Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1556: confusion

The detonation command followed the radio waves through space, and instantly detonated the nuclear bomb placed on the fifteenth of the moon. The fifteenth of the moon, which was only 30 kilometers in diameter, immediately deviated from its original orbit and floated to the A ring, which was more than 800 kilometers away.

The reason why Ye Han detonated the nuclear bomb on the 15th Saturn was because its current location was far away from the battlefield, and there were no alien spaceships nearby. No matter how you looked at it, it was a good time to detonate the nuclear bomb.

But the nuclear bomb on the satellite had just exploded, and a group of alien warships had already flown out of the A ring.

Their shells are still ice-white, but hundreds of juvenile battleships are not a small force, enough to deal with the fifteenth of the moon.

Seeing this scene, Ye Han immediately realized that the aliens were already prepared. The aliens must have seen the landing craft of No. 3 landing, but they were not sure about the situation on the fifteenth of the moon, so they kept holding back.

Now that the nuclear bomb on the satellite exploded, the aliens immediately made the most correct response.

At this time, as long as there is one battleship that can withdraw to support the 15th Mien, it is not difficult to kill more than 100 juveniles of battleships. When the satellite rushes into the A ring, the rest will be simple.

But the three human warships were blocked in three directions by the alien fleet, and none of them could withdraw to support.

Ye Han is so depressed, this battle is really too suffocating!

According to the current situation, no matter which satellite it is, it will be chopped up by the alien warship before it touches the halo, and there is no chance of connecting it, let alone disturbing the halo.

Qingzhou and Shihe dragged the enemy ship, but Leishan failed to achieve the scheduled combat goal. Although Leishan tried her best, Ruan Yinghua couldn't hold back and called Zhang Guoliang to contact Ye Han together.

Sitting in the virtual conference room, the three discussed it for a while, but they didn't come up with a way to break the game.

The expeditionary force has such little strength, either it can't think of a way, or the way it comes up requires more troops, and there is no way to solve the enemy without the need for troops.

In the end, Ruan Yinghua couldn't think of a way to do it, so he simply threw a broken can: "No matter, just bombard it with a nuclear bomb, and it's what it is!"

"Agree!" Zhang Guoliang immediately agreed.

"I agree too!" Ye Han also expressed his opinion.

In this situation, all strategies and tactics are nonsense. Instead of racking his brains and getting nothing in the end, he might as well just hit his grandma directly.

The three reached an agreement, but they could not act immediately, but changed their tactics immediately. Qingzhou immediately moved away from Xinghuan, while Leishan and Shihe showed their intention to approach Xinghuan to attract the enemy's attention.

At this moment, the alien fleet stationed in the star ring has been divided into six routes, three satellites each occupy one road, and three warships each lead one road, of which satellites account for the majority, and each satellite has contained more than 100 alien warships, of which Some are still immature larvae.

The aliens sent out all the larvae of the warships, indicating that the enemy's warships are running out!

The actions of Leishan and Shihe were very cautious, but the attack was very violent, while Qingzhou flew further and further away. direction.

The time for action was slowly ripening, and the Qingzhou suddenly turned around and rushed towards the halo.

The aliens immediately dispatched battleships and immediately blocked the route of the Qingzhou.

The Qingzhou in high-speed flight suddenly released a smoke screen, and then released the fighter jets under the cover of the smoke screen. More than 600 fighter jets were all released in a very short period of time, and under the cover of the smoke screen, they quickly approached the halo.

Not only warships have smoke screens, fighter planes also have smoke screens, but the cover range is much smaller than the ship version.

After the fighter plane took off, the smoke screen was released immediately, and each fighter plane fired more than one smoke screen. Countless small groups of smoke screens broke away from the main smoke screen covering the battleship and flew towards the halo at a very high speed.

The aliens did not dare to neglect, and quickly sent the fleet up.

But there are too many smoke screens. The alien warships hurriedly attacking can't stop so many smoke screens. They can only catch a cloud of smoke screens, and then they can shoot into the smoke screens. Turn to the next cloud of smoke.

In order to prevent the combat intentions from being discovered by aliens, all fighter jets are not allowed to fight back, even if they are hit by fine light, they cannot be exposed.

Ye Han felt that this was completely unnecessary, but he had no right to interfere with Ruan Yinghua's order.

The forbearance of the aircraft group has indeed played a role in confusing the aliens. They are very strange and do not understand what is in these smokescreens. As a result, the action of cleaning the smokescreens has become much hesitant, and it is no longer that every smokescreen is carefully cleaned. .

In this way, the aircraft group approached the halo after losing more than a hundred fighters. Ruan Yinghua gave an order, and more than 400 fighters rushed towards the smoke screen at the same time, and quickly launched missiles at the halo.

Among them are heavy and huge super missiles, and there are also miniature nuclear bombs with a yield of only one thousand tons. Thousands of missiles of various types fall to the halo like a heavy rain.

The alien warships in the halo quickly intercepted. This time, no matter whether they are mature or immature, as long as they are active warships, they will all fly out of the halo to meet the missile group.

Ye Han was surprised to find that not many enemy ships rushed out of the halo, and most of the larvae of the enemy ships stayed within the halo!

He immediately realized that there was a difference between the juveniles of battleships. Those that could fly away from the halo were relatively mature juveniles, while those left in the halo were probably not fully developed yet!

This is a godsend!

Ye Han immediately reported the discovery to the friendly ship. After Ruan Yinghua and Zhang Guoliang received the news, they immediately understood that this was an opportunity.

While the enemy was busy intercepting the missiles launched by the aircraft group, the three warships were in full swing, and the missiles were thrown into the halo as if they didn't cost Smoke bombs were thrown all over the sky, and chaos could be seen everywhere up and down the halo. Floating smokescreen.

The interception by the aliens was very effective. Most of the missiles were destroyed by the aliens, but some missiles successfully flew to the halo under the cover of the smoke screen and exploded in the halo!

The violent nuclear explosion was like a boulder thrown into the calm water, immediately causing a series of changes in the halo. The celestial bodies smashed apart, triggering a series of impacts in the halo.

The operation of the halo has its own laws, and the sudden nuclear explosion disrupted the operation of the halo. Those chaotic small celestial bodies are like runaway vehicles on a rampage on the highway, making the whole halo a mess.

If a nuclear explosion is a primer, it detonates the butterfly effect in the halo, leading to a series of unpredictable consequences.

The alien warship larvae left in the halo bore the brunt, some were directly destroyed by nuclear explosions, some were smashed by chaotic small celestial bodies, and some were threatened by flying small celestial bodies.

All in all, successive nuclear explosions scrambled the entire rings of Saturn, killing countless juvenile alien warships.

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