Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1540: hit me

The foreign fleet did not dare to collide with it, but surrounded the smoke screen from four directions, front, back, left, right, and fire.

Hidden in the middle, the Sirius was inevitably hit by a fine light.

It was not Duan Zhiyang's character to sit still. He commanded the Sirius, which was hidden in the smoke, to fight back violently. The missiles and super shotguns kept firing. After a while, more than a dozen alien warships were destroyed.

Calculated at this speed, the Sirius can eat 600 battleships little by little before a fleet from outside the soil arrives on Earth.

The aliens were also aware of this, so they became ruthless. Instead of shooting in the air without pain or itching, they suddenly rushed towards the smoke screen, trying to get into the smoke screen and find the Sirius.

Duan Zhiyang felt that once the Sirius was discovered by aliens, it would definitely crash into it regardless!

No matter how strong the Sirius was, it could not withstand the direct impact of the alien warships, so Duan Zhiyang did not hesitate to direct the warships to rush towards the smoke screen, accelerate at full speed, and quickly throw away the foreign fleet.

The enemy ship, which had not yet penetrated the smoke screen, found the Sirius and rushed over without hesitation, but the speed of the alien battleship was too slow, so he could only watch the Sirius fly away.

But it doesn't matter, the alien's goal is the earth, and the alien wants the Sirius to go farther.

Of course, the Sirius did not leave. After the distance was drawn, Duan Zhiyang deeply reviewed his mistakes-the advantage of the Sirius lies in its super cannon and its ultra-long range, so it shouldn't be close to the enemy!

So Duan Zhiyang changed his previous tactics, parked the battleship out of the enemy's range, launched super cannons to fire on the enemy ship, and destroyed two enemy ships in the first round of confrontation.

A fleet outside the soil almost exploded, and aggressively rushed towards the Sirius.

The Sirius immediately retreated, but the super cannons never stopped, destroying the alien warships.

They couldn't catch up, they couldn't fight, and the aliens almost collapsed. One ruthless one gritted their teeth, and the foreign fleet was divided into two. Half of the warships defended the Sirius. Their only task was to hold the Sirius, even if It is also at the expense of being destroyed by the Sirius.

The other half of the battleship accelerated at full speed, and without asking anything, they rushed towards the earth with all their strength.

How can Duan Zhiyang let the aliens get their wish? He immediately commanded the warship to drop the enemy, and after a while, he caught up with the fleeing enemy ship and continued to fire on the enemy.

The anger of the aliens can almost dry up the Pacific Ocean, let alone the Sirius. More than 500 warships directly came to a goddess scattered flowers, which quickly spread like exploding fireworks.

This time, it was Duan Zhiyang's turn to be dumbfounded. If the number of enemy ships is small, it doesn't matter. More than 500 enemy ships are more than 500 directions. The Sirius can only pursue one enemy ship at a time, and must run through 500 points. to destroy all enemy ships.

This is simply an absolutely impossible task. With the position and speed of the enemy ship, it is not bad that the Sirius can solve the problem of multiple enemy ships before the enemy ship reaches the earth.

Not to mention that there are still more than half, even if there is only one enemy ship left, that is also the failure of the combined fleet, and Duan Zhiyang cannot accept this result.

He immediately ordered the Sirius to pursue a pursuit, but the Sirius was only a warship after all. Facing five hundred scattered enemy ships, it was powerless and could only destroy one by one.

Beiyuezhou also knew about this situation, but Huo Qiang was also helpless.

The battle situation gradually became clear, and the swarms that attacked the moon were once again smashed into the sand; while the second foreign fleet was dragging the reserve fleet, it used its own numerical advantage to continuously erode the reserve fleet. The reserve fleet suffered heavy losses, and even Cook's flagship was captured It is only a matter of time before the stars are destroyed and their defeat; the main force of the combined fleet is still on its way to the interception point, and it is expected to intercept a fleet outside the soil at an altitude of 440 kilometers, not to mention that this altitude almost enters the atmosphere, facing the scattered It is also unknown how much the enemy ship and the main force of the fleet can play.

The situation is very critical. All space stations located in outer space of the earth are ready for combat, and as soon as enemy ships come into range, they will fire immediately; all air defense positions around the world are also ready for combat, and ground-based lasers deployed around the world are ready to go.

The news was sent back to the ground, and Beidu and Washington immediately reached an agreement to launch missiles into space immediately, and arrange these missiles carrying nuclear bombs in low-Earth orbit, waiting for the arrival of the enemy.

Inspired by this order, Huo Qiang also wanted to order the main force of the fleet to launch long-range missiles at the interception point, but after thinking about it carefully, he had to give up this idea.

Long-range missiles can only accelerate, not turn around, nor decelerate. After launching, they will only fly over the interception point, and it is impossible to hover and wait in outer space.

Fortunately, the earth has prepared enough missiles, and these missiles began to change their orbits immediately after rushing out of the atmosphere, and finally stabilized their orbits at about 600 kilometers.

The Fleet outside Turkey is too scattered, and it is impossible to judge from which direction the enemy is approaching the earth. Countries have to deploy missiles in all directions, and resolutely do not leave any flaws for the aliens.

Time passed by, and the Sirius still spared no effort in chasing and killing the enemy ships. By 19:28 that night, the Sirius had destroyed more than 160 enemy ships, but the remaining enemy ships were close to the earth. About to reach the 600-kilometer orbit where the missile hovers.

The aliens had discovered the missiles long ago, and the diving alien warships smashed all the missiles that blocked the way.

Duan Zhiyang was almost desperate. He had tried his best, but there were still more than 200 enemy ships.

Huo Qiang and the ground are not much Now there is only the last line of defense consisting of ground laser weapons, but can this line of defense stop the aliens?

At this time, the main force of the fleet had already arrived near the interception point. Given that the distance between the enemy ship and the earth was only a few hundred kilometers, it was too late for the fleet to intercept in the usual way. "Bump over, bump into me!"

The soldiers who heard this order were stunned for a moment, and then everyone understood what he meant. The main force of the fleet no longer climbed or dived, but rushed forward bravely towards the enemy.

Everyone was horrified by Gao Kai's decision, and then their hearts filled with soaring pride, and infinite courage flowed recklessly on everyone's faces.

However, history did not give them the opportunity, they could only watch the more than 200 warships scattered, and then watched the warships rush towards the scattered enemy ships.

Humans' actions failed to escape the eyes of the aliens. They immediately realized the risk, and all the alien warships immediately turned around and aimed at the incoming human warships.

Although the distance between the two sides is still hundreds of kilometers, the aliens can't wait to fire on the human warships.

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