Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1552: long wait

At 15:14 on July 19, 2033, the No. 1 landing craft completed the placement of the nuclear bombs of the Mi 17 and reported the mission to Leishan.

Ye Han immediately gave an instruction, ordering the No. 1 landing craft to temporarily stay on the 17th of the moon and stand by.

It's not that they don't want to withdraw the people, but that a group of enemy ships are blocking between Leishan and Miyazaki. If they want to return to the battleship, the landing craft must make a full circle, rather than flying around in the dense air of enemy ships. Continue to hide on Saturn Seventeen for safety.

At least until the detonation of the nuclear bomb, the safety of No. 1 boat is very guaranteed.

There were still more than four hours before the No. 2 boat landed. In order to delay the time, Ye Han repeatedly slowed down the speed of the Leishan, and from time to time used long-range weapons to tease the aliens' nerves, successfully angering more than 20 ships from the 17th Titan. Alien battleship, the two sides played hide-and-seek near the halo, and no one could do anything for a while.

It's not really accurate to say that, Leishan slips like a loach, and it doesn't give the enemy ships a chance to approach.

Ye Han couldn't help but sighed in his heart, if the combined fleet was pulled to Saturn and the solution to those alien warships in the halo really didn't matter, if it wasn't for the extraterrestrial fleet rushing to the vicinity of the earth, the combined fleet would be unavoidable, and must be with the soil. The foreign fleet came to a head-to-head confrontation with Maimang, and the loss of the combined fleet was definitely not that great.

Ye Han felt that as long as the command was correct, the combined fleet lost one-third of the warships.

It's a pity that there is no such thing as reality, he just thought about it in his heart, if he really brought out these ideas, he would have to drown the spittle stars.

Time passed quickly in the entanglement between the two sides. At about 20 o'clock that night, the No. 2 landing craft approached the 16th Mipet.

However, the luck of the second boat was much better than that of the first boat. The planned landing point turned into a big pit... You don't need to ask to know that an alien warship took off from the pit not long ago.

The No. 2 boat was all fortunate. No matter whether the enemy ship took off after the landing craft landed, or kept hiding in the ground and did not take off, it was not a good thing for the No. 2 boat.

The former directly overturns the landing craft, while the latter is more troublesome, drilling holes directly into the battleship hidden in the ground, what is the consequence of this... Hehe.

The No. 2 boat happily prepared to descend into the pit. After getting close, it was discovered that it was not a simple big pit. Several caves could be observed underground, which was probably an underground space built by aliens.

After Ye Han received the report, he instinctively erased the word "possible".

It's not a big deal that Saturn's sixteenth has an alien's underground space. The problem is whether the nuclear bomb carried by the No. 2 boat can still be placed in the original place!

You must know that the location of the nuclear bomb has been calculated in detail before the operation to ensure that the force of the explosion acts on the center of gravity of the satellite. Only in this way can the satellite move in the correct direction.

However, if the aliens hollowed out the satellite, the center of gravity of the satellite will also change accordingly, and the original placement position will naturally be unusable.

It is good luck to say that boat No. 1 is also placed in the underground space where there are no aliens. If it is like boat No. 2, it may just start drilling holes and get into the underground space, my dear, this is equivalent to fighting with aliens. Say hello and tell them that there is someone above their heads, it's no wonder that the aliens who receive the news don't fry!

There is only a small group on the landing craft, but I don't know how many aliens there are underground. If a fight starts, the landing craft can only escape!

After thinking about it, the sixteenth of the moon were not a good target, and the placement plan could not continue at all. Ye Han decisively ordered the No. 2 boat to abandon the mission.

There is no enemy ship between the No. 2 enemy and Leishan, but at this time, the return to Leishan will definitely not escape the eyes of aliens. In order to prevent exposure, the No. 2 boat that gave up landing can only continue to fly forward along the original track.

After the No. 2 boat passed the Mipet 16, it would gradually move away from Saturn, and when it flew farther, there was a chance to return to the battleship.

Three satellites, one succeeded and one failed, and only Boat No. 3 was left untouched-it would take two and a half hours to reach Mimas 15.

The fifteenth of the moon is a bit like a UFO, the internal code name of the fleet: flying saucer!

Ye Han is looking forward to it very much, because the fifteenth of the moon is very small, with a diameter of only 30 kilometers. It is the smallest of the three satellites. It requires the least force to push it, and the speed is the fastest. If the explosive force on the fifth is appropriate, the satellite will slam into the halo like a billiard ball, and disperse all the halo fragments along the way. At that time, the larvae of the alien warships in the halo will either break away or be crashed by the flying saucer. There is no third party. a choice.

Of course, the premise of all this is that the flying direction of the fifteenth moon is correct!

At 22:49, the boat No. 3 approached the 15th Mimas. The most critical moment was coming, and the aliens seemed to be unaware of all this, and were still entangled with the Thunder Boat No. 3 went well After landing and securing the landing craft, the soldiers could not wait to get to work.

However, how did the soldiers know that the aliens had already discovered that the situation was not right. As soon as the No. 3 boat landed, a group of alien warships immediately flew away from the halo and went straight to the fifteenth of the moon.

In fact, aliens have long discovered three asteroids disguised by landing craft. The three asteroids are similar in size and speed. They come from the same direction and are close to three satellites. Everything is too coincidental.

When the No. 1 boat landed, it attracted the attention of the aliens, but the No. 1 boat landed on the back of Miyen 17, just avoiding the sight of the aliens. Then the battleship took off, and the No. 1 boat remained motionless. Confused the alien's judgment, so boat No. 1 narrowly escaped.

After the No. 2 boat approached, it did not land at all, which confuses the aliens even more, and makes the aliens doubt the previous judgment.

It was not until the No. 3 boat landed on the 15th Miyala that the aliens determined that these three small celestial bodies were likely to come from human beings. With the mentality that they would rather kill the mistakes and let them go, the aliens immediately dispatched the fleet.

Ye Han, who received the news, broke into a cold sweat and ordered boat No. 3 to withdraw without hesitation. At the same time, the order was also given to boat No. 1 and No. 2.

Boat No. 1 was not in a hurry to take off. Wang Yan felt that the situation of boat No. 3 was more dangerous. It would not be too late to take off after boat No. 3 escaped danger.

The No. 2 boat is even simpler. At this time, it has already flown through the F ring. It is very convenient to continue flying forward or return to the battleship.

But after boat No. 3 received the order, the soldiers on the boat hesitated.

The three landing craft executed the order, but only one succeeded, and only one of the three planned satellites remained, which was very detrimental to the next battle plan.

Do you follow the order to evacuate immediately, or do you grit your teeth and evacuate after completing the task?

The whole group hesitated.

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