Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1551: give up

The Seventeenth.

The No. 1 landing craft was almost integrated with the ground. The soldiers hid under the landing craft and manipulated the lasers to dig ice holes. Thick water vapor gushed out of the hole and was absorbed and disposed of by the equipment on the landing craft. Finally, they were released silently and tried their best. Avoid being discovered by aliens.

Wang Yan kept checking to see if the direction of the beam was correct, for fear that the hole in the ground would be distorted, but his eyes staring at the laser suddenly swayed violently. It hit the bottom of the landing craft.

The others were not much better. They were all bounced off by the strong vibration. If the construction site was not placed under the landing craft, and all directions were blocked, maybe someone would fly away from Saturn 17 and fly directly into space. go.

Fortunately, the landing craft was firmly fixed on the ground, so that the shock bombs did not fly.

Being in the air, naturally free from the vibration, Wang Yan quickly straightened out his chaotic thoughts—this is not right!

He doesn't know about the seventeenth of the moon, and he also knows that this satellite is only a tiny bit big. It is not so much a satellite as it is a lump of mud mixed with countless impurities. It is absolutely impossible for this thing to undergo strong geological changes. The only explanation for the shock is that the seventeenth Saturn was hit by other celestial bodies!

But it's a bit too coincidental to collide at this time if it doesn't hit early or late, isn't it?

Wang Yan still felt that this was wrong, and immediately connected the optical equipment of the landing craft to check the outside world.

I don't know if I don't see it. I was startled when I saw it. The terrain in front of the landing craft was originally flat, but now two bulging bulges suddenly appeared.

Wang Yan couldn't see what was under the bulge, but this was Saturn, and he couldn't think of any other reason besides aliens.

Looking in other directions, within sight, there are a total of seven bulging bulges. The ice layer on the bulging bulge shatters, and the large pieces of broken ice slowly descend, and some ice pieces shatter and fly directly into the sky.

The gravity here is just too low.

Wang Yan couldn't care about anything else any longer, and quickly turned on the radio: "Leishan Leishan, the number 1 call, please reply when you receive it!"

"Number 1, I'm Leishan!" Luo Qi, who received the call, quickly replied.

"Leishan, I have a situation here!" Wang Yan stopped talking when he said this. As for what happened, it would be more intuitive for Luo Qi to see it with his own eyes.

After Luo Qi received the video, he immediately uploaded it to Ye Han: "Captain, there is a situation with Tudou!"

If someone who doesn't know it listens, they will only find it funny, but as long as they understand the meaning of the words, no one can laugh.

Ye Han immediately watched the video, just in time to see the alien battleship rushing into the sky from the bulge, he immediately shouted: "What about No. 1? How is the situation on No. 1?"

Luo Qi immediately forwarded Wang Yan's communication to Ye Han, and Wang Yan hurriedly replied: "Report to the captain, the landing craft is very safe, and there is nothing abnormal in the vicinity, but the shock is severe."

"Can the mission continue?"

Wang Yan immediately looked at the laser and replied loudly, "Yes!" The laser was already shaken and stopped working automatically, but it didn't seem to be damaged.

There is no problem with the landing craft and the enclosure on all sides. At this time, Wang Yan is very fortunate. Fortunately, the landing craft is not on any bulge. Otherwise, not only will the mission fail, but the lives of these few people will also have to be explained here.

It is better to die than to live. Even if the soldiers are mentally prepared to sacrifice on the battlefield, no one is willing to throw their lives here.

Wang Yan rolled over to the ground, straightened the laser, and continued to dig holes with the soldiers.

At this time, the Leishan had already turned the camera on the Mi 17, and as the alien warship left the ground, He Lu immediately reported: "Captain, Tudou took off twenty-four enemy ships, which should have been hidden there long ago. It is also possible to cultivate directly under ice."

"Got it." Ye Han said, "How is the jujube pit?"

The seventeenth moon of the moon is like a potato, and the sixteenth moon of the moon is like a jujube core. These two words naturally become the code names of the two satellites.

He Lu turned the camera and quickly replied: "There are also enemy ships, twenty-two in number."

"Where's the direction of the enemy ship?"

"It's all for us!"

Ye Han was a little stunned: "Didn't you shoot at No. 1?"


Ye Han was even more stunned: "They didn't find boat No. 1?"

He Lu felt a little guilty, and his voice subconsciously lowered a lot: "It seems so."

Ye Han rubbed his lips: "Alright, then bring all the enemy ships here...He Lu, slow down!" Since there is no need to rescue the No. 1 landing craft, there is no need to rush over there.

There is still more than 10,000 kilometers between Leishan and the seventeenth of the moon, and they won't meet for a while.

Ye Han felt that the possibility of landing craft No. 1 and No. 2 completing their tasks was very high. As for the 15th Miyazaki, it was hard to say. The distance was too far. Landing craft No. 3 would have to land at least seven or eight hours. Anything can happen, it is too early to judge whether the mission can be There is nothing to do anyway, Ye Han simply ordered to fire on the enemy, the bow of the ship was aimed at the enemy, after calculating the advance amount , the super shotgun spews out the muzzle...

The battle distance in space is the most troublesome. The two sides are often tens of thousands of kilometers away. It takes several hours just to get together. The patience is exhausted before the battle begins. Many times, the two sides are not comparing weapons and equipment. The will to fight is purely about who is more patient and who can endure suffering better.

Ye Han has always been a patient person, so his record has always been good, but when it's time to start, he never hesitates.

Just like now.

At the same time that Leishan opened fire, Qingzhou and Shihe also caught fire with the enemy, but they were farther away from the enemy, and there was no idea of ​​getting close to the enemy ship at all.

The enemy is strong and I am weak, and only fools collide with the enemy's muzzle.

The situation at this time is a bit strange no matter how you look at it. There are only three warships in human beings, and there are no less than 200 warships dispatched by aliens. They are approaching human warships from all directions. No. has long let the alien fleet make dumplings.

Although the strength contrast between the enemy and ourselves is extremely strong, no warrior on the human side feels that there is anything wrong with this situation!

It's not how strong their hearts are, but since the outbreak of this war, human beings have been at a disadvantage, and until now, they have not been able to reverse it. In a battle, the enemy is strong and we are weak, so they have exercised unusually tenacious nerves. Even if the strength of the enemy and us is not at the same level, no one feels nervous.

They are all veterans who are used to the battlefield, and this psychological quality is still there.

Subscriptions are getting worse and worse these days, sigh... End this paragraph as soon as possible and see what happens in the next volume.

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