Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1527: bang

Huo Qiang stood up suddenly: "The super cannon opened fire, the reserve team set off immediately, cooperated with the space station to intercept the enemy ship, the main force of the fleet immediately retreated, and the space station opened fire freely—"

With an order, the most important and critical counter-attack since the start of the war officially started. The super cannon that received the order was the first to fire, and the beam with an amazing diameter suddenly penetrated a fleet outside the soil and sent dozens of alien ships. The battleship is shrouded in beams.

At this time, the distance between a fleet and the moon was about 40,000 kilometers, but just after entering the range of the super cannon, the alien warships in the beam seemed dangerous, but in fact none of them were destroyed, even if they were at the front. Several battleships were only severely damaged, and they are still far from being destroyed.

And the super cannon is already firing at full power, and there is not even a single point of improvement left. The only way to increase the firepower is to increase the number of launchers.

But at this juncture, how can there be time to arrange additional transmitters?

At the same time, the reserve fleet rushed out and headed for the first interception point on the left side of the earth at full speed!

The joint command arranged the reserve fleet at the Lagrange point between the earth and the moon, which is 320,000 kilometers away from the earth. That is to say, the second fleet outside Turkey must descend another 100,000 kilometers before encountering the reserve fleet in order to prepare The speed of the fleet is fully capable of intercepting the enemy.

The problem is that there are only more than 100 warships in the reserve fleet, only 34 super gunboats, and the rest are all kinds of capital ships.

On the other hand, the Second Fleet of Turkey has nearly 600 warships, and the number of warships is about six times that of the reserve fleet. The strength of the two sides is not at the same level at all. They use weak forces to intercept the superior forces of aliens. , the reserve fleet is in a dire situation.

However, after receiving the order, the reserve fleet immediately set sail and rushed to the interception point without any hesitation.

At the same time, the main force of the combined fleet on the other side of the earth also received an order, and more than 200 warships immediately turned to accelerate and rushed towards the second interception point at the fastest speed.

Although the main force of the combined fleet is located on the other side of the earth, the fleet has been parked in a synchronous orbit at a height of 36,000 kilometers. The planned second interception point is also at this height. The main force of the fleet only needs to fly from one side of the earth to On the other side, the voyage is about 65,000 kilometers.

On the other hand, the Second Fleet outside Turkey had to descend from an altitude of 420,000 kilometers to 36,000 kilometers. The voyage exceeded the distance between the earth and the moon. The main force of the fleet was fully capable of reaching the interception point before the enemy descended to the synchronous orbit.

Of course, the interception point is not fixed. Regardless of the first or second interception point, it will be adjusted at any time according to the speed and direction of the enemy.

Soon after the main force of the fleet set off, Beiyuezhou adjusted the height of the second interception point, from the synchronous orbit of 36,000 kilometers to 194,000 kilometers.

This is also one of the combat plans made before the war. After all, it is not a good thing for the battlefield to be too close to the earth. The interception point is placed farther away. In the event of an accident, it is easier to remedy.

However, the position of the first interception point has not only not been improved, but has been lowered a little... It is not that the reserve fleet is too late to arrive at the interception point, but the command headquarters considers the insufficient strength of the reserve fleet and lowers the interception point, which can delay the time. It would be better if the two fleets could join forces.

The more than 300 warships are only half of the second foreign fleet, but Huo Qiang believes that with advanced tactics, tacit cooperation and powerful weapons, the combined fleet has the hope of defeating the second foreign fleet.

In order to achieve this goal, we must first hold off a fleet outside the soil, otherwise the enemy will simply leave the moon and ignore it. With more than 1,200 alien warships against more than 300 human warships, the probability of the combined fleet winning is too low. .

Huo Qiang ordered to fire again, this time not only with super cannons, but on all his own firepower who could fire on a fleet outside the soil.

The super cannon immediately fired a second beam of light, penetrating a fleet outside the soil again, injuring several enemy ships.

The missile position on the left side of the moon also opened fire on the enemy. Hundreds of missiles flew off the ground one by one as if they were picked up for nothing. After three-level acceleration, they flew to a fleet outside the soil. .

Normally, the smoke grenade should be on the field at this time, but this time was different from the past. The command was worried that the smoke screen would hinder the firepower of the super cannon, so the smoke grenade was not activated for the time being, but flew to the target with the missile group.

The reserve fleet, which had left the first Lagrange point, was not idle, and took the opportunity to launch a batch of missiles at each of the two enemy forces, with a number of thousands.

If all these missiles hit, the alien fleet must be completely crippled, and the remaining enemy ships do not need to be hit. The only way out is to flee immediately. At that time, mankind will win the favor of the goddess of victory and reap the fruits of victory... Of course , this is just a beautiful fantasy. It is a person who knows that aliens can't be so bad, otherwise the war will not be able to fight today.

The third firing of the super cannon is still in the making. There is a new movement in a fleet outside the soil. All the warships release swarms at the same time. I don’t know how many worms flew out of the enemy ships. The worms filled the battleships at a speed visible to the naked eye. The gap between them, and it is still developing outwards. After a while, the enemy ships will no longer be seen, and as far as the eyes can see, there are dense insects everywhere.

The aliens know how powerful the super cannon is, and the worm machine can never withstand the power of the super cannon, so the worm machine disperses at the fastest speed after leaving the ship. In just a few minutes, the fleet outside the soil has become a huge worm. cloud.

The super cannon was fired, and the powerful beam penetrated directly into the insect cloud. All insect machines blocked in front of the beam were not spared, and were vaporized on the spot by the beam, but the insect cloud was too big. This loss is just a drizzle~www Not in the hearts of aliens at all.

The next development was even more surprising to mankind. The spreading insect swarms actually rushed towards the moon on their own initiative, looking like they were immortal.

Huo Qiang's whole person is not well, what are the aliens trying to do? To hold back the firepower of the moon? Or cover up a fleet from outside the soil?

He had a lot of guesses, but there was really not much he could do. Both fleets were dispatched. He only had a fixed position on the surface of the moon, and at most the group of space fighters at Beiyuezhou Airport.

However, the combat radius of the fighters is too short and the number is too small. There is no difference between sending out to deal with the swarm and courting death, and the whole army will not get much results in the death battle.

The super cannon can kill hundreds of thousands of bug machines with one shot, which is much more cost-effective than life-for-life for aviation.

The swarms became more and more dispersed, and humans also found some differences. The insect machines released by the enemy were not only the ones that used to carry snakes and lizards in the past, but also a new type of insect machines with round heads and round brains and slender bodies, because they had never been in contact with them. However, I still don't know what the characteristics of this thing are.

Whatever it is, the super cannon can be blasted!

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