Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1564: visit


Ye Han's brain was buzzing all of a sudden, and the darkness in front of him almost didn't pass out.

He remembered clearly that the expedition arrived at Saturn on July 8, 2033; the Sirius set off on July 31, 2033; the Shihe abandoned ship on October 2, 2033; the Thunder Mountain The time to abandon the ship is October 14, 2033...

But what did he hear now? In another month, he would have slept for three years?

This is so... so... well, three years seems to be nothing, according to He Lu's calculation, the three of them should sleep for a full seven years before they have a chance to return to Earth. Beiyuezhou, it's just a lot of money, okay?

Thinking of this in his heart, Ye Han's grief and anger immediately returned smoothly, the negative emotions were swept away, and the whole person was extremely happy.

Li Deming and the nurse looked at each other, wondering what was going on with Ye Han.

Ye Han, who had a good idea, asked with a smile: "I have a few questions!"

Li Deming quickly replied: "Sir, you said, I know everything I can say, and I can say everything."

"There's no need for this, just tell the truth." Ye Han waved his hand, "What happened to the Saturn Expeditionary Force in the end? I mean the personnel."

Li Deming said: "Basically everyone who was sent to me woke up, and only six people were not rescued... We tried our best, but we still don't know enough about double hibernation... Oh, yes, the Qingzhou is lucky, When I planned to abandon the ship, I was catching up with the Sirius to Saturn, and the lifeboats were basically rescued by the Qingzhou when it was returning."

Ye Han smiled comfortably: "Old Ruan did a good job!"

Li Deming opened his mouth and almost said that there was still a quarter left to be retrieved. Fortunately, his reaction speed was not bad, so he swallowed the sentence back in time.

Ye Han was immersed in joy and didn't notice Li Deming's abnormality: "What happened in the past few years? Can you find some information for me?"

"Of course there is no problem..." Li Deming just agreed, when the ward was suddenly opened from the outside, and several people filed in. The middle-aged man walking in the front had three generals on his shoulders.

Li Deming was startled, and quickly stood at attention and saluted: "Commander!"

Wu Han waved his hand slightly: "It's okay, let's go out, I just came to see our hero."

Ye Han's eyes widened in surprise, staring at Wu Han and looking at it.

Wu Han couldn't help laughing: "Why, don't you know each other?"

Although Ye Han's brain returned to normal, his thinking was one step slower than a normal person. Only at this time did he straighten out the cause and effect: "Chief of Staff, are you the commander now?"

Wu Han smiled even more happily: "What? Not like it?"

"That's not it, it's just a surprise."

At this time, another person walked out from behind Wu Han, with an unstoppable smile on his face: "Lao Ye, long time no see!"

"Duan Zhiyang?" Ye Han was overjoyed, his eyes immediately fell on Duan Zhiyang's shoulder, "Good boy, all lieutenant generals, yes, I have to salute you when I see you later!"

Duan Zhiyang laughed so brightly: "That's not necessary, I didn't climb on top of you." Halfway through his words, he stopped abruptly and turned his head to look at Wu Han.

Wu Han gave Duan Zhiyang a look of "you are very developed", and said calmly: "Ye Han, in view of your contributions in the Jupiter and Saturn campaigns, the above has decided to promote you to lieutenant general. Don't envy this kid!"

"Haha, that's great!" Ye Han burst out laughing, no matter what, being promoted is something to be happy about, but he soon stopped laughing, "What about the others? How are the others? ?"

The smiles on Wu Han and Duan Zhiyang froze, and finally Wu Han sighed: "Whose situation do you want to know?"

"How is Gao Kai?"

"Severely injured, he lost one arm and two legs. He should have been reborn from the severed limbs, but he took the initiative to join the reconstruction plan, and all the severed limbs were replaced by mechanical prosthetics. If one day in the future, if you don’t want to live like this half-human and half-machine, you can also dismantle the prosthetic limb and let the broken limb grow back.”

Ye Han touched it for a while before spit out a comment: "He's really big enough... What about others?"

Wu Han said: "The mission is out."

"Oh...that Zhang Guoliang..."

"There has been no news." Wu Han said, "until now, the Shi No. 1 lifeboat has not been found."

Ye Han couldn't help being silent, and after a while he said, "How about the aliens?"

Seeing that Ye Han no longer asked about his old friend, Wu Han and Duan Zhiyang breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

It's not that the two of them wanted to hide something, but that the sacrifice in that battle was too great. Maybe the next name Ye Han mentioned was a martyr who had sacrificed for a long time.

The war has been fought for so long, and sacrifice is a heavy topic that can never be avoided, but Wu Han and Duan Zhiyang, they all don't want to mention the names of those martyrs in front of Ye Han.

Wu Han glanced at Duan Zhiyang: "Speak for yourself.

Duan Zhiyang smiled and said: "You don't know yet, the Sirius has been in the limelight in recent years. Wherever there are aliens, there is Sirius. We have been fighting against aliens, regardless of Jupiter or Saturn. , now it is not a threat to us, I will beat anyone who dares to take the lead, it would be good for us not to trouble the aliens, the aliens would not dare to move!"

Ye Han could hardly believe his ears: "Really?"

"Of course it's true, can I fool you in front of the commander?" Duan Zhiyang said dissatisfiedly.

Wu Han said: "It's all true, we have now achieved an absolute strategic To tell you the truth, Beichenzhou has built a second super engine a while ago, waiting for the second super engine. The warship is in service, and the aliens don't even think about turning over!"

Having said that, Wu Han looked at Duan Zhiyang: "Let me tell you in advance, the fleet has undergone major adjustments recently, and the name of the Sirius will be changed."

"Rename?" Ye Han was inexplicably surprised, "Can this be changed too?"

"The Sirius was originally a temporary code name from Beichenzhou." Duan Zhiyang said, "I wanted to change the name of the ship for a long time, but there has been a dispute over it, some say the name of the province, some say the name of the star, and some say the name of the country. Yes, anyway, there are things to say, and after so many years of fighting, there is no result... Chief, what is the name of the decision this time?"

The naming of the Sirius is naturally not that simple. According to the habit of Beidu, the aircraft carrier has always been named after the province.

But the super battleship is not an air carrier, but a new type of warship that surpasses the air carrier. It goes beyond the old naming rules, so naming it with a province will naturally fail. According to the original custom, it is more appropriate to name it with the name of the country.

Therefore, someone proposed to name the super battleship after the ancient country name.

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