Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1533: hold on

The reaction of the observation group was not surprising at all, Huo Qiang had long expected this situation.

The combined fleet is composed of the Beiyuezhou Fleet and the International Fleet. The main force of the fleet is the Beiyuezhou Fleet, plus a small number of Western warships; while the reserve fleet is mainly Western warships, plus a certain number of super gunboats.

This situation is not only for the convenience of command, but also a political compromise between the Northern Capital and Washington.

Huo Qiang's plan required the hard work of the Reserve Fleet and the Second Foreign Fleet. Rather than being questioned by the observation group after the order was issued, it was better to seek the opinion of the observation group in advance.

An observer group immediately objected: "Why?"

Huo Qiang immediately stated his thoughts and inferences, and glanced at the time after speaking: "We are running out of time, please decide as soon as possible."

The observers immediately began to chat, some with tangled faces, some with heavy expressions, and some with indignant expressions.

Nine of the twelve observers were dissatisfied with Huo Qiang's decision, and the remaining three were not much stronger. Everyone's opinions were very unified, and they all felt that Huo Qiang was using aliens to weaken the international fleet.

But Huo Qiang's reasons are very sufficient, and no obvious flaws can be found in the strategic deployment and specific tactics.

In the end, it was still a show of hands, and the result was six arms each for and against, and half to half passed the resolution-Huo Qiang had no right to interfere in the voting of the observation group, nor did he have the right to vote, but in order to avoid delaying the fighter, he voted in the observation group. In the case of no result, Huo Qiang's opinion can also be regarded as a vote.

Washington's idea is very practical. Since it is not conducive to the international fleet, but there are still six people who agree, this controversial proposal must be necessary.

Seeing the result of the vote, all the members of the observation group looked at Huo Qiang in unison, and Huo Qiang let out a sigh of relief: "Thank you!"

"No thanks, we're here for the Earth," said one observer with a deadpan expression.

"For the Earth!" Huo Qiang said solemnly, "Wu Han!"


"Order the reserve fleet, no matter what method they use, they must hold back the second enemy fleet!"


"Also... Tell me about Taizu's sixteen-character policy." Huo Qiang added at last.

It's a pity that the commander of the reserve fleet is a Yankee. If it is his own, there is no need to say this sentence at all.

Wu Han's cheeks twitched, but he still agreed.

The sixteen-character policy is no longer a secret, and it’s okay to let the crooked nuts know about it—the power of this thing is that you clearly know what’s going on, but you just can’t think of an effective countermeasure!

After receiving the order, the reserve fleet immediately adjusted its direction and launched long-range missiles at the enemy as soon as possible. Next was the time for super shotguns. One after another shells flew from the muzzles of the human warships at a speed of 19 kilometers per second. Twenty thousand kilometers away, the second foreign fleet.

The distance is really too far. It takes a full seventeen and a half minutes for electromagnetic artillery shells to encounter the enemy. In the past, when the steel **** flew 20,000 kilometers away, the density was so low that the probability of hitting the enemy ship was infinitely close to zero.

But the super shotgun, like other human weapons, is constantly being improved. The super shotgun used today draws on the technology of the Hidden Sword missile. It is a complete shell when it is fired, and it will explode when it is close to the target. As a result, it can limit the excessive spread of steel **** and greatly improve the hit rate of super shotguns.

In addition, the fleet can also control the spread surface by controlling the detonation time. If the enemy is concentrated, it will detonate slower, and if the enemy is scattered, it will be earlier, thereby increasing the hit rate of the super shotgun.

In addition to missiles and super shotguns, smoke bombs are also indispensable. In this way, a large wave of missiles and shells flew towards the Second Fleet.

The aliens believe that they have a considerable understanding of human beings, and they also know that humans can launch attacks tens of thousands of kilometers away, but they are more aware that the effect of attacks launched at this distance is very limited, so they do not care about the actions of the reserve fleet.

But they soon discovered that something was wrong. In the past, long-range strikes by human beings were carried out in groups of missiles. Why are artillery shells coming up today?

But what about it? The aliens did not intend to carry it hard. Taking advantage of the distance of the first wave of human firepower, the five hundred and eighty-two warships of the Second Foreign Fleet quickly dispersed. Not only did the distance quickly widen, but the entire fleet was also divided into front, middle and rear. Three different levels, each with nearly 200 warships.

Moreover, the alien warships scattered and released flying insect machines, and soon formed a large insect cloud.

The Reserve Fleet and the Joint Command did some calculations. The former concluded that there were more than 200,000 bug machines in total, while the latter concluded that it was more accurate, about 240,000, and it was still increasing.

This data may seem exaggerated, but spread it out, each alien warship only needs to carry 400 bug machines - this is definitely not the limit of alien warships!

Not to mention anything else, let’s just talk about the foreign fleet. The first release of the worm machine exceeded 400,000, and just now more than 200,000 were released. Together, each alien warship carried no less than 1,000 worm machines.

This may not be all, but even if there are 1,000 worms per ship, there are 1.2 million worms carried by the foreign fleet. Just thinking about it makes my heart skip a beat. If there is no weapon to deal with the swarm, the foreign fleet will The bug machine brought by it can make the combined fleet work several times and turn it around.

Huo Qiang was extremely fortunate that the expeditionary force had not yet reached Jupiter when the foreign fleet set off, otherwise the super neutron bomb was 80% of the foreign fleet would postpone the departure time, and when the foreign fleet departed again, the killer would be But it's not a bug machine. At that time, there will be no targeted weapons on the human side. Haha, in the end, it may not necessarily be the result.

Of course, now I don't know what the final result will be, but I can always prepare a little bit.

After the insect plane flew away from the mothership, it immediately rushed to the reserve fleet in the distance. They were very numerous and fast. They didn't look like a group of insects, but like countless missiles flying towards the target.

Well, those original bug machines can also emit fine light, but the round-headed bug machines are different. This thing is nothing but a collision. It seems that the most purpose of aliens creating this thing is to collide.

The reserve fleet did not dare to neglect, and immediately fired a batch of missiles... The first batch was mainly used to deal with alien warships, and this batch was to deal with insect aircraft.

The speed of the missile was slow when it was launched, but the speed after the acceleration was very fast. It only took seven minutes to encounter the oncoming insect cloud. In order to prevent the missile from being shot down by the insect swarm, the reserve fleet had to detonate the smoke bomb in advance, and the missile was covered by a cloud of smoke. , blocking the sight of the bug machine.

But the bug machine didn't see the slightest hesitation, and crashed directly into the smoke screen.

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