Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1560: Abandoned Ship (2)

The Shihe abandoned the ship, and all the crew boarded the lifeboats to leave the ship. The direction and degree of each lifeboat were different, but all the lifeboats had a common destination - the earth!

Neither Leishan nor Qingzhou could be rescued, not because they couldn't, but because they couldn't.

Based on the orientation and degree of the two warships, the first thing to do to connect the lifeboat of the Shihe to the ship is to turn around and return.

It's not difficult to turn around, but it's not that simple with so many enemy ships behind you. No matter Leishan or Qingzhou, the lifeboats have long been scattered when they arrive at the ground. It is not a small project to gather so many lifeboats together. , and the aliens, in any case, could not have given this chance,

Ye Han and Ruan Yinghua could only watch the Shihe lifeboat disappear into the darkness.

Ye Han doesn't believe in gods, but now he hopes that there are really a group of gods in the dark.

Zhang Guoliang was the last to leave the Shihe, and Ye Han never heard from him again.

The choice of Shihe made Ye Han feel melancholy for a while. Before he could come out of his loss, Leishan also had to make a choice.

Ye Han encountered the same situation as Zhang Guoliang. All the ammunition was exhausted. It is not impossible to continue to persist, but the result of persistence is likely to send the crew to the Jedi. Only by withdrawing in time can there be a chance of survival.

Ye Han really wanted to bring the Leishan back, but after more than 20 days of life-and-death pursuit, there were still more than 300 enemy ships chasing the Leishan. If he really brought these enemy ships back to Earth, he would be a sinner of the country and a human being. A sinner, a sinner of history, his name will forever be nailed to the pillar of shame in human history, and will never be turned over.

At this moment, Ye Han finally understood Zhang Guoliang's choice.

In many cases, death is not scary, but what is scary is that when you die, you will be spurned by others.

Ye Han couldn't imagine what would happen to him and his family when Leishan returned to Earth with hundreds of alien warships.

After making up his mind, Ye Han sent a message to Qingzhou.

After meeting Ruan Yinghua in the virtual conference room, the two were silent for a while before Ruan Yinghua asked in a low voice, "Have you decided?"

Ye Han nodded: "It's decided."

Ruan Yinghua sighed: "First it's Zhang Guoliang, then you, and it's my turn next."

Ye Han smiled reluctantly: "The two of you have an advantage, there are not many other things on the air carrier, that is, there are many aircraft..."

"Your joke is too cold." Ruan Yinghua said.

Ye Han couldn't speak any longer, and he crossed his fingers and circled around the ground: "As long as the enemy can be led away, what's the point of abandoning the ship? I'm still waiting for a class warship after I return to Earth. Captain Dangdang."

"Then I have to wish you success first, and then I will do the same, and see who will give it first!"

Ye Han smiled and said: "You have no hope, I must be here before you!"

"That's not necessarily!" Ruan Yinghua refused to give in an inch.

The two laughed for a while, then the smiles gradually disappeared.

The situation faced by the expeditionary force was too passive, so that the two of them could not afford to play around.

After a short silence, Ruan Yinghua asked, "When will it start?"

"In two days, even if the ship is abandoned, I don't want the Thunder Mountain to fall into the hands of aliens."

Ruan Yinghua was a little curious: "What are your plans?"

Ye Han said: "In a few days, the direction will be on Uranus."

"You want to throw Thunder Mountain on Uranus?"

Ye Han nodded: "I have this plan, and there may be a chance to retrieve the wreckage of the battleship in the future."

"Forget it." Ruan Yinghua advised, "Uranus and Neptune are not a good choice, but Pluto is a good choice."

Uranus and Neptune are both Jupiter-like planets. So far, humans do not know the specific conditions of these two planets. If Leishan enters these two planets, the probability of damage is almost 100%.

And Pluto is just a dwarf planet, with a small size and low gravity, it is indeed a good choice.

Ye Han gave Ruan Yinghua a surprised look: "Aren't you worried that the enemy has been chasing Pluto?"

Ruan Yinghua sighed: "I just want to give you a suggestion. Even if the Thunder Mountain falls into the hands of aliens, it can be taken back from aliens in the future, but if it falls into Uranus or Neptune, it is hard to say whether there is a chance or not. ."

Ye Han thought for a while and said, "Then forget it, don't choose any star or not, just keep flying outside, where you fly is counted."

"It's a good idea." Ruan Yinghua rarely agreed, "I'll do the same in the future."

After making the final decision, Ye Han let out a long sigh of relief, discussed some details with Ruan Yinghua, and stopped the conversation shortly after.

After returning to the bridge, Ye Han immediately ordered the warship to turn, and while increasing the distance, turn back to the direction of the earth.

After four days of adjustment, Leishan finally met Ye Han's requirements. The crew boarded the lifeboat under his order and flew directly to the earth after leaving the ship... The speed of the lifeboat is very slow, even with the speed bonus given by Leishan. , and it will take a long time to fly back to Earth.

Ye Han didn't expect the lifeboat to fly back to Earth at He had already given the news to the Sirius. As long as he found an opportunity, Duan Zhiyang would find a way to close the lifeboat.

Not only the Leishan, but also the Shihe, and maybe the Qingzhou in the future.

After the crew left the ship as planned, only He Lu and Luo Qi were left with Ye Han.

Ye Han originally wanted them both to leave, but Luo Qi refused, and He Lu hesitated and refused.

The three men steered the battleship, until the Thunder Mountain flew to the outer periphery of the solar system, and the three men breathed a long sigh of relief.

If there is no external interference, Thunder Mountain will continue to fly along the existing course, flying over the Uranus, Neptune and Pluto regions, and finally penetrates into the outer Neptune region.

Maybe Leishan will eventually be able to pass through the alien king planet and enter the interstellar space that humans have never set foot in, or it may stop in the alien king zone due to lack of fuel and silently orbit the sun until it encounters humans again.

If at that time, the equipment on the ship could still work... Ye Han couldn't imagine what it would be like. For this reason, he adjusted the power of the reactor to the lowest level before leaving the ship, and extended the working time of the reactor as long as possible.

If nothing else, the ship's reactors can work for at least a few decades.

Thor's core was also dismantled by Ye Han, ready to bring Thor back to Earth, but before dismantling, Ye Han left a backup in the battleship's system.

After everyone leaves the ship, Thor's backup can continue to control the battleship.

After all the aftermath work was over, Ye Han, who was about to leave the ship, looked around reluctantly for a week, feeling so complicated that it was impossible to describe in words.

He Lu and Luo Qi waited outside the cabin door, waiting silently.

Ye Han finally smiled freely, turned his head and floated away from the bridge: "Let's go."

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