Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1529: full speed close

Everyone who witnessed this scene was amazed. Then, everyone watched the missiles explode in the swarm. Except for the insect machine closest to the explosion, which was scorched by the light radiation, the neutron flow killed the farther ones.

Until death, not a single insect machine escaped.

Huo Qiang was very sure that the explosion definitely killed a large number of insect machines, but the insect swarms just kept fighting with the missiles without dodging... No amount of insects can't be so wasteful. Could it be that the aliens have water in their heads?

It is impossible to get into the water, so there must be some conspiracy by aliens!

Not only Huo Qiang and other commanders were thinking about this problem, but there were also many ordinary staff officers. Several quick-thinking staff officers thought of a possibility at the same time, and they all reported their guesses as quickly as possible. go up.

In the blink of an eye, Huo Qiang received seven emergency reports one after another. After clicking on the report, he found that the contents of the seven reports were similar: the target of the bug machine was the moon, and their route pointed directly to the moon. Under the action of hitting the moon!

Huo Qiang suddenly realized that although it has not been confirmed, the speculations in these seven reports are inseparable!

However, all the buildings on the moon are hidden deep underground. Even if the bug machines all hit the surface of the moon, it will not hurt the bones of human beings. the goal of!

After fighting with aliens for so long, Huo Qiang believes that he has some understanding of aliens, and the current situation makes him very uneasy - the overwhelming worm machine is the main attack force, and the alien warship that should be the mainstay is hiding behind the swarm. The spectators are up!

He has sufficient reasons to believe that the aliens are using the insect machine to consume the power of human beings. Anyway, in the eyes of the aliens, the insect machine is always equated with cannon fodder.

Huo Qiang concluded that once the swarm disintegrated the human positions on the lunar surface, the next step would be the landing of the alien fleet on the moon, followed by a tragic ground attack and defense.

At this moment, he suddenly regretted that he only focused on building the fleet. If the airborne troops were not dispersed, even if the aliens landed on the moon, he would still have enough troops to fight, but now...

There is definitely no problem in defending Beiyuezhou. After all, Beiyuezhou is underground, and the entrance is narrow and long. Arrange a few people to guard a passage.

Nanyuezhou is more perfect than Beiyuezhou, and it is not afraid of alien attacks.

But there are far more than the southern moon and the northern moon on the moon. There are many large and small workstations. Wherever there are minerals needed by human beings, there are mining workstations, located all over the moon.

If these workstations were destroyed by aliens, the entire moon mining industry would be set back ten years!

The moon has the largest military industry group of mankind, and almost all the raw materials needed are produced by the moon. If the mine is destroyed, it will be an extremely serious blow to the entire military industry.

Of course, Huo Qiang couldn't care about these at the moment. His first task was to defend the moon. As long as the moon was not lost, everything could be done all over again.

Also, as long as the swarm is eliminated, the possibility of the alien fleet directly attacking the moon is very small, so the swarm must be eliminated as soon as possible.

The super cannons fired again and again, and the super neutron bombs bombarded them again and again, but they still could not stop the determination of the swarm. In more than an hour at most, the swarm would reach the moon.

At this time, Huo Qiang remembered the reserve fleet.

The fleet was still on its way to the interception point, almost right below the swarm, Huo Qiang immediately ordered the fleet to fire, as far as possible

The fleet that received the order immediately fired long-range missiles at the swarm... that was all the fleet could do.

At this time, the foreign fleet finally couldn't sit still. Nearly 600 warships started at the same time and rushed towards the reserve fleet fiercely.

The actions of a fleet outside the soil seem to be to relieve the swarm, but the aliens never take the swarm to heart, so this reason is a bit unreasonable no matter how you look at it.

There is also a possibility that a fleet outside the soil just happened to act at this time. Their purpose is to prevent the reserve fleet from rushing to the interception point, and it has nothing to do with the insect swarm.

In any case, the foreign fleet moved, Huo Qiang quickly canceled the previous order, and asked the reserve fleet to back against the moon to fight against the foreign fleet.

The Second Foreign Fleet is still far away from the earth, and cannot threaten the earth for a while, and the main force of the combined fleet is the bottom line, and it can be dragged on for a while at the best.

The most ideal situation is that the first side of the moon will deal with the foreign fleet, and then send the reserve fleet to attack on both sides with the main force of the fleet, and completely support the foreign fleet.

Note that this is the ideal situation.

The most unsatisfactory situation is that the moon is held up by a fleet outside the soil... But Huo Qiang believes that the occurrence may be very small.

The location of a fleet outside the soil was far away for 40,000 kilometers, and it couldn't make it in a while, so the reserve fleet continued to fire on the swarm.

The swarm did not resist, and focused on attacking the moon. The dead were driven by inertia and kept moving in a straight line at a uniform speed; the living accelerated with all their strength, and rushed forward when they caught a gap.

Those new giant bugs with round heads and round brains are especially fast.

There is also a very peculiar situation, that is, every time the nuclear bomb approaches the insect swarm, all insect machines, regardless of their speed or position, will point their direction at the moon for the first time. After the nuclear explosion is over, the living insect machines continue to accelerate and die. It can also fly to the moon by inertia.

Huo Qiang imagined countless possibilities, but he made a reasonable guess within the scope of his own understanding, and never thought about how strange the alien's brain hole is. Encountering such a bizarre tactic now, the alien's approach has simply refreshed Huo Qiang's three views.

As the battle continued, Huo Qiang thought that a fleet outside the soil might approach the moon, and at that time, with the powerful firepower deployed on the surface of the, it would be able to give the enemy the most severe blow.

But the first foreign fleet was not fooled at all, and did not lean towards the moon at all, but kept dropping its altitude, seemingly intending to block the reserve fleet and prevent the reserve fleet from intercepting the second foreign fleet.

Now Huo Qiang can't do it, let the reserve fleet go over, out of the effective range of the super cannon, the moon can't cover the reserve fleet, the more than 100 warships are definitely not the opponents of the foreign fleet.

But let’s go, in case the first foreign fleet follows the trend, regardless of the moon or the reserve fleet, and directly joins with the second foreign fleet to attack the main force of the combined fleet together... 1,200 alien warships against 200 human beings Battleship, you don't need to think about the final result, you know that the main force of the fleet can't stand it.

This is really a dilemma, Huo Qiang was so anxious that a blister appeared on his mouth, but he still couldn't think of a solution.

The enemy is strong and we are weak, and it is almost a miracle that the enemy takes the initiative to divide his forces. If you can't take the opportunity to eat an enemy army, once the enemy forces reunite, this battle will not be able to be fought again.

Thinking of this, Huo Qiang sighed: "Order the reserve fleet, move closer to the main force at full speed, and intercept the second foreign fleet after joining the main force!"

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