Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1530: Environmental advantages

After receiving the order, the reserve fleet immediately gave up its previous plan, lowered its altitude while accelerating, and rushed to the second interception point at full speed.

After 1.4 seconds, the Sirius, which was far on the other side of the earth, received an order from the joint command to the reserve fleet, and Gao Kai's brows immediately wrinkled: "Give me a picture of a fleet outside the country!"

"Yes!" Duan Zhiyang agreed, and immediately switched the satellite frequency band, and soon found the real-time monitoring screen of the foreign fleet.

Gao Kai stared at the enemy on the screen carefully: "What is the enemy doing?"

Duan Zhiyang said: "There is no news on this for the time being."

"Not at all?" Gao Kai asked reluctantly, "I mean after the reserve fleet accelerated."

"It shouldn't be." Duan Zhiyang called up the satellite records and compared the data of a fleet outside Turkey, "Look, the enemy's altitude began to drop not long ago, but the speed has been very stable, and there is no change before and after the reserve fleet accelerated."

Gao Kai's brows deepened: "This is not a good phenomenon... Connect me to the joint headquarters, I want to speak directly with the commander!"

"Yes!" Duan Zhiyang agreed, the communication was immediately connected, Huo Qiang appeared on the screen, and the twelve observers from the base group lined up, brushing their presence behind Huo Qiang like a background wall.

Gao Kai saluted quickly: "Commander, I received an order from the command to reserve the fleet."

Huo Qiang said: "Don't go around, tell me what you think." He is not a person who likes to go around, and now he is fighting with the foreign fleet, and he is not in the mood for nonsense.

Gao Kai said: "Commander, I think the reserve fleet must slow down!"

Huo Qiang was startled: "Why?"

Not only Huo Qiang, but all the twelve observers who acted as the background wall raised their ears... Proficient in Chinese is the basic condition of being an observer. If Huo Qiang couldn't understand what he said, would he interfere?

Gao Kai immediately replied: "Commander, the position of the reserve fleet is tens of thousands of kilometers lower than the enemy's second fleet, advancing at full speed, it will definitely be in place before the enemy's arrival, and it will be in place in advance, but commander, did you pay attention, the enemy The speed of the army has remained the same. If I were the enemy, I would definitely maintain the current speed. After the reserve fleet flew far away, I would turn and head straight for the moon. By then, the reserve fleet would not be able to come back at all, and it would take time even to return. The moon is in danger!"

"Then what do you think? Withdraw the reserve fleet?" Huo Qiang asked.

Gao Kai said: "It's best to keep the speed, neither fast nor slow, and you can't sell the moon to the enemy!"

Huo Qiang was silent for a moment and said, "Your concern is indeed justified, but have you ever thought about it? If the reserve fleet is always in the same place, what will the enemy think?"

This turned back to Gao Kai, who was stunned. He was thinking about the safety of the moon, but he really didn't think about it in this direction.

After thinking for a moment, Gao Kai had the answer: "If a proper distance is maintained, the enemy's two fleets may reunite!"

"That's right, that's it!" Huo Qiang said. "The enemy is strong and we are weak. It is to our advantage to divide the enemy's forces. Once the enemy forces reunite, can our fleet hold back?"

Gao Kai pursed his lips: "Even if the fleet is exhausted, the moon cannot fall into the hands of aliens!"

The status of the moon is too important. It is a springboard for mankind to enter space. Once it falls into the hands of aliens, mankind will lose the only warship manufacturing base. At that time, the aliens will be able to re-lock the human beings who have entered space into the earth.

It is true that humans have rockets, electromagnetic orbital launchers, and orbital elevators. Even if there is no moon, they can enter space from the ground.

But without the moon, the materials needed by the space program need to be transported from the ground. Think about it, a warship weighing hundreds of thousands of tons, all the raw materials have to be sent to space from the ground, what a terrible scene, a The transportation cost of a warship can drag down the finances of all countries in the world, even if all countries are rationed.

It is impossible to manufacture warships, let alone form fleets. At that time, human beings will become toothless tigers, and they will no longer be able to threaten aliens, let alone form an expeditionary force.

On the contrary, the aliens get the springboard to attack the earth, and they can attack and retreat and defend. They can either attack the earth with their divisions, or they can hold back temporarily until Saturn and Jupiter develop again.

Of course, without the moon, there is still Beichenzhou in the northern capital, but Beichenzhou is far away from Mercury, so it is beyond reach.

Huo Qiang said: "It is true that the moon cannot fall into the hands of aliens, but it is not so easy for the enemy to shoot down the moon. According to your idea, leaving the reserve fleet on the moon can indeed play a certain role, but the opposite is true. Come and think about it, what if the enemy abandons the moon and the fleets join forces to attack the earth directly? If the fleet is exhausted, what's the use of leaving only the moon?"

Having said this, Huo Qiang took a deep breath: "Gao Kai, I understand what you think, but the earth is more important than the moon, and a fleet is needed to defend the earth. I would rather use the moon to attract the enemy's fleet than see our fleet and the enemy. Knock to the death."

Gao Kai was silent for a while before he said: "Commander, I seem to understand a little bit, the enemy is likely to approach the moon deliberately, and then use the method of dividing our troops to attract our attention. If we guard the moon, they will attack the earth, and vice versa. Take the moon for surgery... Two plans and one aircraft carrier, how insidious!"

He didn't know if his guess was right, but only this guess could explain why the enemy was close to the moon.

"It's a good plan!" Huo Qiang laughed instead of anger, "If that's the case, then let's make a plan."

Gao Kai suddenly thought of something: "Commander, do you want to use the moon to attract the enemy?"

"Yes!" Huo Qiang nodded Since the development of the moon, Beidu has always regarded the moon as a super fortress. Both Nanyuezhou and Beiyuezhou are managed militarily, and there is no lack of defense on the moon. Facilities, even if aliens hit the moon, they can last for a while, and maybe they can also make the foreign fleet smashed into the sand.

Gao Kai was a little anxious: "Commander..."

Huo Qiang waved his hand to stop Gao Kai: "The moon has no atmosphere, and so many weapons have been prepared. Regardless of cost or military, it is more cost-effective for the moon to fight the enemy than the earth to fight the Turkish enemy. What do you think?"

Gao Kaixin has let you speak, so what else do you want me to say?

The earth has indeed been prepared for a long time, but the earth is wrapped in a thick atmosphere. Any ground weapon must first break through the atmosphere before it can threaten the fleet outside the soil. Even the laser has to overcome the interference of the atmosphere. Fighting is not an ordinary passive.

The moon is different. Everything is exposed to a vacuum, and the gravitational force is only one-sixth that of the earth. The congenital conditions are much better than the earth. No matter how you look at it, the moon is more dominant.

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