Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1538: amazing speed

At 15:22 on June 25, 2033, the Sirius left the combined fleet, and the single ship flew to the interception point.

Due to the angle, the first fleet outside Turkey could not see the Sirius for the time being, but soon after the departure of the Sirius, it appeared in the sight of the second fleet outside Turkey.

The aliens who witnessed this scene were both amazed and horrified. They couldn't understand how the speed of this human warship was so fast, and they couldn't figure out where the human race got such a warship.

According to the direction and speed of the Sirius, the aliens immediately concluded that the Sirius' target was a fleet outside the soil.

Although the Sirius is just a warship, human weapons are really perverted, and this warship is so large and fast. It is obviously not an ordinary warship. Therefore, aliens have paid enough attention to Sirius. Some of the battleships in the Second Fleet released insect machines while accelerating their separation. They left the battlefield after a while and dived towards the earth at a high speed, intending to intercept the Sirius.

Cook was intent on intercepting, but there were too few warships in his hand, and it was very difficult to deal with the remaining enemy ships. He could only watch the more than 100 enemy ships leave.

The only thing he can do is to issue a warning to the Sirius... Both the enemy and the enemy are within each other's sights. Even if Cook does nothing, the Sirius can see the actions of the Second Fleet outside Turkey.

But having said that, the more than 100 warships were originally the opponents of the reserve fleet. Now that these enemy ships have left, Cook should report it.

Duan Zhiyang, who received the news, immediately calculated the route of the enemy and us, and soon came to the conclusion that the enemy from the Second Fleet outside Turkey was blocking the route of the Sirius!

Duan Zhiyang was a pain in the ass. If the Sirius maintained its current orbital altitude, the enemy would not be able to intercept the Sirius. It was precisely because he issued an order to raise the orbital altitude that he gave the enemy a chance to intercept.

It is not impossible to maintain the current altitude, but in that case, after reaching the interception point, you must wait for a period of time. The enemy can use this time to change direction or take other evasive measures. At that time, will the Sirius still have a chance to intercept the enemy. But it's hard to say.

Detouring is also not feasible. Although the three are not in a straight line, they are not going anywhere. If the Sirius wants to intercept a fleet outside the soil, it cannot bypass the enemy ships that are blocking the way.

Space interception does not mean that the enemy can be blocked by arriving at the interception point. The so-called interception point is not a fixed position, but a line parallel to the enemy's channel!

In other words, the Sirius must arrive near the enemy's route at the right time, adjust the speed and direction to be consistent with the enemy, and then destroy or delay the enemy through various strikes, ultimately achieving delay or other combat purposes.

There are so many enemy ships. If the height of the interception is too low, even if the Sirius arrives at the interception point in time, it will not have enough time to destroy the enemy ships. Therefore, the height of the Sirius is very important, which is the main reason why Duan Zhiyang insists on raising the height. .

After thinking about it again and again, Duan Zhiyang turned his heart and ordered the battleship to keep the current direction, but the speed was slightly reduced.

The current speed of the Sirius has more than doubled the design speed, but the super engine has not yet reached its limit... Perhaps, this can be used!

Duan Zhiyang made a decision in his heart, but the distance between the Sirius and the alien fleet is too far, and it will not catch fire for a while, and it will take about two hours to encounter the alien interceptor fleet.

The battle situation was temporarily stalemate. After more than 40 minutes, the aerospace fighters from Beiyuezhou approached the intercepted swarm.

In order to get through the aircraft carrier, the swarm has launched several batches of missiles at the swarm, including conventional air-to-air missiles, as well as nuclear bombs of various yields, and even dozens of super nuclear bombs, but the swarm is stubbornly blocking the front of the swarm. Would rather suffer huge casualties than back down.

The swarm tried to bypass the swarm, but no matter which direction the swarm flew, the swarm would immediately approach without giving the swarm a chance.

Before the war, every pilot had written a suicide note, and everyone was ready to sacrifice. They could drive a fighter jet into the swarm, even if they died with the giant worm blocking the road.

But the superior's order is to intercept a fleet outside the soil, let alone fighter planes, even missiles can't penetrate the swarm, forcibly impacting the swarm will only be surrounded, and the possibility of penetrating the swarm is extremely small.

Even if you pass through, you will have to face the pursuit of the insect swarm. Unless there is a miracle, the chance of surviving is infinitely close to zero.

In the past, it was said that saving oneself could destroy the enemy, but now it is necessary to cross the swarm to intercept the enemy's fleet. In desperation, the fleet could only continue to fight with the swarm, and watch the fleet fly farther and farther outside the soil.

Time passed slowly while waiting. At 16:56, the intercepting fleet from the Second Fleet outside Turkey arrived at the predetermined position, began to reduce the speed, and changed the dive to level flight. More than 100 warships surrounded the sky in an extremely sparse formation. Near the channel of the Wolf, then all the alien warships turned 180 degrees, their buttocks turned towards the front of the ship, and aimed at the Sirius behind.

It won't be long before the Sirius will enter the range of alien battleships, and will be surrounded by more than 100 battleships.

The situation seemed to be extremely unfavorable for the Sirius, but Duan Zhiyang unhurriedly showed a sneer: "The super cannon fires, hit me hard!"

With an order, the thick hull of the Sirius slowly opened, revealing the dense laser transmitters under the hull.

Aliens could never have imagined that humans could install five sets of super artillery arrays on a warship, but in one shot, the Sirius killed seven enemy Unfortunately, super artillery arrays The charging time is relatively long. After a round of shooting, you have to wait for a while before you can continue to fire.

Realizing the horror of the Sirius, the aliens changed their previous tactics and no longer waited for the Sirius to get into the siege, but took the initiative to attack and accelerated towards the Sirius.

The speed of the Sirius did not decrease, and the super cannon fired again, harvesting several more enemy ships.

The speed of both sides is not slow, and the Sirius will enter the range of the enemy ship in a short while, and the third round of shooting seems to be too late.

Duan Zhiyang didn't insist either, and ordered the smoke bombs to be fired. After the smoke screen dissipated, several missiles were fired. On the surface, the missiles were used to disrupt the enemy, but in fact, they were quietly accelerating under the cover of the smoke screen!

The current speed is not the limit of the Sirius. If it hadn't deliberately lowered the speed, I am afraid that the Sirius would have arrived at the interception point!

From the alien's point of view, the Sirius was first surrounded by a smoke screen, and then dozens of missiles flew out of the smoke screen. The alien fleet immediately began to intercept them, but before they could destroy the incoming missiles, the Sirius had already emerged from the smoke screen. , amazingly fast!

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