Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1534: Strong in the outside world

The relative speed of the bug machine and the missile is extremely fast, with a maximum speed of more than 60 kilometers per second. With the cover of the smoke screen, the probability of successful collision is pitiful, but I don’t know what means the aliens used, and the bug machine that rushed into the smoke screen can actually Missiles are found, and the positioning signals of the missiles continue to disappear.

Fortunately, the speed of disappearance is still within the acceptable range.

The commander of the reserve fleet was Lieutenant General Cook of the U.S. Army. He wanted to detonate the nuclear bomb in advance. After seeing this scene, he let out a sigh of relief and gave up the idea of ​​detonating it in advance.

The bug machine didn't intercept many missiles, and he could afford this loss.

The speed of the missile and the bug machine was not slow, and after just a few seconds, the two sides staggered past.

The missile continued to run towards the Second Foreign Fleet, but a group of round-headed worms in the swarm turned their heads and drew a huge arc. Seeing that, they wanted to turn around and pursue the missile.

Cook simply didn't know what to say. With such a fast speed, the time wasted in turning around was not a star and a half. I was afraid that the missile would collide with the Second Foreign Fleet before waiting for the round-headed worm to catch up.

The brief skirmish ended, but only a few minutes later the swarm collided with the super-nukes fired by the reserve fleet.

Cook, a veteran of the fifth expedition, was in command of the air carrier Dreadnought, and now he is no longer in command of the Dreadnought, but still regards the Dreadnought as the flagship of the fleet.

He knew very well the characteristics of super neutron bombs, so the second wave of missiles was very scattered and also covered by smoke bombs. When the missile was about to collide with the swarm, Cook pressed the detonation button himself.

A dazzling light suddenly bloomed in the dark space, followed by the second, the third... More than 20 super nuclear bombs exploded one after another, bringing most of the swarm into the killing range of the neutron bomb, only this one The round of blows killed more than half of the incoming bug machines, and less than 100,000 survived.

Well, if there are no super neutron bombs, let alone 100,000 worm machines, even 10,000 worm machines can make the reserve fleet retreat.

Fortunately, there is no such thing as an invincible way, and now every human warship is equipped with several super neutron bombs, which the bug machine can handle.

At this time, the second round of super neutron bombs should have been fired, but firstly, the live worms were hidden among the dead ones, and it was unclear when they were mixed together. .

The super neutron bomb was not blown by the strong wind. Based on the principle of saving as much as possible, Cook decided to bring the enemy closer and fight again. The target of the swarm was human warships, and the reserve fleet was always concentrated, and the swarm was close to the fleet. At that time, they will definitely regroup. At that time, it is time to launch the second wave of super neutron bombs!

The speed of the missile was much faster than that of the insect plane. The insect plane was still two minutes away from the reserve fleet, and the missile had already flown to the vicinity of a fleet outside the soil.

The aliens have also learned from the experience of previous battles. After the flying insect planes are released, the distance between the alien warships is as little as 50 to 60 kilometers, and as many as 180 kilometers. Even super nuclear bombs are difficult to destroy multiple enemy ships in one fell swoop.

Moreover, after the defeat of the worm swarm, the Second Foreign Fleet released another wave of worm machines. After these worm machines left the ship, they rushed towards the incoming smoke screen... The idea of ​​​​the aliens is indeed good, but the success rate of the blind cat hitting the mouse is too high When it was low, tens of thousands of round-headed worms got into the smoke screen, but only two missiles were smashed by the round-headed worms.

The aliens behaved well this time. The round-headed worm that did not find the missile did not turn back, but continued to fly forward out of the smoke screen. After adjusting the direction a little, it flew to the next smoke screen.

It was also because the reserve fleet had too many missiles, and there were seventy or eighty regiments of smokescreens for cover alone... Half of the smokescreens were covering the missiles, and there was not a single fart in the rest of the smokescreens.

The truth is the truth. Cook may not know this sentence, but he understands the truth. Just the extra smoke screen, he doesn't know how many round-headed worms are contained in the aliens.

Aliens also know that human missiles are powerful, and they dare not fight recklessly, but stay away from the smoke screen as much as possible.

Regardless of whether it has missiles or not, it's definitely better to stay farther away.

The aliens not only sent round-headed worms to intercept, but the distance between the fleet and the smoke screen was still 1,450 kilometers. Light desperately drills into the smokescreen.

It’s not enough to get in, but you have to sweep up and down a few times, and use all kinds of methods together, and the effect is much better than the impact of the round-headed worm. As soon as they met, the human side lost more than a dozen missiles.

The situation was a bit unexpected, Cook immediately made amends, and immediately activated all the remaining smoke bombs. New smoke screens immediately emerged from the smoke screens that were approaching the Second Fleet, and the alien fleet rushed into layers.

In the face of this new change, the aliens couldn't think of any particularly effective way. The only way is to mix them with fine light to destroy as many missiles as possible.

About a minute later, the missile under the cover of the smoke screen rushed to a position only a few hundred kilometers away from the Second Fleet outside Turkey. Cook finally issued the activation command, and the missile hidden in the smoke screen was activated immediately.

Only one-third of the missiles can fly here, but each missile is an improved version of the female fish missile. After the warhead cracks, the hidden fish missile is released.

These small anti-ship missiles are small in size, but not slow. After the warhead splits, it accelerates immediately and rushes out of the smoke screen in a blink of an eye.

The aliens have been guarding against this move for a long time, and the shot is to brush past several rounds of fine light.

However, humans are also familiar with the methods of aliens. These missiles are not so easy to stop. When they leave the smoke screen, they have entered various maneuvers, some flying snakes, some flying waves, some flying spirals, and more snakes When the shape flies halfway, it changes to a spiral changes to a wave when it flies halfway.

In short, it is all kinds of irregularities.

Even the reserve fleet didn't know what kind of maneuvering these missiles were flying, let alone the aliens. The fine light brushed over and over again, but there were not many missiles that were intercepted by the fine light.

The combined maneuvers work really well.

The aliens never thought that their own optical network was so ineffective, and the missiles came close in a blink of an eye. At this time, it was too late to run away. At the same time as the fine light was desperately intercepting, the insect planes around the battleship also Hit the missile.

These worm machines are deliberately left by aliens, just to deal with the current situation.

The high-speed flying worm collided with the same high-speed flying missile, and the round-headed worm was very sensitive. It could actually capture the trajectory of the missile, and even calculate the advance amount, and fly directly to the front to intercept it.

Fortunately, the missile not only flies various maneuvers, but also changes its speed constantly. The round-headed worm can calculate the direction and speed of the missile, and can also roughly judge the maneuvering method of the missile, but they can't judge when the missile changes anyway. speed.

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