Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1549: Saturn Potatoes

There is also a reason for choosing the landing point on the side of Saturn. Generally speaking, when it comes to landing, most people's first reaction is that the satellite appears in the starry sky with Saturn as the background, and the satellite happens to be between Saturn and the landing craft. , the landing craft flew straight over and landed steadily on the surface of the satellite...

Of course, there is no problem with landing in this way, but the route of the landing craft is almost vertical or nearly vertical to the orbit of the satellite. If the engine is not started to slow down when it touches the ground, the only consequence is to hit the surface of the satellite at a high speed, and eventually the boat will be destroyed.

So how did Ye Han do it?

After Leishan was aligned with the landing point, the speed of the battleship was carefully adjusted—this was a particularly delicate task, not only considering the speed of the spacecraft, but also the impact of Saturn's gravity on the landing craft. After repeated calculations by the shipboard computer, we obtained the optimal speed for launching the landing craft.

After the speed of the battleship reached the required speed, the hatch was opened to release the landing craft. In order to prevent the exposure of the landing craft, Ye Han ordered the engine not to be started under any circumstances, and could only fly closer to the intersection by inertia.

This is why the battleship has to adjust its speed.

The landing craft are all disguised as small celestial bodies, no matter the shape, speed, spectral analysis or other means, they will come to the conclusion that this is a small celestial body.

In order to confuse the aliens, the speed of the landing craft is very slow, and it will gradually fly over a long distance of several million kilometers in more than a week, quietly approaching the seventeenth of the moon without disturbing the aliens.

If aliens find a landing craft, they will only think that it is a small celestial body passing through Saturn...

Ye Han didn't know if he could hide the aliens by doing this, but he had already taken into account all the factors he could think of, and he did everything he could, and the result was only up to God's will.

After the first landing craft was released, Leishan adjusted the angle again, and carried out the second and third releases. The three landing craft disguised as small celestial bodies gradually flew towards their respective targets.

This is a dangerous and deadly journey, or even a strategic adventure. If it succeeds, the situation where the enemy is strong and we are weak will be completely reversed; otherwise, mankind will completely fall into the abyss.

On July 19, the landing craft approached the meeting point as planned after an eleven-day long journey. At this moment, everyone in the fleet was focused on the No. 1 landing craft.

At this time, the distance between the landing craft and Saturn is less than 142,000 kilometers. On the left side of the landing craft is the huge Saturn, and behind the left rear is the inconspicuous Mimas 17. On the other side of the landing craft is the legendary F ring, Saturn. The outermost circle of the ring.

At about 14:00 in the afternoon, the landing craft was gradually approaching the Seventeenth Earth Guard. Ye Han used the data link to connect the landing craft and asked with concern, "Wang Yan, how is the situation?"

After a few seconds, he heard a somewhat distorted voice: "Report to the captain, everything is normal, my boat is in position, and it is expected to land in seven minutes."

The speed of the landing craft is not slow. Since the route of the landing craft is almost parallel to the satellite orbit, the relative speed between the two is close to zero, so the landing craft does not need to slow down or start the engine, which perfectly fulfills Ye Han's concealed landing requirements.

Ye Han asked with concern: "Be careful." After speaking, he stopped talking and handed over the leadership to Wang Yan in front.

But with a few swipes of his finger, the panoramic picture in front of him was immediately replaced by several virtual screens, some of which were images inside the landing craft, some were external images, and there were also distant and close-up shots.

These pictures come from the micro-satellites released by the landing craft. The reason why the satellites were released in advance was to help the landing craft adjust its attitude.

A few minutes later, Ye Han heard Wang Yan's voice again: "Get ready to land!"

After he finished speaking, he twisted the joystick slightly, and the auxiliary thruster disguised as a stone tip on the right side of the landing craft quietly turned on, and silently ejected a stream of water vapor, pushing the landing craft closer to the satellite.

Like a large potato, there is a virtual cross icon on the seventeenth moon, which is the scheduled landing point. Wang Yan and the soldiers on the boat must bury the nuclear bomb at the landing point to ensure that the large potato is pushed to A. ring.

Wang Yan's helmet also has the same icon. The overlapping of the two icons means that the landing craft is in the correct direction. Otherwise, it is deviating from the direction and must be adjusted.

Wang Yan's eyes did not blink, and he kept correcting the direction, so that the two crosses always overlapped, and a fine layer of sweat oozes out of his palms, forehead, and the tip of his nose.

The big potato was getting closer and bigger. After ten minutes, it finally occupied the entire bottom. After a while, the ground got closer and closer, and the landing craft landed gently on the ground, as if it had hit enough. The ball bounced and fell like an angry ball, repeated several times before it quieted down.

The gravitational force of Mipet seventeen is very low, and the landing craft is as light as a dragonfly when it hits the ground.

Wang Yan let out a long breath: "Report to the captain, my boat successfully landed, slightly deviating from the landing point, but it doesn't matter, just get out of the boat and carry it for a few steps."

"Okay, finish the mission as soon as possible!"

"Guaranteed to complete the mission!" After saying that, Wang Yan took the soldiers away from the landing craft, and lifted the landing craft without much and walked dozens of meters to the landing point.

Next, the soldiers fixed the landing craft, set up a tent on the side of the landing craft that was exactly the same color as the ground, and drilled into the tent to dig holes with lasers.

According to the plan, Wang Yan and his team will place seven super nuclear bombs at different depths underground.

At this time, the Qingzhou and Shihe were attracting the attention of the aliens in the other direction. Although there was no official exchange of fire, hundreds of alien warships had already flown out of the star ring, staring at the two human warships.

The aliens' formation is very strong. If it weren't for the distance, the alien warships would probably swarm up and completely destroy the two human warships.

Ye Han is extremely suspicious that the aliens have already discovered the expedition fleet, just because the expedition fleet has only three warships, the aliens have never taken the expedition fleet to heart... If the aliens have been paying attention to the expedition fleet, the aliens should The landing craft have been discovered long ago, and the landing craft will never be allowed to fall on the Seventeenth Sagittarius!

Regardless of whether the aliens know it or not, the landing craft has landed accurately. After simple preparations, the marines on the boat used lasers to dig holes in the ground and plan to arrange several super nuclear bombs at different depths.

The No. 1 landing craft successfully landed, Ye Han was very relieved, and asked, "Where is the No. 2 landing craft?"

He Lu glanced at the virtual screen: "It is close to the meeting point, and it is expected to meet the Sixteenth Titan in six hours and forty-seven minutes."

"What about number three?"

"It's basically in place, and the estimated time of arrival is nine hours and twenty-four minutes!"

Ye Han said with relief: "Not bad, don't forget to remind me when the No. 2 boat lands!"

"Yes..." Halfway through He Lu's words, the expression on his face suddenly solidified, he raised his head and roared, "Captain, there is a situation!"

When typing the word "earth guard", I always make it a wooden guard...

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