Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1539: classic combination

The Sirius launched the most common anti-aircraft missiles. Duan Zhiyang was betting that aliens would give priority to intercepting the missiles.

Sure enough, after the Sirius rushed out of the smoke screen, he saw that all the alien warships were busy intercepting missiles, and none of them shot at Sirius.

At this time, the Sirius had entered the range of the alien battleship. In order to protect the super cannon, Duan Zhiyang closed the outer shell of the battleship in advance.

But it doesn't matter, the name of the super battleship is not for nothing. In addition to the super cannon, there is also a super electromagnetic gun and several secondary guns on the Sirius. Even if the super cannon cannot fire, this battleship is not left to aliens. Slaughtered weak chickens.

At this time, the distance between the two sides was just right. Duan Zhiyang decisively ordered the electromagnetic guns to fire, and the super shotgun shells that came out of the chambers rushed towards the enemy ships in front, and in a blink of an eye, several enemy ships were turned into sieves.

The power of the electromagnetic gun follows the length of the barrel, and the length of the battleship determines the length of the electromagnetic gun! The captain of the Sirius is nearly 700 meters, and the length of the electromagnetic gun is no less than 600 meters. It is the longest electromagnetic gun in human history, and the super electromagnetic gun truly deserves its name.

The alien fleet lost one after another, and more than a hundred warships lost a quarter in a blink of an eye, but not even the oily skin of the Sirius was scratched. Also crash the Sirius.

But the aliens misestimated the speed of the Sirius, and Duan Zhiyang, who was ruthless, ordered the speeding forward. The super engine broke out with unprecedented power, the wake length reached ten times that of the captain, and the speed was increased at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Duan Zhiyang couldn't believe his eyes. The super engine had refreshed his three views several times, but he never imagined that speeding ahead was still not the limit of this engine!

He couldn't imagine how this engine was made.

If there is a technician from Beichenzhou, he will definitely tell Duan Zhiyang that this engine is made of alien special metal, alien engine structure and more than 100 failures before and after. It was not built until a few months ago. out this finished product.

In the hearts of Beichenzhou technicians, this engine can only be regarded as a defective product, far from reaching the technical level of an alien engine, but even if it is a defective product, it will leave the existing human engine far behind. behind.

Fortunately, the aliens have long since lost the technology of their ancestors. Fortunately, the aliens only have biotechnology left. Fortunately, the aliens did not want to make progress and sent Io Zero to the vicinity of the earth.

All the coincidences came together, and this super engine was born - this is just a coincidence. Since then, Beichenzhou has built several super engines, but none of them have reached the qualified line. If it is not for fighting the soil Outside the fleet, it is impossible for Beichenzhou to put it on the battleship.

By the way, the size of the Sirius is the theoretical minimum volume. No matter how small it is, it cannot install an engine, and there is not enough space to install a nuclear reactor... The power of the super engine does not appear out of thin air. On the Sirius There are twelve reactors dedicated to powering the engines, and six more to power the armament.

At present, more than a dozen exclusive reactors are powering the engines, and even the six weapon reactors are temporarily connected to the engines, so it is no wonder that the speed of the battleship is not fast.

Even Duan Zhiyang was startled by the speed of the Sirius, not to mention the aliens. After they hurriedly destroyed the missile, they immediately aimed the muzzle at the Sirius.

But the Sirius was too fast, and the distance between the alien fleet and the alien fleet was only more than 400 kilometers. The electromagnetic guns, missiles and close-in defense guns fired at the same time, and countless shells smashed into the alien fleet - close-in defense. The range of the gun is limited, but with the speed bonus of the battleship, the effect of hitting an alien battleship is no worse than that of the electromagnetic gun.

The alien warships blocking the road were completely saddened, and the alien warships were constantly being shot.

The Sirius wasn't much better either, with countless shimmers brushing over, bathed in shimmering light every second.

However, the Sirius is so large and the armor is much thicker than that of ordinary warships. In addition, the Sirius is so fast, and the fine light falls on the warship. At most, a trace is drawn. For heavy armor, this scar Not a big deal at all.

Just as the two sides exchanged fierce fire, a super nuclear bomb exploded 70 kilometers away from the Sirius, and the alien warships within a radius of 80 kilometers lost control in a blink of an eye.

The Sirius was not much better. Although the armor blocked the neutron flow, the equipment installed on the ship's surface was destroyed by the neutron flow. Fortunately, only the direction facing the blast point had problems, and the equipment in other directions was not affected.

This explosion destroyed more than a dozen alien warships, and the remaining alien warships were less than fifty, which established the victory in one fell swoop.

The aliens were still unrelenting, and wanted to stop the Sirius, but the Sirius had already crossed the encirclement set by the alien fleet and rushed towards a fleet outside the earth.

This was a result that neither side of the enemy had expected. The alien warship that failed to intercept the Sirius turned around and chased after him, but the Sirius was so fast that it could at least throw the alien warship two streets away.

This foreign fleet is not calm. Everything was planned, why did it suddenly appear to disrupt the situation?

He had the intention to divide his troops to deal with the Sirius, but not only did the more than 100 warships not stop them, but they lost more than half of them. To be on the safe side, it is best to send more warships.

But can sending more battleships solve the problem? With human means, the result of multiple warships is likely to be more losses.

It's a good idea to use a bug machine to deal with a battleship. The problem is that the bug machine carried by a fleet outside the soil has already been released!

The alien thought about it, but couldn't think of a way to deal with the Sirius. In desperation, he could only speed up the dive while ordering the swarms behind to catch up.

At 17:18, the Sirius arrived at the scheduled interception point and turned towards the earth while slowing down.

A fleet outside the soil that was about to reach the interception point immediately turned, and the soldiers pointed directly at the Sirius.

Duan Zhiyang's whole person is not well, and six hundred alien warships rushed over together. It is impossible for anyone to change his mind.

Ant Duo killed the elephant. No matter how strong the Sirius was, it couldn’t match so many alien warships. Duan Zhiyang immediately admitted his counsel and ordered the warship to avoid the enemy.

Of course, not running away, just avoiding it.

The Sirius moved out more than 100 kilometers in one go, but a fleet of foreigners also followed, biting the Sirius firmly.

Duan Zhiyang didn't get angry, and simply fired a few missiles at the enemy's only path - aren't you willing to chase? I want to see if you dare to hit the missile!

This move did have an effect, and a fleet outside Turkey immediately opened fire, instantly destroying the missile.

The Sirius threw missiles one after another, but this time it was a classic combination of missiles and smokescreens. Duan Zhiyang didn't believe that aliens would dare to collide like before.

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