Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1562: 1 stone creates 0 waves

Ruan Yinghua tried his best, but he failed to find Zhang Guoliang and Ye Han. In addition, about a quarter of the lifeboats could not be recovered due to various reasons, which became Ruan Yinghua's eternal regret.

Many years later, Ruan Yinghua, in his twilight years, still broods over this, always believing that he must be responsible for the disappearance of the sailors, and is determined to find all the missing sailors in his lifetime.

Under Ruan Yinghua's insistence, the military's search operations have never stopped. Dozens of lifeboats have been recovered one after another, and some soldiers have even been rescued, which is a miracle in the history of warfare.

In the same year and a half, the Sirius was invincible, attacking Saturn first and then returning to Jupiter, destroying hundreds of enemy warships, and making aliens flee.

The moons of Jupiter, the moons of Saturn and other celestial bodies occupied by aliens are regarded by Duan Zhiyang as thorns in the eye, repeatedly destroying them with super nuclear bombs, constantly weakening the war potential of the aliens, and completely reversing the situation of the war. During this period, the aliens People are too tired to cope, unable to fight again.

The appearance of the Sirius signifies that human beings have taken the initiative in this war and shifted from strategic defense to strategic counter-offensive.

Before the appearance of super battleships, no one believed that a battleship could change the situation of war, but the Sirius, which was born across the world, turned the tide on its own, and achieved the goal that the combined fleet had never achieved.

Countless people rejoiced at the appearance of the Sirius, and the various honors were countless. Some people called Sirius the first ship in the world, some people regarded it as the **** of war for human beings, and some people thought that it should be called the new one. The Ark of the Times, in short, no matter how prominent the honor, it is not too much to add to the head of the Sirius, but it is taken for granted.

Compared with civilians, the military is very calm, Duan Zhiyang and all the crew of the Sirius are also very calm, because they are very clear that although Sirius has achieved a series of brilliant victories, before Sirius, the human fleet has never been Give up and have been fighting for life and death with the alien fleet.

Take the foreign fleet as an example, without a combined fleet, no matter how powerful the Sirius is, it is not an opponent of the foreign fleet. Besides, Saturn, without the expeditionary force to lead the main force of the alien fleet, it is impossible to rely on the Sirius alone. Under the siege of an alien warship, it was swept up and down. Besides, Jupiter, without the unremitting blow of the expeditionary force, without the expeditionary force weakening the aliens again and again, how could the Sirius swept Jupiter?

The more eye-catching the performance of the Sirius, the more slanderous the militaries of various countries, even the North is no exception, the second super battleship has been assembled long ago, but until the battleship was assembled, Beichenzhou failed to build a second one. super engine.

This would be too embarrassing.

Beidu has even lowered the requirements again and again, and does not need Beichenzhou to create a qualified super engine, even if it is not so qualified, as long as the speed of the super warship exceeds that of the alien warship, Beidu can accept it.

Beichenzhou also thought about lowering the standard, but the unqualified super engine is useless at all, and it will burn out in a short time.

The result is that after a full year and a half, humanity still has only one super battleship.

But it doesn't matter, the aliens have been suppressed by humans, and it doesn't make much difference whether there is a second ship.

All countries want to get super warships. Washington and Beijing have conducted countless rounds of consultations. Washington has made numerous promises and tried every means to obtain super warships.

In other countries, too, there are countless open and secret consultations.

Their purpose is not only to get super battleships, but also to break Beidu's monopoly on super battleships!

Even though Beidu and the base group are still allies, there are only eternal interests between countries. The super warships in Beidu's hands make it difficult for the top leaders of all countries to sleep. Only by breaking the monopoly can they sleep well.

Beidu is well aware of this. On the bright side, it is false and condescending, but in fact, he has already made up his mind, and it is impossible to hand over the super battleship to other countries in any case.

Giving a man a hand to hold a hand? What interstellar joke?

The rise of the Republic is a history of humiliation, blood and tears. How many people with lofty ideals shed their blood on the battlefield. After decades of continuous efforts, the Republic has returned to the top of the world. It has finally come to this stage. If you want a battleship, the North will have to give it?

If you don't want to be too beautiful, Bei has too many reasons to refuse all this.

To put it in a bad way, as long as there are super battleships in hand, no one can try to control the northern capital!

Not to mention that the second super battleship has not been built, even if it is built, it will only be held in the palm of my own hands.

sell? That is impossible!

rent? Don't even think about it!

exchange? Are you still awake?

All countries also know that such a powerful super battleship, no matter who it falls into, cannot be handed over to others, but everyone is a bit lucky, what if it succeeds?

The more you can't get it, the more jealous it is. It's just jealousy, and you are getting more and more jealous. I always feel that after Beidu has dealt with the aliens, you will definitely use the super battleship to do something.

A heavy sense of crisis weighs on the top leaders of various countries, making them extremely tormented.

Due to the appearance of super battleships countries tacitly stopped building old-fashioned battleships, but soon after, the base group that could not get super battleships restarted the production line and frantically built various battleships.

The quality is not enough, and the quantity is needed. Since we can't get super warships, we must have large-scale ordinary warships. If Bei has any ideas, the base group will not be passively beaten.

Beidu was very speechless at the crazy actions of the base group. He didn't know whether to say that these people were too dangerous or that they were too wary.

Although the aliens were suppressed by the Sirius, it was based on the special environment of a special period, and the aliens were only suppressed, but never eliminated. Maybe tomorrow, maybe the day after, maybe sometime, the alien fleet will be destroyed. will make a comeback.

No matter how long Beidu is concerned, he will not fight infighting at the juncture where aliens are staring at them. It can only be said that certain countries or certain groups of countries are too sensitive, and they have reached the point where they are all soldiers.

Beidu doesn't care much about this. It's sensitive. It's not bad to build a few more warships. Because Beidu itself can't build a second super warship, it has to retreat and restart the orbital factory to manufacture super gunboats.

By accident, Beidu's move to restart the battleship production line has reassured the base group a lot - if Beidu has the means to mass-produce super battleships, why waste resources and continue to build ordinary warships?

There is only one super battleship, and all countries can tolerate it. If there is a second ship, the top officials of the countries will definitely fry the pot.

The competition between countries has never stopped, but just when everyone is looking into the universe, aliens are quietly changing the earth.

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