Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1537: fly up

With Huo Qiang's order, Beiyuezhou immediately started the electromagnetic catapult orbit, and an aerial fighter lined up to lift off from a vertical hole. As soon as it escaped the gravity of the moon, it immediately turned around and rushed towards the enemy.

The alien's response was equally quick. The swarm that originally flew to the moon was divided into two, half continued to rush towards the moon, and the other half turned and dived, quickly grabbing between a fleet and aerospace fighters outside the soil, blocking the advance of the fleet. route.

If you want to attack a foreign fleet, you must first penetrate the swarm!

The aerospace fighters from Beiyuezhou fired first.

Due to the limited size, the missiles carried by the aerospace fighters have a limited range, but the missiles are much stronger than the thin light no matter how short they are. Hundreds of missiles fly straight to the swarm.

At the same time, the main force of the fleet on the other side of the earth also received Huo Qiang's order. Gao Kai was shocked, but he quickly calmed down.

The current altitude of the combined fleet is 60,000 kilometers. Taking all factors such as the moon's revolution, speed and inertia into account, the flight to the other side of the earth is 180,000 kilometers, which takes a full six hours!

The first foreign fleet is still near the moon, and its height is a full 380,000 kilometers. As long as the enemy's speed is greater than 17.6 kilometers per second, it can fly over the interception point in front of the combined fleet.

With the acceleration just shown by the enemy, it is not difficult to reach or even exceed this speed at all. Even if the space stations and ground firepower at all levels are fully fired, it is hard to say how much time can be bought.

Huo Qiang made a decisive decision and ordered the fleet to change its orbit to a low orbit while accelerating its full speed.

60,000 kilometers is very far, but it is far from the point where it can escape from the earth's gravity. Subduction can maximize the acceleration of the earth's gravity!

Aliens also take advantage of this to have such a high acceleration. Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to have such a strong acceleration ability based on the power of the alien warship itself.

Gao Kai paid close attention to the movements of the foreign fleet, kept calculating the enemy's speed, and the expression on his face became more and more solemn.

Duan Zhiyang approached Gao Kai and frowned when he saw the data on the screen: "Commander, the enemy is so fast that we are too late?"

The speed of the foreign fleet was much faster than expected. Based on the current speed of the two sides, it was impossible for the main force of the fleet to rush to the interception point before the enemy.

Gao Kai pursed his lips: "It's really too late, but it's not too late either."

Duan Zhiyang was stunned. The speed per second of a warship in space was calculated in kilometers. The aliens only needed a few seconds to pass the interception point first. By that time, they would be exhausted and unable to catch up with the enemy.

Gao Kai suddenly turned his head and looked at Duan Zhiyang with a very complicated look, seeing Duan Zhiyang's heart go straight: "Commander, why do you see me like this?"

Gao Kai's voice was particularly gloomy: "Other battleships can't do it, but the Sirius can!"

Duan Zhiyang's whole person is bad: "Commander, what do you mean..."

Gao Kai nodded without hesitation: "How? Dare or dare?"

Duan Zhiyang slammed into the fire: "Commander, you don't need to provoke me. I've already died a few times, so why not dare?"

"Okay!" Gao Kai's eyes were sharp, "I need you to command the Sirius to go first, rush to the interception point in front of the enemy, and buy time for the main force... Don't rush to answer me, the enemy has 600 warships, you There is only one..."

Having said this, Gao Kai suddenly couldn't continue, and the rest of the words were all stuffed in his heart.

The gap is really too big, it's just one sky and one underground, without a strong enough heart and crazy enough nerves, I'm afraid I don't even dare to think like this.

After a long silence, Gao Kai finally choked out a sentence: "Can you...can you do it?"

Duan Zhiyang smiled freely: "I didn't say anything, leave it to me!"

"You can refuse..."

"I can't refuse!" Duan Zhiyang's voice was not high, but his tone was unprecedentedly firm. He raised his face slightly, and his lost focus wandered left and right, "This task can only be handed over to the Sirius, and I am the commander of the Sirius, and it is my duty."

Gao Kai looked at Duan Zhiyang and didn't know what to say, and suddenly regretted it.

Sirius is indeed an amazing warship, it has created a series of firsts in human military history - the largest tonnage, the highest power, the strongest firepower, the longest endurance... But it is only a warship after all, facing six hundred What will be the final result of the siege of an alien warship?

Gao Kai could not see the hope of victory, let alone how to win.

Seeing Gao Kai's hesitation, Duan Zhiyang smiled slightly: "Don't worry, I can't die."

Gao Kai picked up his scattered thoughts: "Well, I'll wait for your good news... You must understand that if you can't stop the enemy..."

"Don't worry, I understand." Duan Zhiyang smiled slightly, "I can't promise to stop the enemy, I can only promise to do my best."

Gao Kai nodded: "I understand... take care!"

Duan Zhiyang still smiled: "I will."

Gao Kai took a deep breath: "Everyone pay attention, the command will immediately evacuate the Sirius, hurry up!"

The personnel affiliated to the headquarters were stunned at the same time, but soon left their respective positions and floated out of the bridge behind Gao Kai.

A few minutes later, all the staff of the headquarters evacuated the Sirius and watched the transport boat carrying the headquarters fly away. Duan Zhiyang took a deep breath and roared: "The reactor is fully powered, the propeller is fully powered, and the speed is full—"

The light blue tail flame at the rear of the Sirius suddenly lengthened, and the battleship left the fleet at a speed visible to the naked eye, leaving behind a group of battleships and eyes that were hopping all over the ground.

This speed is too fast!

Not to mention others, even Duan Zhiyang himself, did not know that the Sirius, which was moving at full speed, was so fast, but within a few dozen seconds, the speed of the battleship had risen from nine kilometers per second to fourteen kilometers per second~www.readwn .com ~ and rising!

What surprised Duan Zhiyang even more was that the thruster's power continued to rise after reaching 100%!

He knew that the engine of the Sirius came from lost alien technology, but he never imagined that such an engine would be so powerful. If such an engine were researched earlier, the speed of human warships could at least be doubled!

Speed ​​is not the decisive factor in war, but it is one of the most important weights on the scale of victory!

The shocked Gao Kai immediately contacted the Sirius: "Duan Zhiyang, your speed is okay!" He also knew the data of the Sirius. The engine data given by Beichenzhou was definitely not so abnormal. He really wanted to ask Beichenzhou. , how did the low data come out?

"It's not the limit speed yet!" Duan Zhiyang looked proud, "Commander, should the interception point be changed?"

"It must be changed!" Gao Kai was in high spirits, "You decide where to go, I won't interfere!"

"Understood!" Duan Zhiyang smiled, "The bow is raised 64 degrees, let's fly up!"

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