Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1546: Talking about the Titans 6

In the virtual conference room, the three captains sat in a circle for a week. Ruan Yinghua crossed his hands and looked serious: "The observation results are out. The situation on Saturn is very complicated. The situation we are facing is very serious. This battle is not easy to fight."

"It's not a question of whether to fight well or not, but how to fight!" Zhang Guoliang immediately stated his opinion clearly.

He is the captain of the Shihe frigate, with the lowest position among the three, but Zhang Guoliang belongs to the high-ranked and low-ranked.

Ye Han agreed: "We don't need to discuss it, let's summarize the situation first."

Zhang Guoliang nodded in agreement, Ruan Yinghua had no objection: "Then let's summarize first, who of you two know about Saturn?

"I don't understand." Ye Han said.

"I haven't touched it before." Zhang Guoliang said, "Jupiter is on the edge of the sky, how did you know that it could hit Saturn?"

Members of the Space Force must receive the necessary theoretical training, the most important of which is the basic knowledge of space, but only the situation within the orbit of Jupiter needs to be carefully mastered, and the knowledge of celestial bodies outside the orbit of Jupiter is optional.

The military has never considered an expedition to Saturn, and it is not surprising that they are treated differently. Anyway, the content that should be included is in the textbook. Anyone who is interested in taking the time to endorse it will be finished.

But the training of the military is not to train astronomers, but to let the students understand the situation in space as soon as possible, so they are all cramming-style teaching, time is tight, and tasks are heavy. Everyone is busy from morning to night, even when they go to the toilet. There is not enough time to memorize the main lesson, so who has the time to read the elective content?

All three of them came this way, so their understanding of Saturn was very limited. Ye Han didn't know how the others were doing. Anyway, he deliberately searched for information to make up for it, otherwise he didn't even know the basic situation of Saturn and would not even have a meeting. Speak confidently.

This situation made Ruan Yinghua scratch his head very much, and forcefully twitched the corners of his mouth: "I'm the same as you, so I'll come first?"

Ye Han and Zhang Guoliang nodded together, so Ruan Yinghua opened a virtual screen and said bluntly: "Then let's talk about Titan first. According to the data, Titan is the largest satellite in the solar system. It not only has an atmosphere, but also clouds. The lake, man, startled me, and I thought, if Titan is in the habitable zone, it might be a second Earth!"

"Well, I want to go with you!" Zhang Guoliang said.

Ye Han felt the same way: "Me too, some people say that Titan may have creatures."

"Don't worry about what was there, now there are only aliens!" Zhang Guoliang said, "Maybe the clouds are too thick, and no alien buildings have been found on the surface, but aliens like to dig holes, are they hiding under the ground again?"

Ruan Yinghua said: "It should be right, this is to prevent us... The question now is how to solve Titan. We only have three ships, and there are only so many super nuclear bombs. It is too difficult to deal with Titan."

Zhang Guoliang rubbed his forehead: "Didn't you say that Saturn is like Jupiter, and there are many small celestial bodies? Can you learn from Beihai and use a super nuclear bomb to push the small celestial bodies to hit him all at once?"

Ruan Yinghua smiled and said, "Let's think about it again. Apart from this, I can't think of any other idea... Ye Han, why don't you talk, is there a better plan?"

Ye Han pursed his lips: "It's not a better solution, but... how should I put it, I have an immature idea."

"Then talk about it, let's study together." Ruan Yinghua said.

"That's right, if you don't tell the question, how can we study it?" Zhang Guoliang said.

Ye Han said: "That's right. I read all the information I could find. The information says that Titan's atmosphere is 600 kilometers thick, ten times that of the Earth's atmosphere... I remember that the Earth's atmosphere should be more than 100 kilometers. , I have never been able to understand how this tenfold is calculated."

"The standards are different, don't worry about these details, what are your thoughts?" Ruan Yinghua reminded.

Ye Han was a little embarrassed, and quickly retracted his scattered thoughts: "I think so, none of the alien spaceships that fall on the earth can still fly, Titan's gravity is not large, but the surface pressure is that of the earth. 1.5 times, and the atmosphere is so thick, if the enemy's warships are built on the earth, how can they fly?"

"Why can't you fly?" Zhang Guoliang had a different opinion, "Io is not bad at zero gravity, and the atmosphere is not bad, and the enemy's spaceship is not the same as flying casually?"

"That's not the same." Ye Han said, "I know this better. Io is a super aerospace carrier. It has a special ejection structure. It is impossible for the alien spacecraft to get out of the wood with its own power. Wei Zero takes off."

"Titan's gravity is similar to Earth's, and it's not too high, right?"

"I've figured it out. If you don't care about the air resistance, the alien spaceships will definitely be able to fly, but after accounting for the air resistance, they won't be able to fly." Ye Han said with great certainty, and then added, "Wear the power armor. The same can't fly, so it is not recommended to land on Titan."

"This joke is really cold!" Ruan Yinghua twitched the corners of his mouth. "The jet type is not good, so what about using the air directly? For example, using balloons to hang a battleship, or a few pairs of wings growing directly on the battleship!"

Ye Han said: "The spaceship is so big, relying on balloons and wings... not very reliable, right?"

"It's not impossible to be unreliable, don't put our common sense on aliens, so Titan must be the focus of this battle, what do you think?" Ruan Yinghua asked.

Zhang Guoliang said with a very slow speech rate: "I Even if you don't see aliens, you can't say that there are no aliens on Titan, even if there are no now, Titan's conditions are so good, The aliens will have to go up sooner or later, it is better to strike first."

After finishing speaking, the two looked at Ye Han together. Ye Han felt that what they said made sense, so he nodded and said, "Then let's settle it first, but how to fight depends on the actual situation, what do you think?"

"Of course." Ruan Yinghua said, "If you can't find a suitable satellite, then throw the rest of the super nuclear bombs on Titan after shooting."

"What if there are none left?" Zhang Guoliang asked.

Ruan Yinghua gritted his teeth: "Then gather all the people on one boat and hit them with warships!"

Ye Han hesitated for a while, and was about to speak, but Zhang Guoliang robbed him first: "There are not many warships now, or report it, if the above agrees, it will be bumped, and if they disagree, forget it."

Ruan Yinghua's face was a little stiff, but he quickly adjusted: "That's okay, do you have anything else to say?"

The two shook their heads together, and Ruan Yinghua said, "Okay, Titan will discuss here for the time being."

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