Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1554: deviation

The place of right and wrong cannot be left for a long time, Song Jian hurriedly activated the individual aircraft to fly far away.

It is not far from the fifteenth of the moon, but he is worried that he will be monitored by aliens, so he does not dare to approach the fifteenth of the moon at all, and can only fly far away.

Song Jian, who fled for his life, did not forget to look back at the landing craft, and saw that the swarm was wrapping the landing craft and flying to the alien warship.

Song Jian was stunned. He almost didn't laugh on the spot. He waited patiently for a while. At the moment when the swarm and the alien warship converged, Song Jian issued a detonation command to the landing craft. The detonation signal was activated immediately and stayed on the landing craft. The missiles and nuclear warheads exploded instantly, and none of the nearby insect machines were spared, all of them were killed by the explosion, and the alien battleship was also destroyed by a third of the nuclear explosion, as if it had been bitten fiercely.

"Oye!" Song Jian was excited like a child, dancing with joy.

As a Marine, he never thought that he would one day have the opportunity to destroy an alien warship himself. This is simply a miracle, it is so exciting!

Others who witnessed this scene didn't think so. The soldiers on the fifteenth of the wooden guards thought that Song Jian was still on the landing craft. Since the landing craft was besieged by the worm machine, the soldiers were very worried. When the landing craft met the enemy in the nuclear explosion The ship perished together, and the soldiers were completely desperate, thinking that Song Jian had died.

Yuan Xiaoguang did not give the soldiers a chance to think wildly, and woke them up with a sharp reprimand, and everyone immediately threw themselves into the intense construction, striving to complete the task in the shortest time.

The 15th Saturn is small in size, does not require as many nuclear bombs, and the yield is not so exaggerated. Therefore, the depth of the burial is much shallower than the other two satellites. It is the satellite with the lowest construction difficulty. Deepens at a rate visible to the naked eye.

The soldiers on the 15th Mi Guardian didn't understand the situation, but the Leishan took everything in their eyes, Ye Han thought for a while and said, "Send a message to the third boat, a large number of enemy ships have been found near the 15th Mi Guardian, our ship We can't get close for the time being, and neither the survival craft nor the landing craft can get close, so I order Song Jian and the soldiers to hold on for a while, and they will be brought back as soon as there is a chance!"

Song Jian let out a sigh of relief after receiving the order, and continued to float with peace of mind. As long as he paid attention to the direction, neither approaching the celestial body nor the halo, there would be no problem with safety.

Song Jian was fine, but the 15th Earth Guard had a bigger problem. The soldiers only knew after receiving the order that Song Jian had nothing to do!

It's not that everyone was expecting something to happen to Song Jian, but that everyone thought that Song Jian had sacrificed, so they were sad for a while, but what happened? Well, it's basically calling the fake police. Everyone made up their minds. After returning, Song Jian must make a good compensation for everyone.

Yuan Xiaoguang made this suggestion and immediately got the unanimous approval of everyone.

Song Jian's wallet shrunk a whole layer without him knowing, and the soldiers' mood changed from cloudy to sunny, and they stepped up digging holes.

After more than 20 minutes, the last nuclear bomb was put into the ground, and after the hole was sealed, the resettlement work was completed.

Yuan Xiaoguang gave an order, and everyone started the individual aircraft and quietly left the fifteenth.

After a full sixteen hours, Song Jian and his soldiers were rescued by the lifeboats sent by the Qingzhou. Although the sixteen hours of drifting was not in danger, everyone mentioned this experience with lingering fears. , even more unbearable than the most tragic battlefield.

The ten-hour wandering is by no means as fantastic as it seems. At the beginning, it was fine, but after a little longer, all kinds of negative emotions followed one after another, and some people even had hallucinations!

The soldiers headed by Yuan Xiaoguang were even better. After all, several people stayed together and could talk and encourage each other, but Song Jian was different. He was always alone and did not want to occupy valuable communication resources. He kept the radio silent all the time, even though the soldiers were not far away from him, they never got in touch with the soldiers.

At 0:00 on July 22, 2033, Ye Han gave an order to detonate the nuclear bomb buried on the seventeenth of the moon. The violent explosion left a deep crater on the seventeenth of the moon and countless water ice. thrown into space.

Affected by the explosion, the speed of the seventeenth of the moon was slightly increased, and the running angle was shifted inward - for the best effect, Ye Han placed the explosion point on the right rear of the seventeenth of the moon!

The explosion illuminated half of Saturn's rings, attracting extreme attention from aliens.

Just half a minute later, the second nuclear bomb was detonated, followed by the third and fourth nuclear bombs. When the last nuclear bomb was detonated, Mimas 17 had left its original position and slowly floated towards the F ring.

All the aliens were stunned. It is not the first time that humans have the idea of ​​​​using satellites, but there is really no one who can use satellites for this purpose!

The aliens knew very well what the result of the satellite's approach to the star ring, so shortly after the departure of the seventeenth of the moon, an interception fleet composed of hundreds of alien warships set off for the seventeenth of the moon.

The distance between the seventeenth of the moon and the f ring is less than one thousand kilometers, and the distance between the alien fleet and the seventeenth of the moon is more than one hundred thousand kilometers. Fortunately, the speed of the seventeenth of the moon is relatively slow, and the alien fleet not only has enough time to rush past, but also enough time to cut and disassemble the seventeenth of the moon, turning it into pieces of useless celestial fragments.

The plan of the expeditionary force is not so simple. Half an hour later, at 0:34 on July 20, 2033, the Thunder Mountain, which was intending to approach the sixteenth of the moon, fired at the sixteenth of the moon in 30 seconds. seven super nuclear bombs.

To be cautious, Ye Han also put a smoke screen to cover these The warships arranged by the aliens on the sixteenth of the moon had already run out to chase the Thunder Mountain, and the sixteenth of the moon had no usable defense. Power, can only watch the missile approach.

At 00:46, the first missile hit the Mi 16, but the position was a little off... The reason why Ye Han sent the landing craft to land the nuclear bomb was because the accuracy of the long-range weapons was insufficient, and the landing and burial could accurately bury the nuclear bomb at the designated location. Accuracy is sufficiently guaranteed.

Seven nuclear bombs hit one after another, and Mipet Sixteen, like its brothers, began the long journey to the halo, and the aliens quickly organized a second interceptor fleet.

In order to stop the Sixteenth Titan in time, the alien's second fleet was directly drawn from the fleets in the direction of Qingzhou and Shihe. For a time, the pressure on these two warships was greatly reduced.

However, it didn't take long for Ye Han to find that the situation was not right. Although the sixteenth of the moon was propelled by the nuclear bomb, the difference in the explosion position was not a star and a half. The orbit of the sixteenth of the moon was obviously deviated downward. It is impossible to hit the a-ring, at most it is a swipe over the a-ring.

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