Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1550: ambush?

"I saw it!" Ye Han's face was sinking, his eyes fixed on the f-ring near the potato.

The f-ring is between the sixteenth and seventeenth of the moon. The astronomical community believes that the f-ring is formed due to the gravitational force of the two satellites, so it is vividly called the "shepherd satellite".

At this moment, a small group of alien spaceships are flying out of the halo that has been grazing by two satellites for countless years. The icy white shell is very confusing, making Ye Han unable to tell whether they are larvae of alien warships or ordinary aircraft.

He Lu said urgently, "Captain, what should I do?"

Ye Han struggled, and after a while, he said, "How long?"

"Twenty minutes, no more than half an hour at most." He Lu said with great certainty.

The orbital distance of the two Shepherd satellites is only more than 2,000 kilometers, and the f-ring is sandwiched between them.

If it weren't for the location where the alien spacecraft appeared a little off, they wouldn't have reached Mimas 17 in half an hour.

The Sichuan character pattern on Ye Han's eyebrows stretched a little, "Hurry up, half an hour is almost enough..." The No. 1 landing craft on the potato is enough, but there is also the No. 2 landing craft flying to Saturn Sixteen, and the flying boat. To the Landing Craft of the 15th and 3rd of Saturn!

Unless the aliens' actions are not against the landing craft, the other two landing craft must also be under the surveillance of the aliens!

Now we have to judge the enemy's goal and make a decision whether to continue the mission... It's a very difficult decision.

Ye Han immediately made up his mind, "Wang Yan, the enemy ship was found in the direction of the f ring. The details are still unclear. You only have twenty minutes, at most half an hour, understand?"

Wang Yan, who heard the news, was silent for a moment, and replied in an unusually firm tone, "Understood."

Ye Han switched the in-ship communication frequency band, "Is there any situation in the direction of the No. 2 boat?"

"I haven't found it yet."

"What about boat number three?"

"I didn't find it, our position is not very good, there is no observation angle!" He Lu said.

The landing craft approached the halo, and the Thunder Mountain did not stay behind. The battleship was about 17,000 to 8,000 kilometers away from the halo, and headed towards Mimas in an open and fair way.

The mission of the Thunder Mountain, like the other two warships, is to attract the attention of aliens, but it is closer to the landing craft to facilitate support and make it easier to temporarily change plans.

Ye Han really wanted to command the warships to rush over and kill all the enemy ships, but in that case, the plan to quietly place nuclear bombs would definitely not be able to be concealed. Just a coincidence?

He knew very well that the possibility of coincidence was very small, but he couldn't help but think so.

To understand this, there is no need to hesitate, Ye Han gave an order, the bow of the Leishan sank suddenly, came a 90-degree downward turn, and rushed to the seventeenth of the earth at full speed.

It may be because the speed of Leishan is relatively slow, not only has it not flew into the halo area, but also is so far away from the halo, so Leishan is not stared to death by aliens like the other two battleships.

Now, this has become the unique advantage of the Thunder Mountain, and there is no enemy ship in the channel to rush to the seventeenth.

It's just that the Thunder Mountain is a little farther away, and it is definitely impossible to intercept the enemy in the middle. Only by rushing to the big potato of the Seventeenth Sagittarius can there be a chance of survival.

At the same time as the battleship turned, Ye Han also ordered the landing craft No. 2 and No. 3 to stop their mission and return to the battleship immediately.

Everyone has only one life, and soldiers are also human beings. Although it is impossible, Ye Han does not want anyone to be sacrificed on the battlefield.

The two landing craft quickly confirmed the order, but invariably applied to continue the mission.

At present, no alien warships have appeared in the direction of the two landing craft. Based on this, the two captains judged that it is not yet certain that the aliens have discovered their whereabouts. Give it a go.

It sounds cruel, but before the plan was implemented, all the soldiers who received the order knew that the mission of landing on the satellite was very dangerous, and it was very likely that they would never return. , once you are in danger, you can only think of ways to do it yourself.

However, the soldiers did not hesitate, even if they knew it was in danger and knew that they might not be able to come back, everyone was still scrambling for the task. Even if a team was set up to carry out the task, there were still team leaders who didn't give up trying to find a way to find Ye Han. item.

They were all great guys in their early twenties. Thinking of those young faces, Ye Han wanted to give another order to urge them to return, but except for the seventeenth of the Saturn, there were no enemy ships in other directions, but he still After much hesitation, he finally agreed to the requests of the second and third boats.

Nothing else, just because it's too dangerous to continue the mission at this time.

At this time, the enemy's speed and direction have been The accurate time for the enemy ship to arrive at the Seventeenth Miylate is 24 minutes, and the Thunder Mountain takes a full two and a half hours to arrive, it is impossible to grab in front of the enemy.

Ye Han ordered the battleship to fire without hesitation, blocking the enemy ship no matter what.

Leishan is not a super gunship, it does not have super cannons with extremely abnormal range, but Leishan has long-range missiles, super shotguns, and nuclear artillery shells. These are very suitable long-range attack methods. On the contrary, it is stronger than the super cannon.

Because the distance is too far, the direction of each shell and each missile needs to be carefully calculated, and the super shotgun also needs to calculate the chamber speed, so as to ensure that these ammunition can meet the enemy ships at the appropriate position. In order to ensure accuracy, every time The firing must be precise and accurate, so that the firing of the Thunder Mountain is like a joke. No matter how you look at it, how to play a small game is not in line with the offensive thinking of a large ship and a huge artillery.

But what does it matter? A shell that can hit an enemy ship is a good shell, and a shell that doesn't hit the target is just a waste of ammunition.

This is all Ye Han can do. He hopes that these shells and missiles will block the enemy ships, not only to buy the soldiers on the potatoes time for construction, but also to buy time for them to evacuate.

Thunder Mountain's actions seemed to stimulate the alien's nerves, and a group of enemy ships flew out of the halo, the water was ice-white.

Ye Han couldn't help sneering, it was a mature black battleship, and the Leishan had already cleaned up a large group, and these immature alien battleships were simply dead.

At this time, Luo Qi received a report from the friendly army, and he immediately reported loudly, "Captain, the enemies in the direction of Qingzhou and Shihe are moving and take the initiative to attack."

"What did Qingzhou say?"

"Let's seduce, fight if you can, and withdraw if you can't fight."

"What about the Shihe?"


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