Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1609: push

The underground city has limited conditions. The operating room is a fully enclosed room without tall glass walls or other observation facilities. If the people inside do not come out, the outside does not know what is going on inside.

To be honest, there is no difference if you can see it. There is no professional present, even if they are standing on the edge of the operating table, they cannot see where the operation is going.

After more than an hour, the operating room finally opened, and a few nurses in surgical uniforms pushed a bed and walked out slowly. Gu Cheng saw that the quilt did not cover his face, and a hanging heart immediately put down: " Doctor, how is she?"

The military doctor took off his mask, with an undisguised tiredness on his face: "Don't worry, the operation was successful. The patient has not yet passed the dangerous period, and he will be fine after 24 hours of observation."

"That's good, that's good!" Gu Cheng didn't know what to say, so he kept expressing his thanks.

The military doctor smiled and waved his hand: "The conditions here are limited, there are few medical staff, and the patient cannot be separated from others. It is best to arrange a few people to take care of her."

"No problem." Gu Cheng agreed immediately, "We'll do it in a few shifts."

The military doctor didn't answer, but gave Ye Han a wink.

Ye Han's heart fluttered, but he and the military doctor had not yet reached the point where they had a heart-to-heart connection. What did this wink mean?

At this time, the military doctor's eyes fell on the wounded on the hospital bed again, thinking of the conversation between the military doctor and Gu Cheng, Ye Han immediately realized: "Captain Gu, how about this, I will also arrange a few people to help, nothing can be missing. manpower."

"No." Gu Cheng refused, "We'll do it in a few shifts. The soldiers are working so hard, so I won't bother you."

"No trouble, no trouble, that's it!" Ye Han didn't give Gu Cheng a chance to shirk at all, and settled the matter directly.

Director Li, who has been with me all the time, said quickly, "I'll arrange a few nurses, they are more professional."

"No, no, let's do it ourselves." Ye Han refused without hesitation.

Just kidding, I haven't figured out what's going on here. How dare he hand over the wounded to Director Li?

Everyone was divided into several paths outside the operating room. The scientific expedition team headed by Gu Cheng followed the medical staff directly and stayed in the ward to take care of the wounded. The military doctor brought a few soldiers back to the operating room. The military doctor put on the power armor directly. The cover is put away directly, and there is no intention to leave it to the dungeon.

After Ye Han waited for the military doctor to come out, he led the team to the place arranged by the dungeon.

Before leaving the hospital, Ye Han asked in a low voice, "How are the wounded?"

"Not bad, let's see if she can survive the dangerous period now."

"Is there a big chance?"

"It shouldn't be a problem. Everything that needs to be dealt with has been dealt with. If the situation is not right, you can urgently inject hibernin. It can be delayed for a few days, and there will be no time to deliver it anywhere." Speaking of this, the military doctor is very regretful Said, "The conditions in this place are too bad. If we receive a direct injection of cell stimulation in our military hospital, this injury will not be a problem at all."

Cell booster is a special drug manufactured by using cell fusion technology. The main purpose of this thing is to regenerate severed limbs. Even limbs can grow back. Repairing cardiac trauma is not a problem at all.

However, the output of this thing is really not very good, and it takes time for the limbs to grow back, so only the military hospital has stocks, and they can't be found anywhere else.

Ye Han was really relieved: "That's good, that's good!"

Although the expedition team lost one person, it was before the expedition team was found. Ye Han could not be blamed for this blame anyway.

But Yuanyuan is different. She was injured when the swarm attacked the convoy. From another angle, it can be said that Ye Han and others were not well protected. The blame must be on Ye Han and others, and there is no place to throw it away.

The team was about to leave the hospital. There was a corner in front of him. The military doctor suddenly pointed to Director Li's back and made a gesture of caution.

Ye Han immediately became alert and opened a separate encrypted frequency band: "What's going on?"

The military doctor lowered his voice subconsciously: "A nurse told me something different in the operating room!"

Ye Han's eyes lit up: "What did you say?"

"We have only been in contact with each other for a short time. If I understand correctly, she seems to mean that there is no problem with the communication equipment!"

Ye Han suddenly felt a sudden shock: "Are you sure?"

"Not sure, but I think that's what it means," said the medic.

"This is strange." Ye Han frowned, "The surnamed Li said that the communication equipment was broken, and now a nurse has appeared and said it is not broken. Who do you think I should trust?"

"It stands to reason that no one should believe it, but I prefer to believe in nurses." The military doctor said, "Director Li is not of high rank, but in the underground city, his power is no worse than that of the Tu emperor. The garrison is all sacrificed, and when only the militia is left, he can easily find several reasons for lying. The nurse is different, she is just an ordinary person, and lying does not do her any good."

Ye Han nodded and suddenly stopped: "The analysis is good, then verify what they said and see who is lying."

The military doctor was stunned for a while, but Ye Han had switched to the public channel: "Attention everyone, Xiao Yuan, Luo Qi, immediately lead the team to the control center, the others and follow me back to the hospital, and execute it immediately!"

Everyone was stunned by this sudden order. After a brief sluggishness, Xiao Yuan and Luo Qi agreed together, and rushed out with the soldiers under their command, which startled Director Li.

Seeing the direction of the troops, Director Li's heart immediately jumped to his throat, but when he turned around, he found that Ye Han and others had already withdrawn to the hospital.

He quickly chased after him: "Captain What's going on? What's going on here?"

Ye Han ignored him at all, and the team didn't stop until they arrived outside the ward where the wounded lived.

Director Li ran over and was about to speak, but Ye Han waved to stop him: "No need to say anything, just wait here!"

Director Li was stunned and opened his mouth to say something. Two soldiers were already standing behind him, one with one hand on his shoulder.

The muscles on his face twitched violently: "How do you say this..."

Ye Han waved without hesitation: "Block it!"

The soldier also did not hesitate, but there was nothing in his hand, so he simply raised his fist and waved: "Shut up!"

Director Li's face was blue and white, but in the end he didn't dare to speak again.

He didn't know what the Qiu Ba who had left were doing, but there was no movement in this matter beforehand, and he didn't ask him about this, and he knew that it was definitely not a good thing after thinking about it.

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