Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1532: I hope you can support

At about 15:00 on June 25, 2033, a fleet outside the soil suddenly turned, and at the same time, the worm machine was released again. Hundreds of thousands of worm machines were in front, and nearly 600 alien warships were behind, and the soldiers pointed directly at the moon.

Huo Qiang was livid, staring at the screen without saying a word.

At this moment, two completely different voices clashed violently in his heart. One voice told him that the reserve fleet must be called back immediately; the other voice said that this could not be done. In desperation, a path leading to victory is spelled out.

40,000 kilometers away!

Huo Qiang really wanted to order the super artillery to fire, but the artillery array was severely hit by the bug machine, the launcher lost a quarter, the range was greatly reduced, and it was no longer able to threaten 40,000 kilometers. enemy ships outside.

The situation of the missile positions is slightly better, but the missiles on the launchers have long been lit, and the lunar positions use simple launchers without automatic loading equipment, which must be manually loaded before they can be launched again.

Huo Qiang evacuated the personnel to the ground ahead of time, and the moon position was empty at the moment, so he could only watch the bug machine keep slamming into the launcher.

Other types of anti-aircraft artillery fire are less powerful, and they are not the focus of the bug machine. The current situation is not bad, but this type of weapon has a relatively short range and does not pose a threat to long-distance targets.

After thinking about it, the reserve fleet is the most reliable. It just so happens that the foreign fleet is still within the range of the reserve fleet. Are you ordering the reserve fleet to send a wave to the foreign fleet?

Huo Qiang struggled fiercely in his heart - ordering the reserve fleet to fire is simple, but after firing, will it cause a counterattack from a foreign fleet?

Now he needs an extra-terrestrial fleet to attack the moon, rather than intercepting the reserve fleet midway.

But he has not been very steady in his heart, and always feels that he has overlooked something.

At this moment, Wu Han suddenly said: "Commander, the Second Enemy Fleet is accelerating and the direction is changing... Reserve Fleet, the Second Enemy Fleet's goal is the Reserve Fleet, and they want to intercept the Reserve Fleet!"

Huo Qiang raised his eyebrows like a knife: "Can you escape?"

"Can't dodge, the enemy's speed is very fast!"

"How long will it take?"

"About two hours."

Huo Qiang rubbed his forehead fiercely: "Is the enemy fleet silent?"

"Not yet."

"No!" Huo Qiang stared at the screen.

In terms of distance, the First Fleet outside Turkey is closer to the Reserve Fleet, and the First Fleet can't stop it, so why is the Second Fleet so far away?

Before he could come up with a reason, the foreign fleet on the screen also moved, and the enemy data in the corner of the screen immediately changed, showing the changes of the enemy.

From the data point of view, a fleet outside Turkey is also accelerating, but the direction remains unchanged, and it is still flying towards the moon.

Huo Qiang suddenly realized: "Understood, the enemy's goal is the moon!"

After speaking, he added another sentence in his mind, maybe from the beginning, the alien's goal was the moon, and everything before was to confuse the defenders!

The distance between the two enemy fleets is not far. At the speed of the second enemy fleet, even if the reserve fleet turns around immediately, it cannot stop the first enemy fleet, but will be intercepted by the second enemy fleet.

But still the same sentence, don't look at the enemy's more than 1,000 warships, but want to hit the moon, hum, the aliens still lack a pair of good teeth!

Huo Qiang thought for a moment and said, "Order the main force of the fleet to speed up, order the reserve fleet to hold back the second enemy fleet, and order all the positions on the moon surface to prepare for battle... The time to go all out has come."

He has already made up his mind to use the moon to wear off the living power of the aliens. Although he is not particularly confident in his heart, but thinking about the preparations made on the moon, even if he can't wear off the foreign fleet, he can at least re-create the foreign fleet. Bar?

At this time, the insect machines that flew to the moon had already been consumed, and few were still in the sky. A few minutes later, the last insect machine was shot down by the laser cannon.

The various theaters under the Joint Command immediately adjusted their positions on the lunar surface, especially in the Eastern Hemisphere, which had just fought against the swarms. Missile positions and super artillery arrays suffered serious losses.

The soldiers who hid in the ground not long ago rushed out of the bunker like crazy, entered the position at the fastest speed, re-checked the intact launcher, and did not care about the damaged launcher, just set up a few new launchers. ... The benefits of using a simple launcher are reflected at this time. No matter whether it is repaired or replaced, it takes time. The new launcher is so simple that you only need to take it out of the bunker and find a flat place.

The situation of the super artillery array is similar. All the launchers adopt a modular design. From the tofu, as long as the damaged part is removed and replaced with a new one, the repair is completed.

But it's actually not that simple. The speed of the impact of the insect machine is very fast and the energy is very high. The crater left by each impact is as deep as two people.

The impact not only destroyed the launcher, but the buried lines were also destroyed by the impact. This thing can be troublesome to repair. The crater must be filled first, then new lines are laid out, and finally the launcher is installed to the node of the line superior.

This is still the super artillery array selected on a piece of bare lunar rock. If it is loose lunar soil, it may leave a deep crater.

Despite the difficulties, none of the soldiers hesitated to back down. All of them tried their best to repair the super artillery array against the clock.

Time is It is definitely too late to repair it as before, but if you can repair one more launcher, the power of the artillery array can be increased by one point.

Commanders from various theaters are in charge of the lunar positions. Huo Qiang doesn't need to worry about it. His attention is always on the enemy's fleet.

The foreign fleet was very fast, and the reserve fleet had no chance to stop the foreign fleet. Huo Qiang wanted to order the fleet to give up the interception and fly directly back to the moon.

But in that case, the second foreign fleet will no longer be restrained. If the reserve fleet is transferred back at this time, the moon will not face the first foreign fleet, but a full 1,200 alien warships!

Huo Qiang didn't know how strong the moon could withstand an attack, but he instinctively felt that the two enemy armies could not be merged.

Thinking of this, Huo Qiang turned to face the observation group: "Everyone, I need a reserve fleet to hold back the second enemy fleet and create an opportunity for the moon to annihilate the first enemy fleet, but there will be sacrifices in this plan, and it is likely to be a huge sacrifice, I hope you can support my plan!"

Before he finished speaking, the expressions of the twelve observers changed, and twenty-four eyes were fixed on Huo Qiang's face.

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