Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1544: Too bad it's not Sirius

The edge of Saturn's region, Thunder Mountain.

Seeing the final result, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but no one cheered for the victory, and everyone remained silent.

Victory is worth celebrating, but this battle was too bitter and tragic. Seeing the series of familiar names on the sinking list, everyone couldn't be happy.

Xuzhou, Youzhou, Taizhou...

Yushan, Tianshan, Baoshan...

Beihai, Qionghai, Binghai...

Ninghe, Suihe, Donghe...

Every sunken warship means hundreds of casualties, and the casualties are few and the casualties are many.

Those names that once fought side by side will forever be the black names on the sinking list, so heavy, so dazzling, but so helpless.

Ye Han saw the Beihai, but he knew that Duan Zhiyang was transferred to the Sirius, and there should be no danger.

Then he saw the Nanzhou number, three black fonts representing mourning. He was shocked, but immediately thought that Gao Kai's headquarters was on the Sirius, so it should be fine.

Continuing to look down, Yangguan was severely damaged. He hesitated for a while, clicked on the name of Yangguan, and immediately jumped out of the crew list under the name of the ship.

He saw Xiao Yuan's name at a glance. There was no black frame, only a serious injury.

There was good news at last, Ye Han didn't know how to describe his mood.

However, he soon saw another name: Xiongzhou... the black font representing the sinking.

Click on the name of the ship, all the crew members are unknown, including Ouyang Ping.

Ye Han asked the name of the ship in confusion, and only then did he know that the Xiongzhou was attached to the reserve fleet... The reserve fleet was only fighting with the enemy, not hitting the enemy ship. Although the battleship sank, the ship cannot be determined until the specific situation is determined. staff situation.

After this battle, the vitality of the human fleet was severely damaged, and the entire army was almost wiped out. There were only eight warships left, three of which were still in the distant Saturn region.

Thinking of those familiar and vivid faces in memory that have disappeared forever, Ye Han has a heart-wrenching pain, hating himself for not being able to fight side by side with his comrades at the most critical moment, hating the vicious aliens invading the earth, and finally , All the negative emotions have turned into hatred for aliens, from the bottom of the heart, hatred that cannot be relieved and indelible, even if the aliens are genocide, it will not reduce the hatred in his heart.

After a long silence, Luo Qi broke the silence: "Sir, can we do it?" When he said this, his eyes were always on Saturn in front of him.

Although the aliens sent more than 1,000 warships to the earth, it is impossible for Saturn not to leave the fleet. How can these three warships of their own make the enemy?

"It's okay!" Ye Han squeezed a few words out of his teeth, "More than a thousand warships have been built in three years. If we don't take this opportunity to destroy the enemy's base, there will definitely be more than a thousand warships next time. "

Aliens can build more than a thousand warships in three years, but what about humans? Given three years to human beings, can we build another fleet that is strong enough to fight the enemy?

Ye Han thought about it for a while, but couldn't think of an answer.

This battle was indeed won, but it was only a narrow victory, and the resources accumulated in Beiyuezhou were exhausted. Only the nuclear raw materials can not be recovered in a short time. The production of nuclear bombs and nuclear engine fuels will be affected.

Other raw materials will not be mentioned. How can the scale be supplemented, but the sacrificed sailors are irreparable losses. Can humans train enough and qualified sailors before the enemy's next attack?

Ye Han still couldn't think of an answer.

Luo Qi was obviously much more optimistic than Ye Han, and he said in surprise: "No way? Isn't there a Sirius? You don't need hundreds or thousands of them, as long as you build dozens of them, you won't be able to deal with aliens? Immortal!"

Ye Han couldn't help sighing: "Sirius-class... How can it be so easy? Beichenzhou has built such a ship for so many years..."

Saying that, he shook his head disapprovingly.

"Can't you? The Sirius has already been built. Is it difficult to build a few more?"

Ye Han said: "I don't know how the Sirius was built, but I know that we have discovered the foreign fleet for more than half a year. During this time, Beiyuezhou has built a lot of warships. In terms of tonnage, it is possible to replace a dozen or so. Wolf?"

Luo Qi didn't dare to speak, and looked at He Lu subconsciously.

He Lu made a quick calculation in his heart and agreed: "This is not counting the amount of work for the maintenance of the battleship. It is definitely more than that."

Ye Han continued: "If the Sirius was so easy to build, why didn't Beiyuezhou build the Sirius-class, and what kind of super gunships had to be built? Don't tell me that the key technology has just broken through, how can there be such a coincidence in the world? Don't break through late, and all break through at the most critical time?"

Luo Qi was at a loss for words, and sighed after a while: "Fortunately, the aliens have fallen, otherwise how could we persist until now?"

He Lu agreed: "That's the reason, if they still have super technology, we would be very cold."

"It's a pity we're not driving the Sirius..." As soon as Luo Qi said that, he knew that he was wrong, and quickly swallowed the rest of the sentence.

The enemy's situation is unknown, but the strength of the enemy is definitely far beyond the three warships of our own. No one knows what the final battle will look like.

The bridge fell silent again, and after a while He Lu said softly, "Even if we have a super gunship!"

Ye Han pursed his lips: "If you don't have it, you have to fight. When you are a soldier, you should go into battle to kill the enemy. It's just right... Who let us eat this meal."

If he wants to talk about the big truth, he said that he didn’t carry any heavy images for the first half of the day, but Ye Han was also the most ordinary fighter, and he hated those high-level big The more Luo Qi said, the less confident he became, so he simply Changed the topic: "Master, we will arrive at Saturn in a few days. How are we going to fight this battle?"

Ye Han sighed: "How do I know? I've been looking at the Earth since I woke up, and I don't know what's going on with Saturn. Let's observe it for a while... I'll communicate with Qingzhou in a while to see what the flagship means."

As soon as he said it, Ye Han was about to get through the communication of the Qingzhou, and exchanged opinions with Ruan Yinghua, the captain of the Qingzhou and the commander of the Saturn Expeditionary Force.

The three warships immediately aimed their cameras at Saturn, and arranged for special personnel to observe 24 hours a day... They will be there in a few days, and there is no need to continue hibernation for such a short voyage.

The observation of the expeditionary force has not yielded any results, but the fleet has received new news from the earth first.

The first is the official announcement of victory, and the second is to hope that the expedition fleet will continue its past, show courage and courage, and teach the aliens who occupy Saturn a hard lesson.

Then there is the updated casualty list.

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