Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1528: frontal impact

The distance of 40,000 kilometers is not far, and it is not really close. The speed of the insect plane is a little faster than that of the battleship, and it can fly to the moon in about two and a half hours.

The super cannon could fire two to three times per minute, and the shelling continued for more than two hours. No matter how many aliens were, they couldn't stand the cannon's bombardment. Huo Qiang dared to bet with his head that even if the insect swarm flew to the moon There are not many bug machines left, and the safety of the moon is absolutely guaranteed.

There are not only military bases on the moon, but also a large number of people who have moved here. As long as Beiyuezhou does not fall, the safety of everyone can be guaranteed.

With these people, even if aliens fully occupy the earth, there is still a glimmer of hope for mankind.

Therefore, the safety of the moon is very important. Don't look at Huo Qiang's dispatch of all the fleets, but it is not that the safety of the moon is not taken seriously, but that there are super cannons, various missile positions, and various close defense weapons. Eat the moon? The aliens also lack a good set of teeth.

The ensuing battle was monotonous and boring. The super cannons kept firing, the swarms kept spreading, and the two sides were on the tip of the bar.

The change occurred 42 minutes later. The missile from the moon was about to encounter the swarm. At this time, the missile swarm was still outside the range of the thin light, and the straight-line distance between the two sides was still more than 2,000 kilometers.

The missiles were all painted black, but this simple camouflage could not escape the eyes of the bug machine. The missile group was still flying. The bug machine suddenly fired at the same time, and countless fine lights intercepted the missiles from all directions, blocking them in layers. missile forward.

The speed of the missile is about 9 kilometers per second. The fine light is accurate, and the time to fall on the missile is very limited. It is good to leave a scratch on the missile.

But when there is too much fine light, scratches are superimposed one after another, just like ants killing an elephant, and many missiles are disintegrated in the light net tactics.

Prioritize the interception of missiles, which is the iron law of all aliens.

Humans have long been prepared, and the smoke bombs hidden in the missile group exploded immediately, forming a dark smoke screen, and all the missiles were hidden in the smoke screen.

The human side did not expect that the swarm would fire in advance, otherwise the smoke bomb would have been activated long ago.

After years of research, the composition of the smoke screen has been continuously improved. Today's smoke screen can block fine light very well. Even if the bug machine fires, it is difficult to destroy the missiles hidden in the smoke screen.

Countless thin lights cut through the smoke screen, but did not see the expected result. The insect machine in front of the smoke screen immediately dispersed, and several huge holes appeared in the insect swarm directly in front of the smoke screen.

The aliens are really good at playing this game. Since they can't be provoked, let's hide, because they can't intercept them anyway.

The speed of the insect machine is extremely fast, and the cavity is not only amazing in diameter, but also constantly expanding. When the smoke screen drills into the cavity, the diameter of each cavity is no less than 26 kilometers - this is given by the Beiyuezhou Observation Department. The detection results are within eight meters at most.

The smoke screen that got into the hole was motionless, and continued to drift into the depths of the hole. Numerous insect machines surrounded the smoke screen, as if it was surrounded by smoke screens.

At this moment, everyone's eyes are focused on the silent smoke screen, including even aliens.

After the smoke screen entered the cavity, the missiles hidden in the depths of the smoke screen exploded suddenly, and the nuclear warheads spread in all directions at a very high speed.

The swarm never let down its vigilance, and immediately launched a thin light after discovering an unknown object to destroy the incoming nuclear warhead.

Every missile launched by Beiyuezhou is equipped with an amazingly powerful super neutron bomb. This thing is amazingly powerful in a vacuum environment, and it is the only magic weapon to deal with dense groups of enemies.

The use of split-guided warheads was originally intended to expand the impact surface, but the warheads that could fly out of the smoke screen were intercepted by the bug machine. The original plan was stillborn, and Huo Qiang gritted his teeth and simply ordered the direct detonation of the nuclear bomb.

Several smoke screens that penetrated into the space exploded with extremely dazzling strong light at the same time. The smoke screen was instantly scattered by the strong light, and the extremely powerful neutron flow spread in a frenzy. All the insect machines within a radius of 40 kilometers were spared, and all died on the spot. , Insect planes within 40 kilometers to 52 kilometers were injured to varying degrees, and some insect planes encountered high-dose neutron radiation beyond 52 kilometers.

Regardless of the amazing diameter of the cavity, there is not a single worm in the airspace with the densest neutron flow, but the worm does not escape the power radius of the super neutron bomb. The area from 26 kilometers to 52 kilometers is full of worms!

The space within a radius of 26 kilometers is only more than 40,000 cubic kilometers, but there are 330,000 cubic kilometers in a radius of 52 kilometers. That is to say, after removing the hole with a radius of 26 kilometers, the power of the super nuclear bomb It still covers a huge space of nearly 290,000 cubic kilometers. As long as you are within the power radius, death is also serious injury.

It must be pointed out that when the swarm gave up the cavity, the worms originally scattered in the hollow area all retreated to the edge of the cavity, so that the density of worms at the edge of the cavity increased greatly. As a result, none of these worms could escape. He died on the spot under the bombardment of a super neutron bomb.

The alien who saw this scene almost vomited blood. Anyway, they were all dead. If I knew this was the result, it would be better to let the bug machine hit the smoke screen directly!

Not only the aliens vomited blood, but also the senior officials in the joint command almost vomited blood.

The nuclear bomb that rushed into the swarm did kill a lot of worm machines, but so many missiles were launched, but only a few detonated, and the rest were all over.

It's not that he doesn't want to detonate the remaining It's that these missiles are very close to the nuclear explosion. While the neutron stream kills the bug machine in large numbers, it also "washes" these missiles from head to toe. Once, the neutron stream penetrating the missile casing hit the nuclear charge, turning all the nuclear bombs into dud stink bombs, completely unable to detonate.

In this single explosion, the human side lost hundreds of super nuclear bombs.

With such a huge loss, how could the joint command not vomit blood?

But the blood must continue to be fired. Huo Qiang ordered to continue firing.

Now is not the time to be diligent and thrifty. As long as it can support foreign fleets, it is worth wasting any number of nuclear bombs. Every super nuclear bomb can kill countless bug machines, and its efficiency is higher than that of super cannons.

Another round of missiles took off, but this time there were only a dozen or so, and the distance between the missiles was very wide to avoid accidental injury as much as possible.

Twenty minutes later, more than a dozen missiles were about to encounter the worm swarm. Huo Qiang and others had already concluded that this round of missiles could still harvest a wave of worm machines, but the worm swarm did not make way ahead of time as before, but instead Leng Leng collided with the missile.

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