Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1565: hero's name

Other naming methods are not as good as using the country name, and there is no support from the northern capital at all. Even naming it with a star is no way.

The official name of the Sirius has been delayed for more than three years. After hearing the news, how could Duan Zhiyang not be curious?

Wu Han understood Duan Zhiyang's mood very well and said with a smile: "It's settled, the Sirius will be renamed Huo Qubing, the second ship will be named Chen Tang, and the names of the subsequent ships are also arranged, Wei Qing, Dou Xian, Ban Chao, Yue Fei, Zong Ze...are national heroes."

"It's not a place name after all!" Ye Han couldn't help expressing such emotion, an inexplicable emotion echoed in his chest.

Those familiar ones are not names, but stars shining in the sky of history, shining forever.

The super battleships are named after them, well deserved.

Ye Han felt that Beidu's decision this time was unprecedentedly wise, but he quickly asked suspiciously: "Chief, I know Chen Tang, I know Zong Ze, but who is Dou Xian? Why have I never heard of it? "

Wu Han said understandingly: "Dou Xian, you don't know, Feng Lang Ju Xu always knows, right?"

"I know, Fenglang Juxu Huo Qubing, and the name of Sirius was changed to Huo Qubing. I support it with both hands!"

Wu Han said: "Since you know Fenglang Juxu, then you should know about Le Shi Yanran. It is also known as the highest military merit in ancient my country along with Fenglang Juxu."

Ye Han's eyes widened in surprise: "Is this Dou Xian?"

He really didn't have much impression of Le Shi Yanran, he just thought he had heard it somewhere, but he was very impressed with the phrase "a glass of turbid wine is a thousand miles away, Yan Ran has no plans to return home".

"It's him." Wu Han said.

"No wonder, no wonder!" Duan Zhiyang repeatedly praised, "I'm surprised that Dou Xian was not mentioned in the history books when I was in school?"

Ye Han snorted coldly: "Some people can't wait to delete Wei Qinghuo Qubing, it's just grandstanding!"

Wu Han waved his hand and said, "I'm not here to discuss textbooks with the two of you, Ye Han, do you have any thoughts on the future arrangements?"

"No!" Ye Han replied without hesitation, "I obey the arrangement of the superior."

After saying this, Ye Han realized that Duan Zhiyang was winking at him, and he couldn't help but have a bad premonition in his heart, but the words had already been said, and it was too late to change.

Wu Han nodded very satisfied: "Well, you have to trust the organization, and it will definitely put you in the most suitable position... Xiao Duan?"

"Arrived!" Duan Zhiyang hurriedly put on a look of not squinting, seeing his expression, no matter who came, he wouldn't believe it, he almost cramped his eyes just now.

"Is there anything you haven't said yet?"

"No more!" Duan Zhiyang's answer was a straightforward one.

"Then let's not disturb Xiao Ye's rest, let's go together." Wu Han said.

"Yes!" Duan Zhiyang agreed and followed Wu Han honestly.

Ye Han wanted to get up to see him off, but Wu Han stopped him as soon as he sat upright: "Okay, you can rest more and wait for you to be discharged from the hospital."

"No, Chief, I have slept for three years, and I want to see the information of the past few years, but this is a hospital after all..."

Wu Han understood what he meant, and said earnestly: "Xiao Ye, your most important task now is to rest, and the rest will be discussed when you leave the hospital."

Ye Han was disappointed, but Wu Han had already spoken out. If he insisted, he would not give Wu Han face, so he could only reluctantly agree.

After Wu Han and Duan Zhiyang left, Li Deming took the nurse into the ward again and asked carefully, "Sir, what information do you want..."

"No need for now." Ye Han said, "You guys go out first, I'll sleep for a while."

Li Deming hurriedly took the nurse away, but Ye Han lay on the bed but couldn't sleep.

This is a public place. According to regulations, any classified documents should not appear here. It is not surprising that Wu Han refused his request.

But the military hospital is also a department of the military after all, and Ye Han lives in an advanced ward... After thinking about it, I always feel that something is wrong.

But no matter how curious he was, he couldn't ask any more questions, he could only keep his mouth shut and wait patiently.

A few days later, Ye Han's body recovered a little, and Li Mingde finally allowed Ye Han to get out of bed. Ye Han couldn't wait to leave the ward and went to the general ward on the next floor accompanied by the guards to visit Luo Qi. .

Luo Qi in the ward was recovering, and Ye Han's arrival made him very happy, but although the two of them had been sleeping for three years, they only felt that they had only a few days after they woke up. There was not much gossip to talk about. After being reminded by the nurse, he left, ready to check on He Lu's situation.

However, He Lu had just woken up and was still in isolation in the intensive care unit. No one was allowed to visit. He could only take a look from a distance through the glass.

Ye Han's eyes were sharp, and he saw that He Lu in the intensive care unit was covered with patches and pipelines. He didn't look like a person, but a damaged machine.

Seeing He Lu, Ye Han could completely imagine what he looked like when he just woke up.

"How is he doing?" he asked the nurse worriedly.

The nurse replied, "It's okay, as long as you wake up, you'll be fine."

Ye Han couldn't help but nodded, there was nothing wrong with what he said.

With the current medical level of human beings, the problem of the body is really not a big problem, especially after the fusion of cells, the physical fitness of the whole person is almost improved by leaps and bounds. As long as there is no problem with the brain, it is not a problem to replace the organs of the whole body.

A few days later, Duan Zhiyang came to the hospital The moment Ye Han saw him, he immediately jumped up from the bed: "Haha, your kid is finally here, when will I be discharged from the hospital?"

Duan Zhiyang was inexplicably asked by Ye Han: "You have to ask the hospital about this, how do I know?"

"I asked, and they said they had to wait a few more days." Ye Han raised his arms dejectedly, revealing his well-developed biceps, "You see I've recovered, do I still need to be hospitalized? When I am discharged from the hospital, I have to check this and that, there are so many tests waiting, no matter how good people are, they have to have their blood drained!"

Duan Zhiyang laughed loudly: "The hospital is also for your own good, so you can wait a little longer without delaying anything."

Ye Han immediately remembered what happened a few days ago: "Hey, what do you mean by making eyes with me that day?"

Duan Zhiyang sighed helplessly: "What else is there to say, let you not agree, it won't take long for Chen Tanghao to be built, with your qualifications, you can definitely fight for it, then our brothers will be a good match. , you can't beat me to death!"

Ye Han was even more helpless: "Forget it, if you don't agree, you won't agree? Commander Wu has come in person, what can I do? You dare to refute the commander's face instead?"

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