Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1541: burn one's boats

The human warships did not show weakness, and while dashing, they shot at the alien warships, laser cannons, electromagnetic guns, and various missiles, all of which were smashed on the alien warships without money.

In order to ensure the destruction, Gao Kai ordered all warships not to fire smoke bombs. If the enemy ship cannot be destroyed, then crash the enemy ship!

The aliens were also ruthless. All the alien warships that were stared to death by human warships did not dodge. Except for destroying the incoming missiles, the only adjustment was to always block the front of the human warships.

At this moment, whether humans or aliens, the only thought is to destroy each other's warships, even if they die together.

The distance between the two sides got closer and closer, and the firepower became more and more concentrated. Finally, the Longhe fired more than 130 ship-to-ship missiles at the enemy ship. Like the most splendid fireworks, the entire body of the enemy ship exploded with countless flames in an instant. When the flames dissipated, the good enemy ship was already in ruins, and countless fragments scattered from the enemy ship in all directions, like a broken watermelon.

Successfully destroying the enemy ship, the Longhe immediately avoided the enemy ship with all her strength, and finally managed to avoid the enemy ship before the collision, but it avoided the enemy ship, but could not avoid the debris in the sky, and the armor was hit by thousands of fragments , suffered considerable damage.

Not all human warships are so lucky. The Stark not far away also successfully destroyed the enemy ship, but its speed was too fast to avoid it. Steering, eventually avoiding only the bow, the port side slammed into the wreckage of the enemy ship.

The battleship trembled violently during the impact, and the sound of collision, cracking, and various inexplicable sounds filled the entire ship. Half of the hull was shattered in the impact, and the remaining hull swirled to one side.

Until then, no one discovered that the battleship not only smashed the armor and outer layer, but even the inner layer was damaged in the impact.

The number of human warships that successfully destroyed the enemy ship was only a few. Yanghe was unlucky and failed to destroy the enemy ship. At the critical moment about to meet, the bow of the Yanghe ship suddenly swayed to one side, and quickly swung back, one end. Stick on the side of the alien warship, and smash the alien warship into two pieces.

The bow of Yanghe, which destroyed the enemy ship, was completely destroyed, one-third of the hull was deformed, almost all firepower was lost, and the battle could not continue.

However, Yanghe did not withdraw from the battle, but bravely rushed to the next target. Immediately, Yanghe was besieged by three enemy ships. The outnumbered Yanghe hated the battlefield, and all the crew members survived.

There are many similar situations, some have succeeded, some have failed... More than 200 warships from the United Fleet fought fiercely with more than 300 alien warships in the outer space of the earth.

From 200 kilometers to 1,000 kilometers above sea level, from the Eastern Hemisphere to the Western Hemisphere, the sky is full of speeding warships, remnants of light paths and missile wakes, explosions of fire and scattered debris everywhere.

If you look up at the starry sky when you are in the sky, what everyone sees is a life-and-death battle between the enemy and the enemy. Countless fragments fell from the sky and turned into a meteor shower that fell into the sky.

Occasionally, the wreckage of warships fell into the atmosphere. They dragged a long tail flame and fell from the sky. As they fell, they decomposed. The charred wreckage finally fell to the ground. Each impact was comparable to a nuclear bomb.

Only the main ships rushed to the enemy ships, and all the super gunships fell behind. However, the distribution of the enemy ships was too wide, and the super warships were inevitably mixed with the alien warships.

The closer the distance, the stronger the power of the super cannon. It is not difficult to destroy an enemy ship with one shot, but the weakness of the super cannon charging too slowly is extremely fatal.

Fortunately, with proper planning in advance, the super gunboats were not completely dispersed, but several ships were grouped together to cover each other, and finally the losses were kept to a minimum.

The conflict between the two sides was extremely fierce. It only took ten minutes from the first shot to the end of the battle.

In the short ten minutes, the entire foreign fleet was annihilated, the combined fleet lost more than four-fifths, and almost all the main ships sank, leaving only a dozen air carriers safe and sound; super gunboats sank two-thirds , there are only more than forty warships that can still fight.

Faced with this tragic ending, everyone couldn't help but feel sad, but the soldiers have done their best. In this battle alone, hundreds of thousands of officers and soldiers died in the battle, and the space force that human beings worked so hard to cultivate lost most of them.

However, this is not the end, because the combined fleet is only the first foreign fleet, and it will not take long for more than 50 warships from the second foreign fleet to arrive at the battlefield-their mission is to intercept Sirius No., the Sirius has been chasing after breaking through the interception, and it was not until this time that it approached the battlefield.

Duan Zhiyang had already been stimulated by the tragic battlefield, his eyes were blood red, and he drove the Sirius to the enemy without hesitation. All the weapons on the ship were full of fire, like a sharp dagger into the enemy.

This enemy army knew that the Sirius was not easy to deal with. Like a fleet outside the country, they adopted a method of scattered diving to penetrate the defense. The Sirius had to destroy one and then chase the other. Duan Zhiyang had nowhere to vent his evil fire. Almost crushed back molars.

If it weren't for the super cannon's range advantage, the situation facing the Sirius would be even more severe.

The more than 40 remaining human warships were immediately mobilized their divisions to join the interception ranks, and once again fought against the incoming enemy forces.

Although the remaining human warships went all out, the enemy ships were too scattered, and the human warships were also scattered. It was necessary to rush to a suitable position in time to bring the enemy ships into range before they could intercept.

But the speed of the warship is so fast, after destroying the enemy ship, it has already flown very far, and it has to fly around the earth to come back, how can it be so easy to reach the interception point? Of the more than 40 warships, only half of them finally reached the interception point. Not all warships could stop the enemy ships. As a result, nearly 30 enemy ships broke through the interception and rushed straight to the earth.

No one knows why the aliens are so persistent in attacking the earth, but everyone knows that the aliens must not be allowed to succeed.

But even the Sirius couldn't intercept the enemy ship in time, and could only watch the enemy ship enter the atmosphere... Fortunately, there was still ground firepower. First, a laser shot up, forcing the enemy ship to turn to evade, and then dozens of Hundreds of missiles flew high into the sky and exploded in the air.

The alien warship tried to intercept the missile, but the atmosphere was not a vacuum, and the fallen warship was almost uncontrollable. Both this and the warship were eventually destroyed by nuclear bombs, and none of them landed successfully.

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