with blood.

Liu Huaidong received the news of the port direction at the first time, but when he received the news, the ground part of the port had already fallen into the hands of aliens.

He still has some scruples about not falling into the hands of aliens. In this situation, Liu Huaidong put aside his concerns and directly ordered the artillery to open fire and cover the port with shells.

This time, large-caliber artillery can't be used. That thing is too powerful. Even if it doesn't hit the bunker, the shock wave is enough for the soldiers in the bunker to have a good drink. Only the mortar howitzer can ensure that the enemy is killed. to ensure the safety of the underground bunker.

With an order, all the mortar howitzers fired at the same time, and the shells fell like rain, covering the entire port. Whether it was a giant bug or a bugman, as long as it rushed into the parapet, even the servants suffered heavy casualties in the shelling.

But this opportunity was finally waited for by the aliens, so how could they stop the attack because of a temporary loss?

Before the shelling was over, the follow-up swarms poured into the port. This seems to have become the intersection of cannonballs and swarms. Both parties invested regardless of cost, as if the aliens wanted to fight the swarms with the cannonballs!

Liu Huaidong suddenly realized the purpose of the aliens. This is so special, is he trying to use the swarm to consume the shells?

The base has a lot of cannonballs in reserve, but the cannon car has a limited amount of ammunition. After the cannonballs are fired, it will take time to replenish them. The aliens probably want to take this opportunity to launch a general attack on the base!

Liu Huaidong immediately reminded the artillery to pay attention to the replenishment of artillery shells, and ordered the artillery to be divided into two teams to fire in turn to ensure the continuity of firepower to the greatest extent.

However, the swarm was not really stagnant, only half of the artillery opened The shells immediately became sparse, and the swarm took the opportunity to attack the main gate of the port, breaking through the gate in one fell swoop, along the path leading to the base. The road flies all the way.

Liu Huaidong couldn't help but be surprised. This road is the only safe passage between the coast and the base. Could it be that everything before is a pretense, and the road is the real target of the swarm?

But the aliens think the base is too simple, right? If the worms come from all directions, there is still a possibility of breaking the base. From one direction, and it is almost a straight kilometer, this is a high-quality living target, right?

Liu Huaidong even looked forward to the swarm approaching earlier, so that the **** aliens could take a good look at how strong the base's defense was!

To this end, he simply ordered the artillery to cease fire and took the initiative to give the swarm a chance to approach.

The speed of the swarm is fast, but the insects are not as disciplined as humans. Many giant insects run off the road while running, and some let their companions squeeze out of the road in the middle of the run.

Regardless of whether they are active or passive, these giant insects have stepped into the minefields on both sides of the road. The result is that wherever the insect swarms advance, the explosion of the mines follows.

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