Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1542: Break the boat and sink the boat (2)

The human fleet lost more than ten more battleships in this wave of battles, and the remaining battleships added up to less than thirty.

However, the battle is not over yet. The reserve fleet was completely wiped out in the battle against the second foreign fleet. There are still more than 70 warships in the second foreign fleet. This fleet is diving, and it will not take long to arrive on earth.

The fateful battle is about to start, but there are only twenty-eight warships left in the human race. At the critical moment, the Sirius bucked the trend and rushed straight to the incoming alien warships.

The other warships immediately followed, even if the speed was not as fast as the Sirius, even if the firepower was not as good as the Sirius, but the courage to die together with the enemy was exactly the same.

Countless human beings who watched this scene wished they could take their place, and all of them silently prayed for the fleet that went to war, even if they did not believe in any religion.

A space station passed through the battlefield, and not far away was a destroyer that had smashed half of it. A dozen transport boats rushed out of the space station. They rushed to the wreckage of the battleship at the fastest speed, quickly boarded the battleship, and entered the inner layer of the battleship.

After entering the inner layer of the battleship, the soldiers immediately rushed to various key positions, and then they saw the sacrificed sailors.

All the crew members slammed into the wall, whether they were wearing power armor or something, everything slammed against the wall, like jumping off the roof of a building hundreds of stories high, Finally fell hard to the ground.

The investigation found that everyone hit the bulkhead in the same direction, and the bulkheads in many places were pierced by the sacrificed crew members. The tragic scene was unbearable.

The relative speed in the impact is at least ten kilometers per second. At the moment of the impact, everyone is thrown out by the violent inertia - the speed is too high, no matter what kind of protective measures can not protect the personnel in the ship, Unless it is a legendary god, it is possible to survive such a violent impact.

The soldiers silently collected the remains of the martyrs, and the maintenance team quickly repaired the battleship, hoping to start the battleship, but the inspection found that the reactor of the battleship had been displaced during the impact, and the uncontrolled core melted, and the soldiers had to bring The remains of the martyrs were evacuated urgently.

Similar situations also occur in other directions. Every space station is trying to find a warship that can be activated. Humans have arranged more than a dozen space stations in low-altitude orbits. As for no space station to play its due role, anxious soldiers can only use this method to find available warships.

However, the wreckage left on the battlefield has had a head-on collision with the alien warship. Even if the damage appears to be minor on the surface, the internal equipment has suffered heavy losses in the impact, and it is impossible to restart.

Moreover, the angle and speed of the impact are different, and the residual speed after the impact is also different. Some warships have a speed significantly lower than 7.9 kilometers per second, and inevitably fall into the atmosphere.

There are also some debris with a speed higher than 11.2 kilometers per second, and they are gradually detaching from the earth... Some debris is only slightly higher than the speed of the second universe. During the process of detachment, they are constantly affected by the earth's gravity, and the speed eventually drops to 11.2 per second. kilometers below.

There are also many with speeds between the two. These debris temporarily orbit the earth. Under the influence of the earth's gravity, their orbital heights will continue to decrease. If there is no interference, they will fall into the atmosphere one day in the future.

At this moment, some debris has already fallen into the atmosphere, and the anti-aircraft firepower deployed around the world keeps firing, destroying all the debris that entered the atmosphere.

Many people hope that the government can retrieve the remains of the martyrs after the war, but the debris that has fallen into the atmosphere cannot be preserved and must be destroyed.

From a certain point of view, this is actually a good thing. After all, it is so miserable in the battleship. Anyone who sees that picture will have extreme discomfort - if it is not the collapsed power armor, no one will feel that The rotten meat was once a person. If ordinary people and the families of the martyrs saw this scene, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Just as the Earth was trying to deal with the falling debris, the Sirius had already rushed near the enemy.

What Duan Zhiyang is most afraid of is that the enemy is scattered, but facing the Sirius, how could the aliens give up such an effective tactic?

By the time the Sirius arrived at the interception point, more than seventy enemy ships had already distanced themselves and rushed towards the earth like the previous two waves of enemy troops.

Duan Zhiyang had no choice but to try his best to chase the enemy ship.

This batch of alien warships still has a lot of bug machines left. After encountering the interception of the Sirius, the aliens released all the bug machines in one go, trying to delay the interception of the Sirius.

The remaining worms of the enemy are at least tens of thousands, but the swarms follow the enemy ships. The alien battleships are scattered, and the swarms are also scattered. On average, each alien battleship is a few hundred worms.

This worm machine is not enough for the Sirius to plug its teeth. With a blast of super cannons, it can destroy the enemy ship and the swarm together.

However, Duan Zhiyang encountered the previous problem again. No matter how fast the Sirius is, there is a limit. Before the enemy arrives on Earth, the Sirius can only destroy at most one-third of the enemy. That is to say, there are still enemy ships that slip through the net. Thirty ships.

From 1,200 ships to more than 30 ships, this is a huge improvement, and it can almost be said to turn the tide. However, Duan Zhiyang does not want any enemy ships to land on the earth. At this moment, he can only put his hope in the future. On the coming fleet.

As long as these enemy ships are eliminated, it is equivalent to the final victory of the battle. Although Io has forty or fifty enemy ships, Io is so far Sirius has enough Time slowly wears down the enemy.

The aliens seemed to realize that the situation was not good. The warship that was already diving at a high speed accelerated again, and the swarm hovering near the alien warship was faster, breaking away from the warship and rushing towards the human warship below.

At this point, everyone has only one thought, that is, to stand up for the aliens, more than 20 human warships immediately launched missiles at the swarm, and many warships shot out all the remaining missiles in one go, no matter what the waste. how much.

The super gunships have the advantage in this round of confrontation. All alien warships that face the super warships will be destroyed by the super warships.

But other warships were not so lucky. They were either crashed by the bug machine or died with the alien warships - the aliens were also ruthless. In order to send the remaining warships to the earth, they tried their best to fight against human warships, even if Do not hesitate to perish together.

Duan Zhiyang was a little confused. Humans have to work hard for their homes. What are the aliens fighting for?

At the end of the brief confrontation, twenty-seven human warships destroyed the same number of alien warships, and lost eleven of their own. After this training, the remaining warships were super gunboats.

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