Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1559: abandon ship

On July 31, 2033, the Sirius rode alone and embarked on an expedition to Saturn.

The moon has no atmosphere, and there are no bitter words to meet the situation. Only Wu Han led a group of senior generals to see off the Sirius.

Not only were there many senior Chinese generals in Beiyuezhou, but the international base also sent a group of senior officers to see them off. For a time, all kinds of military uniforms gathered in one room, and the hall was full of stars.

Before the Sirius, no human warship had ever received such high-level treatment, and it is estimated that it will be difficult to appear again in the future.

The officer corps who saw him off was very eye-catching, but the ceremony for the expedition was not solemn, and it could even be said to be shabby. Duan Zhiyang simply reported on the big screen that the Sirius was ready, requested to set sail, and so on. Then Wu Han agreed to the battleship to sail, and sent a few words of blessing. The expedition ceremony, which was so simple that it could not be regarded as a ceremony, ended, and the Sirius officially set sail.

At this moment, the Sirius was shining brightly, all the Chinese generals were full of pride, and all the foreign generals were deeply jealous.

No one knows what will happen to the Sirius this time, but everyone has poured countless expectations on the Sirius.

When the Sirius set off, it happened to be the tenth day that the expedition force entered the Uranus region.

Since they left Saturn, the battle between the expeditionary force and the alien fleet has never stopped. The three warships turn around to shoot the enemy ships from time to time. In most cases, the shells are wasted in vain, and there are very few times when they actually hit the enemy ships.

It's not that the expeditionary force doesn't work hard, but that the aliens have learned and figured out the means of human beings. It is not so easy to hit the enemy ship.

No one knows when this chase will be fought. For ten days, the alien fleet is still full of energy. The three captains all believe that this battle will not be finished in a while and must be prepared for a long-term chase.

After confirming this, the three captains immediately issued the same order, and a large number of crew members went into hibernation, leaving only the most basic operators to minimize material consumption.

The three captains all hoped to hold on for a longer period of time, but the consumption of materials has dropped, but the consumption of ammunition has never been reduced, and the inventory of ammunition has decreased at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Ye Han and others also thought about using laser cannons to resist the enemy as much as possible, but the range of laser cannons is too close, and there is no concealment of cannonballs.

Time passed by in the chase. On October 2, Ye Han and Ruan Yinghua received a communication from the Shihe. Zhang Guoliang said straight to the point: "My ship has run out of ammunition and can't hold on!"

Ruan Yinghua got angry on the spot: "What are you kidding?"

"I'm not kidding." Zhang Guoliang said with a serious face, "Shihe is a frigate. It can't be compared with a destroyer, let alone an air carrier. Just a few minutes ago, I just fired the last shell."

"What do you think?" Ruan Yinghua said badly, "Want to go back to Earth?"

Zhang Guoliang sighed: "When did I say go back to Earth?" He didn't like Ruan Yinghua's tone very much, but he didn't want to conflict with Ruan Yinghua.

"Then what do you think?" Ruan Yinghua's tone was still harsh.

Zhang Guoliang looked at Ye Han, and Ye Han reluctantly smoothed out: "Okay, okay, what are you arguing about? You're not a child anymore, let's talk slowly."

Ruan Yinghua glanced at Ye Han, with dissatisfaction clearly written on her face, but she did not speak.

Zhang Guoliang can be used as a soft persimmon, but Ye Han should forget it. Let alone the sinking mark on the Thunder Mountain, he has to weigh it carefully.

The military pays attention to job classes, but it is not always the same in all situations.

From ancient times to the present, the army has always been a place where the strong are respected. Even though Ruan Yinghua's position is half a level higher than that of Ye Han, but Ye Han has a superhuman record behind him. In front of him, Ye Han had to look at Ye Han with admiration.

Compared with Leishan, Qingzhou couldn't get the record at all, so Ruan Yinghua couldn't speak hard.

To put it in a bad way, who doesn't like this kind of subordinate who has made great achievements? If the two people really had a conflict and went to the top, it's hard to say who the top will help.

Zhang Guoliang said: "The ammunition is out, the fuel is not much, and there are still some provisions, but not too much. Ordinarily, I should return now!"

Frequent high-speed maneuvers have greatly increased the fuel consumption of the battleship, and the remaining fuel has been unable to fly back to the earth. Even if it is returning, it can only fly back slowly by inertia.

Hearing Zhang Guoliang's words, Ruan Yinghua's eyes widened again, her eyebrows almost stood up, as if she wanted to say something, but before she wanted to speak, Ye Han glared fiercely.

Ruan Yinghua held it in her chest in one breath, almost not holding back her internal injuries.

Zhang Guoliang pretended not to see anything, and continued: "Considering the safety of the earth, we can't go back at this time anyway, so I discussed it with the soldiers and voted democratically, and decided to give up the return flight."

"Give up?" Ye Han's eyes widened in shock.

Ruan Yinghua was also dumbfounded. He always thought that Zhang Guoliang wanted to go back to Earth now. In that case, the enemy ships following Shihe would follow Shihe to the This is the root of his refusal to give a good face. The reason, the result was so embarrassing, Zhang Guoliang didn't plan that much at all.

Ye Han considered the words and said slowly: "Give up the return flight... What should you do with your crew? I'm too far away from the Qingzhou, and I can't make it at all. You can't stay in the battleship all the time, right?"

Since they left Saturn, the three warships have separated, each went in one direction, and gathered with the trailing enemy ships. Unexpectedly, they have now become their own stumbling blocks.

Zhang Guoliang said: "I plan to let the soldiers leave the ship in lifeboats, and the warship will be on automatic driving, maintaining the existing route, as long as it can be delayed."

"Lifeboat?" Ye Han couldn't believe his ears, "Old Zhang, don't be joking, this place is in the Uranus region, about ten AU from the earth, and there are dangers everywhere on the Tiangao Road. If the boat is destroyed, the possibility of returning to the earth in a lifeboat is too low, why don't you hold on for a while, I will lean over now, and everyone will be transferred to me!"

"You can come to my place!" Ruan Yinghua's attitude was almost a 180-degree turn.

He showed his face to Zhang Guoliang, never because of personal matters.

Zhang Guoliang was very tempted, but after hesitating for a while, he still shook his head, with a very firm attitude: "I don't need it anymore, according to my plan, even if there is no one on the Shihe, it can lead the enemy troops behind, and on the other hand, no matter what. Whoever of you two came here, are two enemies combined into one... Do you think that the aliens will be so stupid that they can't see what you are here for?"

Ye Han said dejectedly: "Impossible, the dog. Sun's essence, the enemy may be deceived, but the possibility of not being deceived is even higher."

Zhang Guoliang said: "That's it, it's a big deal, so we can't take risks, even if it's just a little bit."

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