Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1545: Voluntarily take the blame

Ye Han hesitated for a while when he saw the new casualty list, and then clicked on the list with trepidation.

His eyes flicked over the names that were either unfamiliar or familiar, and each name seemed to turn into a stone, falling on his heart one by one, making it hard for him to breathe.

I accidentally saw Gao Kai's name in the seriously injured list!

Ye Han was taken aback, wasn't Gao Kai on the Sirius? How did you get hurt?

How did he know that Gao Kai actually escaped.

At that time, Gao Kai led the command to leave the Sirius, and wanted to place the command on the Nanzhou, because that was the place he was most familiar with.

However, the fleet rushed to the interception point, and the Nanzhou was far away. In the end, it had to settle for the next best thing, and randomly found a super gunboat to serve as the temporary flagship.

It was this temporary decision that saved Gao Kai and the entire fleet command - this super gunship was hit hard in the final round of battle, many people were injured, but very few sacrificed.

Then Ye Han found Ouyang Ping's name again. It was neither a sacrifice nor a serious injury, but an unknown disappearance.

Disappearance means there is still hope, but the missing location is far away from the earth in space. In that ghost place, disappearance and death are almost equal signs.

Ye Han felt a pain in his heart, and was unwilling to continue to look down, so he simply closed the list and did not read it.

His mentality may be a bit ostrich, but he would rather slowly learn from his acquaintances which comrades in arms have sacrificed, rather than seeing cold names on the list.

There is also a message about the Sirius, the content is to immediately withdraw to Beiyuezhou.

At this time, the finishing work is still being carried out intensely, and the Sirius is not only the fastest warship, but also the largest and the best warship. A Sirius can stand up to a group of other warships, no matter how you look at it, At this time, the Sirius should not be withdrawn to Beiyuezhou.

But he immediately thought of Io Zero's dozens of alien warships.

As expected, the Sirius, which returned to Beiyuezhou, took a short rest, replenished its weapons and equipment, and immediately left the earth for Io Zero.

Even if there is only one enemy ship, it is a hidden danger that may erupt at any time. It is necessary to take precautions before it happens and completely solve the enemy.

The above two messages are issued in the name of the joint command, that is to say, the army of all mankind can receive it. In addition, the fleet also received a message issued in the name of Beiyuezhou, which can only be received by military departments at all levels in Beidu.

This is a very unusual phenomenon. After opening the news, Ye Han discovered that the actual situation was even more unexpected: Huo Qiang admitted that he had made a mistake in commanding in the just-concluded campaign, and he had resigned and no longer served as the top commander of the Space Force. The candidate for the commander has not yet been determined, and Wu Han, the chief of staff, is temporarily in charge of the specific work of the space force.

It is said that the commander resigned, and the deputy commander should take over, but Zhuang Bo was not entered in the news at all, and I don't know what happened.

The news also mentioned Beidu's arrangement for Huo Qiang. Since Huo Qiang is not only the commander of his own space force, but also the supreme commander of the combined fleet, it is not suitable for him to leave at this critical time, so he only accepts Huo Qiang internally. After resigning, Huo Qiang will continue to serve as the commander of the combined fleet until the aftermath of the battle is over or the combined command is disbanded.

The combined fleet is gone, and the remaining eight battleships belong to the northern capital.

Although Ye Han has no political savvy, he also saw something different from this news: What is the internal acceptance of resignation?

This statement is simply too flexible. It can be completely understood that Beidu believes that this battle is indeed Huo Qiang's command error, so it accepts Huo Qiang's resignation.

This is very unreasonable. Any decision made by Huo Qiang must be reviewed by the observation group. If the observation group thinks that there is a problem with Huo Qiang's order, they can vote to suspend the order. Since the observation group did not do so, it is equivalent to It is said that the observation group agrees with Huo Qiang's decision, which means that Huo Qiang's command did not make mistakes, at least there were no mistakes in principle. It is completely unreasonable for Huo Qiang to be responsible for this battle.

Could it be that Beidu is looking for someone to take the blame? Or is there any other unknown inside story?

If it were changed to before the war, Ye Han would definitely think that this was a game between factions, but today is different from the past, and now everything is tilted in the direction that is beneficial to the fight against aliens, does anyone really dare to take the world? Intentionally stabbed in the back?

Ye Han directly ignored the word "resign" in the news. This thing was just a fig leaf, and the ghost knows whether he really resigned.

Ye Han couldn't figure it out, so he seriously wrote a report and sent it back to Earth, explaining the occurrence and development of the war from all angles, and made an in-depth analysis of the orders issued by Huo Qiang in the report. In conclusion, Huo Qiang's order was timely and accurate. Even if there was a mistake, it was only due to insufficient information, so Huo Qiang should not be responsible.

Huo Qiang has been the number one leader for so many years. There are 800 officers and 800 general officers. Even if a large number of officers are sacrificed, there are still many people who are qualified to speak. Therefore, Ye Han is far more than the writer of the report. One, but all the reports are like a rock, and there is no turbulence at all.

This time, everyone's guesses were confirmed, and they all thought that Huo Qiang was wronged.

In fact, that's not the case at all. The reason why Beidu has not responded is actually to persuade Huo Qiang to change his mind.

Huo Qiang really thought that this battle was because he didn't command well. Although he accepted cell the whole person was more energetic than ever, but he felt that he was only more energetic physically, but not mentally. Much more rigid than a young officer, in today's rapidly changing military equipment, strategies and tactics, such an old man with an outdated concept is really not suitable for continuing to command the space fleet.

If replaced by a younger and more agile commander, this battle may not be a tragic battle, so he planned to voluntarily abdicate to make way, but he did not expect to provoke so many subordinates to fight.

Everyone agreed that Huo Qiang's command was very stable. Under the circumstance that the enemy is strong and I am playing, such a victory cannot be achieved without Huo Qiang's correct command. If it is replaced by another person, the final result of this battle is very likely. will be rewritten.

The support of his subordinates made Huo Qiang very happy, and Beidu's persuasion also made him feel a lot of pressure, but Huo Qiang was overwhelmed, and Beidu finally had no choice, so he simply asked Huo Qiang to send messages one by one, explaining that all this was his own. the meaning of.

In the message to Ye Han, Huo Qiang sternly accused Ye Han of not doing his job properly, and asked him to put everything aside and fight this battle well, otherwise don't go back to Beiyuezhou to see him.

Ye Han was under a lot of pressure, so he quickly recovered his thoughts and devoted himself to the battle that was about to begin.

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