Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1610: Push (2)

Director Li's heartbeat immediately kept beating like a drum. There were countless reasons to say, but Ye Han didn't give him a chance to speak at all.

If they were ordinary people, they would still be able to argue a few words in front of the army. No matter how dissatisfied they were in their hearts, they would not do anything to the ordinary people.

But it would be different if it was replaced by him. This posture and expression were obviously suspicious.

More importantly, this group of people are all right in their suspicions, which is really annoying!

The group of people who had been following Director Li, saw Director Li being controlled by the soldiers, and there was a sudden commotion.

Seeing this, Director Li couldn't help but feel a little hopeful, looking forward to the critical moment, this group of subordinates could come out to rescue him.

The situation is unclear at the moment, no matter how suspicious this group of Qiu Ba is, it is impossible to kill him. This is almost Director Li's last chance.

However, the hope is as great as the disappointment. This group of people is just a commotion, but no one stands up. One by one, they are dawdling, obviously using their own small abacus, and wanting others to be the best.

Director Li almost collapsed on the spot!

Backing the mountain and relying on everyone to walk, can there still be some basic trust between people!

Seeing this scene, Ye Han also sighed in his heart.

It has been more than ten years since the outbreak of the insect plague, and the impulsive, irritable, and irrational ones have almost died in the first few years of the insect plague. "type, this group of people is an example.

A few minutes later, Ye Han received a communication from Xiao Yuan: "Report, armed personnel were found outside the control center!"

"Don't care about them, if they dare to blow up the stab, they will clean up for me!" Ye Han said without hesitation.

Although Xiao Yuan brought a small number of people, it was also a military operation. If he dared to intercept the troops at this time, or armed interception, he could put on the big hat of sabotaging the military operation. There was no reason to shoot him on the spot.

This is also the strength of Ye Han's courage to give this order.

"Understood!" Xiao Yuan responded and led the team to move forward. The armed personnel inside and outside the control center retreated silently, and no one dared to stop the army.

What the hell, there is only a piece of broken armor on one side, and the orbital airborne troops armed to bacteria on the other side. The two are not armed forces on the same level at all.

To put it badly, the soldiers under Ye Han's command are all elites who have stepped down from the battlefield, and their combat effectiveness is considered top-notch in the entire army. In front of them, these militiamen are no better than three-year-old children.

This is the absolute sense of force crushing, as long as there is no problem with the brain, everyone knows how to choose.

Ye Han listened carefully to the sound from the front, but did not hear the sound of gunfire for a while, and immediately put her heart back in her stomach.

He was not worried about the safety of the fighters, just unwilling to clash with the militias.

At this time, Xiao Yuan and others had entered the control center, and the militiamen who were originally guarding here retreated, not knowing where they went.

Xiao Yuan quickly found the communication center and immediately reported to Ye Han: "Captain, we are here, but all the equipment is turned off, and even the power supply is cut off."

Ye Han raised his brows: "Can you connect?"


"How is the equipment?"

Xiao Yuan's eyes swept around: "It looks good, it doesn't look like it has been dismantled... The electricity is connected, there is no problem with the boot, everything is normal!"

Listening to the excited voice on the radio, Ye Han turned to look at Director Li with a gray face: "Contact Beidu immediately and explain the situation."


Ye Han walked in front of Director Li in a few steps, with a smile that was not a smile: "Director Li, you told me that the communication equipment was burnt, and it has never been repaired, but my soldiers told me that all the equipment was intact. , you say, should I believe in you? Or in my warriors?"

Director Li's pale lips trembled a few times, but he didn't say a word.

Ye Han sighed: "I thought, what kind of character are you, why is this cowardly? Dare to do it or not?"

After speaking, he turned to look at Director Li's followers: "What about you? Do you want to follow him all the way to the dark, or change your mind?"

Everyone, look at me, I look at you, even if I don't speak, no one will stand up.

Ye Han showed a playful smile: "I have no right to deal with you, just wait for the news from Beidu."

Almost as soon as the words fell, Xiao Yuan's excited shout was heard in the communication: "Captain, I have contacted Beidu, Bei will talk to you directly!"

Ye Han said solemnly, "Come here!"

The screen in front of him flashed, and an old man in a military uniform with three generals on his shoulders appeared: "Are you Ye Han?"

"Hello, Chief, I am!" Ye Han said.

"Very well, I probably know about the situation in the dungeon. Now, I authorize you to investigate the situation in the West Sixth Fourth Underground City. I want you to find out where the problem is, who is responsible, and the other Find out the real situation of the dungeon, understand?"


When Beidu closed the line, Ye Han let out a long breath: "Xiao Yuan!"


"Take your people to guard the control center, see if you can activate the monitoring system, transfer all the surveillance videos to me, and go through the sieve well!"


"Luo Qi!"


"Bring your people, immediately find out the situation in the core area for me, and then see what's going on outside the core area. I want the most real first-hand information, understand?"


In the end, Ye Han waved to the team members he led: "Separate them and give me a trial one by one, I can't believe I can't ask!"

The soldiers here just took the people Ye Han received another report from Xiao Yuan: the monitoring system is all normal, and the video data from half a month ago has been found, and he is checking the specific content of the video.

Ye Han instructed to first look at the situation of the protective wall, where the digging was done, and what happened after the piercing; then look at how the garrison resisted the swarm and what the process was; finally, look at how the militia supported the battle.

If he couldn't figure out what's going on here, he couldn't let it go.

After solving the problem of surveillance video, Ye Han wanted to communicate with Luo Qi again and asked him if he had found anything.

Luo Qi was so depressed, but he found a few people, but he didn't know what happened recently, and none of them were willing to say more.

This was a pain in the ass, but Ye Han quickly realized that the key to breaking the game had to lie with Director Li.

In order to find out the truth as soon as possible, Ye Han simply ordered Luo Qi to return to the hospital, escorted Director Li and a group of bastards, and walked around the dungeon a few times, so that the people could see clearly, and then cooperated with propaganda, emphasizing that the military had taken over the West. On June 4th, the gang headed by Director Li was completely controlled by the military.

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