Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1514: wake

Thunder Mountain.

The timer resets to zero, and the temperature in the cabin slowly rises under the control of the life support system. After a while, it rises from 6 degrees above zero to 22 degrees above zero, and the rising temperature brings Ye Han, who is sleeping, A touch of warmth, his consciousness was awakened by warmth, and he gradually woke up from the deep hibernation.

When he opened his eyes, Ye Han's brain had not fully recovered, his brain seemed to be frozen, and his consciousness was firmly locked in the sink of the brain, and it took a while for it to return to normal.

After feeling his body, Ye Han tried to move his arm, and then raised his leg slightly. He was delighted to find that this time he didn't feel the stiffness and rigidity that he used to, and he woke up naturally as if he had slept all night. Again, hardly felt the side effects of hibernation.

This is awesome!

Ye Han got out of the sleeping bag and looked up to see the time on the wall: June 16, 2023, 00:04:26.

It's not wrong, it's just the time he scheduled to wake up. At this time, the extraterrestrial fleet should be coming to Earth soon!

Thinking of this, Ye Han's originally calm mood instantly became restless, and he couldn't care about anything else, and immediately rushed to the bridge.

As soon as the hatch opened, a cold wind rushed towards his face, making Ye Han agile and shivering. Then he remembered that the temperature in the corridor had not recovered, so he quickly retreated and brought the personal terminal on his wrist to his mouth: "Thor!"

"Hello Captain, long time no see." Thor's rich voice came from his wrist.

Ye Han twitched the corners of his mouth: "From the captain's room to the bridge, the temperature in the corridor rose to 22 degrees Celsius above zero... and the bridge as well."

"Understood, wait a minute!"

Ye Han's wrist and brain screen turned into a rising thermometer, which represented the temperature progress bar rising slowly like a real thermometer. After half a minute, the temperature line moved from light blue representing cold to orange red representing warmth, and the scale just stopped. at twenty degrees.

"Captain, all right!"

Ye Han opened the hatch again. This time, he didn't feel the slightest temperature change. He muttered as he moved toward the bridge. The Thor guy seemed to be more and more human.

When he was a child, he watched many movies describing artificial intelligence. Some became more and more human-like, some simply betrayed human beings, and human beings took various precautions against artificial intelligence. If Thor continues to develop, will it develop into a movie one day? like that?

What if Thor had human emotions one day in the future? Treat a battleship as a body? Treat humans as parasites?

While thinking wildly, Ye Han rushed to the bridge. The moment the hatch opened, the originally dark bridge was instantly illuminated. Thor said in a deep voice, "Welcome back, Captain."

Everything was the same as a few months ago, Ye Han floated to his seat and sat down, buckled the holographic helmet on his head: "I want to see the earth."


Before he finished speaking, Ye Han had already seen an image outside the ship. The Qingzhou was in front, the Shihe was in the back, and there was a particularly bright dot on the port side. Ye Han knew that it was the sun.

This is probably the first time humans have looked at the sun from such a distance!

A feeling that was hard to describe in words suddenly surged in his heart—this is the outer edge of the Saturn region, near the orbit of Mars, and the distance from the sun is more than nine astronomical units, about 1.35 billion kilometers! (Note 1)

It is not the first time that human aircraft have come here, but it is the first time that human beings have set foot here. If the war between humans and aliens is not in full swing, just the battleship flying here with people can cause a global sensation. After a few years, In the history books of all countries, the glorious expedition fleet is indispensable.

However, the fleet just flew here. The aliens occupying Saturn sent more than a thousand warships to the earth. No matter how few warships remained on Saturn, there must be 180 of them. The three warships of the expeditionary force threatened Saturn. The decimal point is too small, and Beidu never expected the expedition fleet to play any role. The reason why they agreed to form the Saturn Expeditionary Force was to prove to the aliens that human beings have the ability to expedition to Saturn.

This is called strategic deterrence!

To put it more bluntly, it is to let the aliens know that Saturn is not safe, and think carefully when sending fleets to the earth in the future, and send all the warships out without any hesitation.

The scene in front of Ye Han changed, and the picture in the direction of the sun quickly zoomed in. After a while, Io appeared first on the left side of the screen. I could vaguely see several space battleships floating in the outer space of Io.

Io came and went quickly. Before Ye Han could see clearly, he was left behind by the constantly enlarged picture. The earth was getting closer and clearer, but Ye Han unexpectedly discovered that the back of the earth was actually And a comet!

Right now, there is only one comet in the entire inner solar system. If you count the time, the foreign fleet should have quietly arrived at Jupiter by hiding in the tail of this comet.

If it weren't for it, the fifth expedition might well have been another result.

Ye Han couldn't help but ask, "Thor, how long does it take for the comet to reach Earth?"

"The comet crossed the Earth's orbit three days ago!" Thor's tone was a little surprised, "Don't you know?"

Ye Han was immediately stunned. Does Thor really understand what surprise is, or is it just a tone simulation under program control? When we return to Beiyuezhou, we must investigate this matter carefully!

His eyes turned around on the screen, and finally he saw the problem: the comet just flew past the earth, the visual difference must be caused by the observation angle!

Ye Han immediately changed the question: "Where is the foreign fleet?"

"Here!" Thor immediately marked the extraterrestrial fleet with flickering dots of light, "There are still two days to reach Earth."

Ye Han's heart was in a mess, as if he had knocked over a five-flavor bottle.

There are still two days to the What is going on on earth? Is Beiyuezhou ready? Can the human fleet defeat the enemy? If the human fleet misses, will aliens wipe out human beings after they occupy the earth?

No, no, the underdog will win, and behind the fleet is the earth. Humans have no way to retreat. Losing this battle is equivalent to condemning human beings... He instinctively refused to speculate on the consequences of the failure of the human fleet. Scrolling in my mind over and over again, human beings will win, hypnotizing myself like brainwashing.

But thinking about this thing, the more forbidden something, the more it will deviate in which direction. Ye Han worked hard for a long time, not only did he not hypnotize himself, but he came up with several consequences of human failure.

This is so special, it's just a dog!

Ye Han decided to find something to do, distract her attention, and naturally stop thinking about these meaningless ideas.

Thinking of this, he immediately ordered: "Thor, is there any new news that I haven't seen?"


"Open the communication interface!"

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