Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1513: I'm afraid the insects won't come

People can persist, the base can persist, but there is no ammunition, so what can the soldiers use to fight the enemy? Only by laser? Infrasound and microwaves?

Liu Huaidong admitted that these kinds of weapons did play a very important role, but these weapons alone could not stop the attack of the swarm, unless these weapons could be used like rifles.

He deeply realized that in the current situation, the base itself cannot stop the swarm, and the base must be supported by superiors.

The battleships coordinated by Beidu had already arrived over the base, but the equatorial base was shrouded in the tropical cyclone that had just formed. The thick clouds blocked the view from space, and the two battleships were helpless.

They can indeed use artillery shells to support the ground, but space warships have limited artillery shells. In high-intensity battles, these shells won't last long. Lasers are the real killer of warships.

At this time, there is no environment for using lasers, unless a super nuclear bomb is used to blast through the thick clouds.

But let’s not talk about the series of consequences caused by the use of super nuclear bombs on Earth. Even the equatorial base cannot withstand the violent power of super nuclear bombs. At that time, the swarm did not do anything to the base, and the nuclear bomb destroyed the base first.

It is hard for Liu Huaidong to believe that it was a coincidence that the aliens were chosen to attack at this time. Although he was reluctant to believe it, Liu Huaidong knew that the aliens must have mastered the laws of weather changes on Earth. Ninety percent of the attacks were aliens. People intentionally take advantage of bad weather.

This is not a good sign.

The advance of the aliens continued until dawn, and the weather became more and more severe. The strong winds slapped the coast with huge waves, and the heavy dark clouds covering the sky finally turned into downpours.

The heavy rain failed to slow the pace of the insect swarm, but the impact on the defenders was not so great.

The power of the laser penetrates the rain screen is greatly attenuated, and the energy carried by the directional microwave is all consumed by the raindrops. The range of these two weapons in the rain is less than one-tenth of the normal situation, and the swarm does not rush to the edge of the protective wall. It won't work much.

Only the infrasound cannon was affected the least, and it still maintained its proper range, but the range of this thing was not very far.

Liu Huaidong didn't like these new gadgets because he was stubborn, nor was he biased against new equipment, but because these new gadgets were too immature, and their weaknesses were as prominent as their strengths.

The traditional equipment is different. Since its birth, guns and guns have gone through centuries of ups and downs. Early guns and guns cannot be used in such weather.

But what about now? No matter how bad the weather is, rifles and artillery are not affected.

Liu Huaidong believes that after hundreds of years... no, it only takes decades of development, whether lasers or microwaves, they may not be affected by the weather, but now, they are still in the initial stage of development, far from When it is mature, it must be used with caution.

He believed that Beidu also had concerns in this regard, otherwise the new equipment at the base would definitely be more than just a few pieces.

The situation of the battle was reversed, and the sparse sound of guns suddenly became intense, and guns once again became the main force to resist the swarm.

The wind is getting stronger, the rain is getting heavier, the battle is getting fiercer, and the ammunition is being consumed much faster than expected.

As of 3:00 pm that day, half of the ammunition depot was emptied. Whether it can last until this time tomorrow is a question.

If you run out of reserves, the base is over.

In desperation, Liu Huaidong contacted Beidu and reported the situation in the base to his superiors one by one, requesting that the troops be withdrawn underground.

After careful consideration, Beidu agreed to Liu Huaidong's request.

The moment the communication ended, Liu Huaidong let out a long sigh and immediately issued an evacuation order.

The defenders quickly withdrew into the underground, and according to Liu Huaidong's order, all exits were blocked, and the heavy metal doors were closed one by one, isolating the underground from the ground.

The weapons on the parapet were still functioning, resisting the pressing insect swarm, but apart from the infrasonic cannon, the remaining weapons were of little use. Ten minutes later, the insect swarm broke through the parapet.

Liu Huaidong, who had retreated underground, witnessed this scene through the monitoring equipment. He calmly tapped the touch screen a few times, and a flashing red control interface appeared on the screen.

Liu Huaidong inserted the key hanging around his neck into the console, and then entered a series of passwords on the screen. Suddenly there was a dull roar above his head, and then the ceiling trembled violently. The screen loses the picture at the same time.

If there are still people on the ground at this time, you will see six smoke trails rising around the equatorial base in the torrential rain at the same time, and then six mushroom clouds explode in the air, and they are evenly distributed around the base in a regular hexagon. The distance between the point and the base is one kilometer.

These are six pre-buried neutron bombs. The absolute killing radius of a single neutron bomb will be one kilometer. However, the six neutron bombs explode at the same time, but they can cover a huge area with a radius of two kilometers and an area of ​​12 square kilometers.

And this is precisely the area where the swarm is most concentrated. Countless giant worms and worms gather here, penetrated, penetrated, and penetrated again by the high-speed neutron flow from the air!

Only the servants are better, not because they are resistant to neutron bombs, but because the heavy rain has too much impact on the servants, it is difficult for them to fly in the rain, so most of the servants were evacuated by the aliens, and the battlefield The remaining servants are only a few hundred. Compared with the swarm of worms, this servant is only a little better than Although Liu Huaidong in the underground headquarters does not know what is on the ground Details, but he can fully imagine what it will look like after the neutron bomb explodes. Even if there are still bugs alive, it must not live for long. Now he is very looking forward to it, looking forward to the aliens sending another batch of bugs.

Although the neutron bomb buried in the base blew up, there are still two space battleships in the sky. The space fleet is the least lacking in nuclear weapons. It is trivial to come with ten or twenty. Lots of nuclear bombs.

After a while, the picture was restored, and the base in the rainstorm was still the same. No matter the parapet or the weapons at the top of the wall, all the weapons were intact. If it wasn't for the corpses all over the ground, it wouldn't be like being attacked by a swarm of insects at all - hurting people but not destroying things. It is the biggest feature of the neutron bomb.

Liu Huaidong hesitated for a moment, then resolutely sent a troop on the ground to repair equipment and replenish ammunition with great fanfare, as if he was afraid that aliens could not see it.

That's right, he was afraid that the aliens could not see, because the purpose of this unit was not to regain the ground, but Liu Huaidong was worried that the aliens would be scared by the neutron bomb and dare not come again, so he deliberately sent a unit to seduce the swarm.

There are neutron bombs, I am afraid that the bugs will not come!

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