Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1543: 1 joke?

The blocking was very successful, but the rest of the enemy ships were far away in other directions, and all successfully passed the blockade of the human fleet.

This is inaccurate, because one of the alien warships was pegged by the Sirius and was struggling with the bombardment of super cannons, and could not last long.

The human warships immediately turned around and slowed down, but they were too fast to meet the enemy, and it was too late to slow down, and after slowing down, they had to re-accelerate.

Not only the speed could not keep up, but the aliens also left all the insect machines behind. They gathered from all directions and launched a life-threatening impact on the human battleship.

The missiles carried by the super battleships were not many, and they were almost all used up in the conflict just now, and they could only rely on super cannons and close-range artillery to resist the enemy.

The speed of human warships is far less than that of insect machines, and they are caught up by insect swarms from time to time. Regardless of human beings or insect swarms, they have put in the last few efforts. The battle is extremely difficult, and the swarms have suffered heavy losses, but they are focused on human battleships. The thrusters fired, and after a while, more than half of a dozen warships were lying in their nests.

Fortunately, it was just out of control, the damage to the battleship itself was not serious, and the personnel on the ship were safe.

The successful worm machine immediately ran to other human battleships. A dozen human battleships and tens of thousands of worm machines launched a fierce chase. When the last worm machine was eliminated by the super cannon, sixteen super gun ships. The remaining four are still operational.

If it hadn't exhausted the other weapons on the ship, this battle would never have been so hard.

The pursuit of the Sirius is coming to an end. There are 32 alien warships close to the earth. They are alert to avoid the space station and rush to the earth from various defense weaknesses of human beings.

The ground air defense firepower has long been prepared, and the alien warship encountered the first round of interception by ground firepower before it entered the atmosphere.

The speed of the alien warship did not decrease, and while firing, it rushed towards the earth, destroying the missiles that had not left the atmosphere one by one.

The ground launched the second and third rounds of interception firepower, but several enemy ships still outside the atmosphere suddenly disintegrated like a movie special effect, turning into a group of meteors falling into the atmosphere.

This change was too surprising. The ground immediately re-issued several missiles. After a while, the rising missile met the meteor swarm in mid-air, and the missile exploded suddenly. Nothing can escape the blow of the neutron bomb.

After several consecutive rounds of missile volley explosions, more than 30 alien warships that entered the atmosphere were all destroyed by missiles, and even the wreckage of the warships was fragmented in the nuclear explosion, and I don't know where they ended up.

At the moment when the last alien warship was destroyed by a nuclear explosion, the human beings who witnessed this scene were so excited that they spontaneously walked to the streets and frantically celebrated their hard-won victory.

It's not an exaggeration for the people to celebrate anyway, but the military was only slightly relieved and threw itself into the tense rescue.

The battle has been fought from the moon to the moon. The entire battlefield is more than 400,000 kilometers long and 70,000 to 80,000 kilometers wide. Anywhere on the battlefield, the wreckage of human warships or alien warships may be found.

The wreckage of the alien warship must be completely destroyed, and the wreckage of the human warship must be carefully searched to ensure that no one is pulled.

Before the war, this kind of work is not difficult. Hundreds of warships are scattered, and it will not take long to clean up the entire battlefield. But now human beings only have five warships, including the Sirius. Search Such a large range is not an ordinary difficulty.

But no matter how difficult it is, we must search, not only to carefully search for the wreckage of our own warships, to rescue the surviving personnel, but also to destroy the wreckage of all alien warships. Any wreckage that may threaten the earth must be carefully sorted out.

Fortunately, Huo Qiang transferred the transport fleet to the battlefield in time. Hundreds of transport ships took on a large number of search tasks, and the remaining five battleships were only responsible for dealing with extreme situations.

For example, an alien warship that loses power but can continue to fire, or a bug machine that is alone on the battlefield.

That battleship aroused strong interest in the Northern Capital and Washington, and ordered that the enemy ship not be destroyed, and a way must be found to capture and control the enemy ship in the hands of humans.

Human Gao Kai hopes to use this enemy ship to understand why the aliens keep rushing to the earth. If you don't find out the reason, all high-level people will lose sleep at night.

The search in space is in full swing, and the ground is not idle either.

This matter has to start from the arrival of the foreign fleet. The two sides have just exchanged fire near the moon. The aliens who have been hiding their heads and tails suddenly launched an unprecedented attack all over the world. Military bases, major cities and residential areas are full of worms. The target of the swarm, the ground troops of various countries were exhausted and struggled to resist the attack of the swarm.

This battle refreshed human's understanding of aliens. It turned out that aliens had developed such a huge military force unconsciously.

It was not until the last enemy ship was destroyed by the missile that the ground attack ended without warning, and the huge swarm receded like a tide.

After the battle, Beidu and Washington also discovered a very strange phenomenon. The retreating alien troops did not retreat to their old nests, but gathered at the place where the alien warships fell. Even a small fragment can attract a group of giants. insect.

This phenomenon has not only aroused the attention of high-level officials of various countries, but also caused countless discussions among the people. There has been an argument that the reason why aliens are so decisive is to throw genetic viruses on the earth and completely wipe out human beings.

This argument is very marketable. As soon as it appeared, it has won the approval of countless people who eat melons. Governments of various countries have endured great pressure from public For this reason, countries have to organize manpower to focus on research on this battle. In addition to the debris of enemy ships on the earth, a large amount of epidemic prevention equipment was also distributed to the public. If conditions did not allow it, countries would wish to renovate all buildings according to the standards of the fourth-level biological laboratory.

Of course, that is absolutely impossible. Countries can only prevent extraterrestrial viruses as much as possible under the existing conditions.

And this is just a version of various speculations. There are still many speculations among the people, but they are not as wide-ranging as genetic viruses.

However, the results of the study soon came to light. The researchers did extract some alien microorganisms from the wreckage of the alien warship, but all alien microorganisms could not infect humans.

This result surprised everyone, and most agreed that the researchers must have overlooked something.

More in-depth research was carried out immediately, but the results were the same as before. Not only humans, these microorganisms did not even infect giant insects. Various experiments were done, but it was impossible to determine what the use of these microorganisms was.

Could it be that the attack of the foreign fleet was just a joke?

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