Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1535: Strong outside the middle (2)

If you install a camera on the missile, you can see the round-headed worm flying menacingly from the front. The missile just changes speed, and the round-headed worm that should have crashed the missile flew past the missile.

At this time, another round-headed worm came, and the missile just spiraled to escape.

And then the third, the fourth...

Some missiles failed to escape the impact of the round-headed worm, but some successfully avoided all the round-headed worms and the thin light, successfully approached the alien battleship, and finally collided with the alien battleship.

A bright light suddenly burst into the darkness. After 2.4 seconds, the bright light dissipated. The good battleship had been destroyed by the nuclear explosion, and only a few pieces of wreckage were left to slowly disperse.

Yuyu missiles are small in size and can only carry miniature nuclear bombs, but miniature nuclear bombs are also nuclear bombs, and a random shot is equivalent to one or two thousand tons of TNT.

Therefore, the alien warship hit by the missile was tragic.

And the tragedy is not only staged one or two, but staged twenty-seven in a row.

A round of missiles only killed 27 enemy ships, the result was a little short, but this result is definitely good news for the reserve fleet.

The enemy is strong and we are weak. More than 100 warships against 600 warships will kill more than 20 ships in one round. Isn’t that good news?

General Cook made persistent efforts and immediately ordered the fleet to fire missiles again.

The Second Foreign Fleet also had a new trend. All the alien warships rushed to the reserve fleet at full speed.

Aliens do not have powerful long-range weapons, and there are not so many tricks on their weapons. Only by narrowing the distance can they find an opportunity to turn defeat into victory.

The second fleet outside Turkey just started to accelerate, and the super shotgun just flew a few hundred kilometers away. In order to prevent the long dream at night, and the alien warships were too scattered, Cook detonated the super shotgun in advance.

This thing is not so much a shotgun, but a large grenade fired by an electromagnetic gun.

This is also the old method of human beings, but no matter whether the method is new or old, the one that can kill the aliens is a good method!

The aliens can't stop it and can't stop it. This batch of shotguns can kill a batch of enemy ships no matter what.

But Cook thought it perfectly. Those dark alien warships were completely different from the previous ice ships. They rushed into the debris cloud without dodging, and countless shrapnel steel **** smashed into pieces of sparks on the outer armor. But it can't penetrate the armor of alien warships!

The aliens have no water in their brains. They know very well what killers humans have. They can't deal with such big killers as nuclear bombs, but super shotguns are not difficult to deal with.

And they chose the easiest way: to strengthen the armor of the battleship!

Cook doesn't know exactly how the aliens did it, but it seems to work well.

You must know that even human warships cannot survive the debris rain. The aliens can do this, indicating that their warship armor has surpassed humans in some aspects!

This is not a good phenomenon. If it continues to develop, will aliens completely surpass humans one day in the future?

The battle continued. The insect swarms from the Second Fleet outside the soil had already reached the front of the reserve fleet, and they would collide in a while. With the relative speed of the two sides, the insect machine really collided, and the human warships had no good results.

The super gunboats under Cook's command had already opened fire, destroying a lot of worm machines, but there were too few super gunboats and too many worm machines, and there were still many close to the fleet.

Before the swarm arrived, Cook ordered the fleet to focus on the flagship, and then fired three missiles straight ahead.

These missiles are of the same model, but the commands input during launch are different, and the speed behind the ship is also different. It is not too far away from the ship, and several missiles have already pulled away.

When the swarm flew close, the distance between several missiles was already fifty or sixty kilometers.

It was still covered by a smoke screen, and the swarm had a memory. The old version of the bug machine spread out immediately after finding the smoke screen, and tried desperately to stay away from the smoke screen. The round-headed bug was just the opposite. explode.

At this moment, 10,000 harmonious mythical beasts stepped on Cook's heart, but his fingers were stably hanging on the detonating button, not moving.

By the way, the international fleet has also popularized the panoramic helmet, but the control system is not fully virtualized like the Beiyuezhou fleet, especially the important control equipment, all use more primitive but more reliable consoles.

For this reason, the Panoramic Helmet of the International Fleet also uses a special design. When the head is not bowed, the image outside the ship is viewed, and when the head is bowed, it is switched to the image inside the ship.

The swarm flew closer and closer, three hundred kilometers, two hundred kilometers, one hundred and fifty kilometers!

The smoke screen had penetrated into the hole in the swarm, Cook decisively pressed the trigger button, and a bright light flashed in the swarm.

A few seconds later, the second nuclear bomb detonated, and a few seconds later, the third detonated.

Three super neutron bombs successively wiped out all the bug machines from the front of the fleet, leaving only the corpses to continue flying towards the reserve fleet.

But don't worry, Cook has already made arrangements. With an order, the lasers and missiles of each ship will fire at the same time, and a batch of missiles will fly to all directions at the same time, and explode at the same time more than 20 kilometers away from the fleet. kill.

The super neutron bomb can only kill the bug machine, but these ordinary nuclear bombs can destroy the bug machine and the belt bones completely, and the **** left is all the eight generations of ancestors burned the incense.

Several rounds of nuclear bombs were thrown out, and the reserve fleet was wrapped over and over again by the strong light formed by the nuclear explosion. However, after all, the nuclear explosion was not a real iron wall, and some bug machines still broke through the blockade.

It doesn't matter if you get Human warships definitely have no shortage of close-to-air guns, or a classic combination of shells and lasers, which will smash the incoming bug machines one by one.

When the fleet passed through the swarm, Cook immediately inquired about the situation of the fleet. As a result, seven battleships reported battle damage, four of which were seriously injured and had lost their combat capability.

In the first round of confrontation, the battle loss ratio of the second foreign fleet was 4.5%, and the battle loss ratio of the reserve fleet was 6.7%. No matter how you look at it, the reserve fleet suffered a big loss, but considering that the enemy is strong and I am weak, this loss is really A piece of cake.

If every confrontation is exchanged at this ratio, the 104 warships of the reserve fleet can be exchanged for more than 400 alien warships, and the combined fleet of more than 300 warships can almost make up the foreign fleet!

It's a pity that this is just Cook's fantasy. It was beyond his expectations that he could kill so many enemy ships in the first round. The next battle will definitely not be so easy.

At this time, the aliens were approaching, and Cook put aside his useless thoughts and kept thinking about how to deal with the enemy.

Well, in order to guard against nuclear bombs, the aliens took the initiative to disperse the formation. There is only one enemy ship per 100 kilometers. Is this an opportunity to defeat the enemy?

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