Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1555: deadlock

Ye Han was first surprised, then angry, then discouraged and finally helpless.

Ninety-nine prayers have been worshipped, and I just shivered, but something went wrong at this time!

Luo Qi raised his head sharply: "Captain, the communication of Qingzhou, Captain Ruan wants to talk to you!"

Ye Han nodded, Luo Qi immediately understood and connected the communication to Ye Han's helmet.

Ruan Yinghua's serious face appeared on the screen: "Ye Han, how is the situation?"

The Qingzhou was far on the other side of Saturn, and the details of Mipet sixteen could not be seen.

Ye Han sighed: "The situation is not very good, the jujube core is 0.7 degrees below."

"0.7 degrees...isn't it a big problem?" Ruan Yinghua was puzzled. "If you blow it up in the opposite direction, it won't be a problem, right?"

Ye Han shook his head: "If it were that simple, my ship is currently above the halo, and the target is downward. My ship must pass through the halo, and then find a suitable position to fire."

Missiles don't have long brains, they can only lock on the target point at most. It is impossible to circle under the 16th Saturn, turn a 180-degree bend and then hit the bottom of the satellite. Therefore, it must be the warship flying over to correct the direction of the satellite. .

"Then you are hurrying, what are you dawdling for?"

"I wanted to hurry, but the enemy has also come. When we fly there, the enemy will also arrive. Do you think the enemy will give you a chance?"

"How do you know if you don't try?"

Ye Han sighed: "How do you want me to try? You have run over thousands of miles to fight with the aliens? Do you think the aliens can control the jujube core when they see our spaceship? Besides, it is indeed possible to correct its course by continuing to bombard it. But if the bombing is wrong, it may exacerbate the deviation, and if it becomes self-defeating, it is better to let the Sixteenth Titan continue to maintain the current direction!"

Ruan Yinghua frowned, and a deep hanging needle pattern divided the eyebrows in half: "Then what do you say?"

"Stay still!" Ye Han said, "The Sixteenth of the Moon is a little off, but the angle is so large that it can't hit the A-ring, and it is not far from the A-ring. As long as the satellite passes near the A-ring, its gravitational force will be reduced. It can cause severe disturbance of the A-ring..."

"Can disturbance destroy the enemy's spaceship?" Ruan Yinghua interrupted Ye Han's words.

Ye Han said: "It's definitely better to hit the A ring directly, but I think the effect should not be bad!"

"What do you think?" Ruan Yinghua raised her brows, "I still think I can single out the alien fleet!"

Ye Han was at a loss for words: "What about your opinion?"

"Let's set off immediately, look for an opportunity to correct the satellite's direction, and use the enemy ship to open the knife if there is no chance, it's that simple!" Ruan Yinghua slowed down her tone, "The Sixteenth Titan is just a little bit big, and it can withstand aliens again. Cut all over?"

Ye Han nodded with a sullen face: "Okay, I'll set off right away... Where's the Seventeenth Earth Guardian?"

"Don't worry about it, just cut it whatever the enemy likes."

Ye Han suddenly understood.

Although there are also some alien warships hidden in the F ring, the number is far greater than that of the A ring and the B ring. Ruan Yinghua definitely wants to use the seventeenth of the moon to attract the alien fleet and share the firepower for the sixteenth of the moon.

This is also a good idea. The question is will aliens be fooled?

There were also a group of alien warships near the Thunder Mountain. In order to arrive at the Sixteenth Mipet in time, the No. Thunder Mountain fired more than a dozen smoke bombs in one breath, and then the warships sailed towards the Sixteenth Moon at full speed.

More than 30 enemy ships quickly caught up, biting Leishan and chasing after them.

Ye Han didn't care about them at all, and only let the turrets at the stern fire from time to time to prevent enemy ships from approaching.

At this time, the distance between Leishan and Mipet 16 is still nearly 10,000 kilometers. The enemy ship is farther than Leishan. It seems that Leishan has the advantage. However, Leishan must pass through the halo, and the actual voyage is reversed. farther than the enemy.

One hour and fifty-four minutes later, the alien fleet flew near the sixteenth of the moon, and more than one hundred alien warships took turns to fire at the sixteenth of the moon, peeling off the surface of the sixteenth of the moon.

The swirling debris detached from Titan, and the entire satellite was like an ice hockey puck in the sun, constantly emitting a steaming mist.

At this time, Leishan also came to the vicinity of the sixteenth of the moon, and upon seeing this, it immediately opened fire on the enemy ship besieging the sixteenth of the moon.

The layers of electromagnetic guns also carry a few missiles from time to time.

These missiles are like poking a hornet's nest, and all the alien warships turn their muzzles to destroy the incoming missiles first.

Seeing that there was a door, Ye Han hurriedly fired a few more missiles... His goal was to drag the enemy and let the sixteenth Titan crash into the A ring.

Ye Han has long seen that the enemy's battleship is not pleasing to the eye. Two hours ago, he wanted to give the enemy a good look, but the distance was too far, and the enemy was in motion. The killing effect of any kind of weapon on the ship was not very good. , Ye Han can only give up the idea of ​​long-range attacking the enemy.

But it is different now. Although the distance between the two sides is still more than 2,000 kilometers, the enemy ships are all parked near the 16th Mipet, which is almost a fixed target. For such a high-quality target, if you don't give it abruptly, you will feel sorry for yourself. conscience.

The attack of the Thunder Mountain attracted a counterattack from the aliens. The enemy ships that bombarded Mipet Sixteen immediately split up and rushed straight in front of the Thunder Mountain. It seemed that they planned to intercept the Thunder Mountain and the enemy ships behind the Thunder Mountain. Have a two-sided attack.

Ye Han really wanted to say something to the alien commander: You think too much!

The muzzle that was originally aimed at Mipet sixteen immediately turned back, and the super shotgun blasted at the enemy ship that was flying in the opposite direction.

At the same time, the classic combination of missiles and smoke grenades came into play, and they attacked two enemy ships in the front and the rear, respectively.

Due to the relatively weak and slow relative the distance between the two sides is relatively long, the first round of the Thunder Mountain's firepower was not effective, and many enemy ships were hit, but none of the enemy ships were destroyed. Sparks hit the surface.

The missile also failed to destroy the target. The aliens had already learned their skills. The smokescreen had just unfolded, and the aliens had determined the direction of the missile. All alien warships avoided them immediately, and avoided them from a distance.

If you want to hit the enemy ship, the missile must turn sharply, and the turn will inevitably escape the cover of the smoke screen. In the end, all of them are destroyed by the aliens, and none of them hit the enemy ship.

This result made Ye Han very helpless. He suffered a lot, and the aliens became smarter and harder to fight. This is not a good sign.

For the time being, he couldn't think of a good way. Ye Han could only command the battleship to reject the enemy while advancing to the predetermined position.

Perhaps the movement of the Thunder Mountain was too obvious, which attracted the attention of the aliens. The alien battleship that was originally going to intercept the Thunder Mountain was always blocked between the battleship and the Mipet Sixteen, not giving the Thunder Mountain a chance to launch a missile at all.

The enemy was more difficult to deal with than expected, and Ye Han's gaze couldn't help but turn to the fifteenth.

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