Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1563: how long did you sleep

Ye Han had a very long, very long, very long dream. He didn't know when it started, and he didn't know when it would end. He couldn't remember what was in the dream, until a little bit appeared in the darkness where he couldn't reach his fingers. bright.

This bit of light dispelled the dream and also dispelled the darkness, pulling Ye Han up from the dark abyss little by little until he felt his body again.

Unable to think in his confused brain, he instinctively opened his eyes, staring at the snow-white ceiling in a daze, without blinking for a few minutes.

A strange and grotesque voice echoed in his ears. He seemed to know every word, but when combined, he couldn't understand the meaning of the words. It was like one was underwater and the other was on water.

I don't know how long it took, Ye Han fell into darkness again.

When he woke up again, Ye Han's condition had improved a lot. The moment he opened his eyes and saw the ceiling, he immediately realized that this was a hospital ward.

But his brain has only recovered part of the function, and he can only make the simplest logical judgments. A little more complicated thinking is beyond the ability of the brain.

The subconscious told Ye Han that he had to stand up, but after trying several times, he still couldn't control his hands and feet, and he couldn't even do the simplest movements.

The stubbornness in Ye Han's bones was violated. He worked hard all the time, but until he fell asleep due to exhaustion, he failed to reap the fruits of success.

When he woke up for the third time, his brain finally returned to normal, and his body was not as stiff as before.

Ye Han wanted to speak, but there seemed to be something stuck in his throat, so he could only make a slight **** ho sound; he wanted to move his hands and feet, but the response of his hands and feet was extremely stiff.

He kept trying and failing, and finally caught the attention of others, and a young and beautiful face appeared in front of him: "Chief, you are awake!"

Ye Han felt that this voice seemed familiar, but he couldn't remember where he heard it.

The nurse said softly, "Chief, how are you feeling?"

Ye Han moved his lips slowly, indicating that he could not speak.

The guard immediately understood and showed a gentle smile: "Don't worry, your condition is improving. The director said that you will recover in a few days... You must rest more now to get better faster."

Ye Han closed his eyes and fell asleep when he heard the words, and closed his eyes when he couldn't sleep.

Even though he slept for so long, his brain hasn't fully recovered. The more he sleeps, the faster he recovers.

When he woke up for the fourth time, Ye Han felt awake as never before. He tried to move his arms and legs, and everything went very smoothly.

Just when he was about to sit up, the nurse appeared in front of him again: "Chief, are you awake?"

Ye Han carefully cleared his throat: "What is this place?" His voice was extremely hoarse, like a piece of gravel rubbing hard against the ground, which was unbelievably unpleasant.

He knew that this was the sequelae of heavy hibernation, so he didn't panic at all.

With today's medical achievements, this little fault is not a problem at all.

The nurse was used to it and replied with a smile: "Sir, this is Beiyuezhou!"

Ye Han let out a long sigh of relief and whispered to himself, "I'm finally back!"

The guard's handsome face showed a puzzled look: "Sir, what did you say?"

Ye Han shook his head gently and said as clearly as possible, "How long have I slept?"

This time the nurse understood, she smiled and replied, "You slept for four hours."

Ye Han corrected: "I mean, hibernation."

The last two words were exceptionally clear - as he continued to speak, the dry vocal cords gradually recovered, and the voice was much stronger than at the beginning.

The nurse looked embarrassed: "Chief, I don't know your situation very well. I'll call the director for you, okay?"

"I don't need it for the time being." Ye Han's words became clearer and clearer, "Where's my companion?"

The nurse immediately replied: "On the next floor, this is the senior ward, and their rank and position are not enough."

Ye Han felt a little awkward, but secretly rejoiced in his heart, enjoying this kind of superior treatment: "How is their situation?"

The nurse immediately replied: "Colonel Luo has woken up, and like you, he is recovering; Colonel He is still in a coma, but the doctor said it is not a big problem, and said that it will take a while to get out of double hibernation."

"It's not dangerous?" Ye Han asked.

The nurse said, "Colonel Luo should be in no danger, but it's hard to say for Colonel He."

"Why?" Ye Han's face sank, "We are together!"

The nurse blinked, her long eyelashes fluttering like a fan: "Sir, you and Colonel Luo are in relatively good health, so you wake up and recover faster, don't worry, Colonel He's current condition is very good. Optimism, the possibility of recovery is high.”

While talking, Ye Han heard footsteps, and then he heard the nurse's greeting: "Director Li, you are here!"

A middle-aged man's voice sounded: "The chief is awake?"

"Wake up!" The nurse gently helped Ye Han, and a middle-aged male doctor entered Ye Han's line of sight.

The male doctor quickly introduced himself: "Chief, I am Li Deming, director of the rehabilitation department. Do you feel any discomfort?"

Ye Han forced a smile: "I don't have a comfortable place on my body!"

Li Deming was startled and immediately recovered: "Of course, your recovery time is too short, and your body has a recovery process. With your physique, the recovery period will soon pass."

"I don't care about the recovery period, I just want to know what happened to other people!" Ye Han said.

The nurse quickly added: "I have already introduced Colonel Luo and Colonel He."

Li Deming snorted: "Director, the burden of double hibernation on the body is too great, but we are very experienced. Please believe that we will do our best."

"What about the others?" Ye Han asked.

Li Deming stayed for a moment: "Who?"

"Others!" Ye Han said Li Deming's order was uncertain, and hesitantly said: "Chief, we currently only have you and Colonel Luo and He in our rehabilitation department, and there is no one else."

Ye Han was in a hurry, and sat up with his arms up: "Why not? The ones on my ship, the ones on the Shihe, and the Qingzhou, where are all the people?"

Li Deming suddenly realized, and quickly calmed Ye Han's emotions: "Sir, don't get excited, I misunderstood... This matter, it's a long story, your Lei No. 1 lifeboat was delivered in the past few days. , and the people you mentioned were sent over a year and a half ago..."

Ye Han suddenly widened his eyes and stared at Li Deming: "How long have I slept?"

The nurse quickly reminded: "Hibernate!"

Li Deming glanced at the nurse, then looked back at Ye Han: "Sir, I don't know your details very well, I can only tell you that it is September 2036.

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